Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5932: : The so-called bravery is weak in front of the Jin army

"Rebirth God of War Lu Bu (!

Under the continuous impact, Guishuang soldiers showed a fragile side. They were also the cavalry team. The Jinjun cavalry showed their strength, which shocked the Guishuang cavalry.

In the first fight, the Guishuang cavalry paid a price of hundreds of people. This is the influence of the Jin army\'s three-eyed blunders in the offensive.

As for the combat methods of the Guishuang army, it is difficult to block the impact of the Jin cavalry to a greater extent. Compared with the offensive methods of the Jin cavalry, their offensive methods appear to be so scarce. This is also in the war. An inevitable situation.

When any army is in confrontation with the Jin army, there is a lack of offensive means, which has also led to the Jin army\'s victory in the constant confrontation.

Victory in actual wars can give the Jin army more influence in the offensive.

To promote the rapid development of Jin with the victory of war requires victory in the war. If even the most basic victory in the war cannot be guaranteed, the significance of the appearance of the Jin army in the war will be greatly reduced.

To achieve absolute control of the situation in the war, what is needed is absolutely strong strength. From the performance of the Jin army in the war, it can be seen that the impact of the Jin army will cause the enemy to bear what kind of damage, no matter what What kind of methods will the Guishuang army show in the war? When they respond to the impact of the Jin cavalry, it is always so difficult for such a war method to get the desired effect.

The fierceness and intrepidity displayed by the Jin army in this offensive gave Guishuang soldiers a lot of shock. What they felt from such a battle was the strength of the Jin army.

However, the Jin army, which was always able to win in the war, exhibited fierceness and intrepidity, so that Guishuang soldiers would inevitably have many situations when blocking them.

The constant victories in actual wars are actually quite difficult to obtain. The impact of Guishuang’s soldiers is not unrelenting, but in the face of the Jin’s army’s offensive, they are so fragile and even difficult to fight against the Jin. The impact of the army formed an effective barrier.

The fierceness of Guishuang\'s army can be displayed in the past when Guishuang was turbulent, but in the face of the offensive of the Jin Kingdom\'s army, their so-called toughness can play a role that is so weak.

Once the Jin army finds a chance to win in the war, the soldiers of the Jin army will rely on the fierce fighting methods to make the enemy army feel the fierceness of the Jin army from the war.

The Jin army has obtained opportunities for growth in the constant wars. What can be seen from such wars is the impact that the Jin army’s offensive can have. The Jin army can be said to be relatively satisfied with the situation of such wars. Victory from the confrontation through the formidable fighting method allows the enemy to realize more about the dangers of blocking the attack of the Jin State army from the confrontation.

What Lu Bu did after he took charge of the Jin army allowed the soldiers of the Jin army to show a strong side in the war. What can be felt from the continuous wars of the soldiers of the Jin army is the fierceness of the Jin army\'s offensive.

What the Jin army needs is victory in the war, and it is more eager than Guishuang soldiers, and the performance of the Jin army in the war, victory is inevitable. In this way, the actions of the Jin army in the war are inevitable. You can have a solid foundation.

The reaction of Guishuang soldiers in the war was actually quite fierce, but their performance in the battle was quite difficult to influence the impact of the Jin army soldiers more.

Soldiers Guishuang were at a disadvantage in this war. They blocked the war and wanted to bring more threats to the offensive of the Jin army, even impossible.

Under these circumstances, the Jin army’s offensive made Guishuang soldiers feel the invincibility of the Jin army, and let them realize more of the Jin army’s fierceness from the constant wars.

What can be felt from the war is the fierceness of the Jin army during the offensive. Although there will be dangerous situations in the war, the Jin army will not be afraid of the dangerous situations that appear in the war. As long as it appears on the battlefield, Jin The army will do its best to win the battle, and even the victory of the war will bring more nightmares to the enemy.

A precious Frost Cavalry fell in the war. Their offense could not bring more threats to the Jin army. Although there were also losses to the Jin Army\'s cavalry, the number of damages was much less than that of the expensive Frost Cavalry.

Guishuang’s continuous actions during the war can make the Jin’s army more relaxed in the face of war. Guishuang’s active blockade itself is reasonable. Anyway, Anguanya has Guishuang. There are tens of thousands of soldiers, they also have war experience when blocking the Jin army’s offensive. If more soldiers can be taken away from the battlefield, Guishuang will not say that they will appear more in the subsequent actions to block the Jin army. Dangerous situation.

It’s just that the Jin army won’t let this happen after winning. The Jin army has to rely on the fierce impact to make the Guishuang army suffer more losses in the war, which will affect the overall situation of Guishuang. At that time, what Guishuang needs to bear is more danger.

The methods Lü Bu adopted during the development of Jin were extremely effective. What can be seen from actual warfare is the influence that Jin\'s army\'s war methods can bring to the enemy.

Relying on the continuous victories in the war to promote the rapid development of the Jin country, so that the Jin country will not be said to be in a more dangerous situation when it is developing. The influence of these aspects can enable the Jin army to grow more rapidly.

In this war, the Jin army inflicted heavy damage on Guishuang’s soldiers, and Guishuang’s soldiers realized from the constant confrontation how vulnerable their fighting methods were to the Jin army’s offensive. .

At this time, the Guishuang Cavalry also had the same view. The cavalry team itself is an elite presence in the army. It is said that even if it is difficult to win when blocking the Jin army cavalry, it can still be achieved by blocking the Jin army’s attack for a longer time. , But after the Jin army cavalry launched an offensive, they sadly discovered that relying on this way of fighting, it is too difficult to win from the hands of the Jin army.

The impact of the Jin army is always so fierce, and it can always make Guishuang soldiers realize the cruelty of war from the confrontation.

Only by relying on the victory of the war, and only by making greater achievements in the victory of the war, can the subsequent confrontation be easier.

The Guishuang army had a corresponding method to deal with the impact of the Jin army, but it takes time for such a method to be effective. If you can’t do this better in a specific battle, then The situation will definitely be even more dangerous.

The role of Guishuang soldiers in the war was limited.

The impact of the Jin army cavalry made Guishuang officers aware of the cruelty of the war, and let Guishuang officers see from such a confrontation the impact that the Jin army\'s fierce offensive could bring.

In fact, the methods that Guishuang soldiers showed during the war were not weak, and they were a bit inferior to the Jin country.

In the war, the soldiers of the Jin army can often bring more damage to the enemy, and even make the enemy deeply realize the fierceness of the Jin army during the attack from the confrontation.

How to better block the offensive of Jin\'s army is a science. Anyway, from the current situation, it can be seen that Guishuang\'s army needs improvement in the way it does these things.

Under the crazy offensive of the Jin army, the resistance of Guishuang soldiers was so fragile. Their methods in the war could not bring effective threats to the Jin army. However, under the offensive of the Jin army, there were many damages. .

If the situation in the war is allowed to continue like this, the situation that will arise will definitely be even more dangerous. Why doesn\'t General Guishuang understand the truth.

It\'s just that when the war came, Guishuang soldiers could not turn a blind eye, and Guishuang high-level officials would not allow such things to happen.

There were many dangerous situations in the battle against Jin. When Guishuang soldiers dealt with the war, the tenacity demonstrated can also be seen, let alone what kind of dangerous situations will arise in the war, the soldiers of the Jin army showed. How powerful is the combat effectiveness, what Guishuang soldiers need to do is to block.

The senior leaders of Guishuang were more worried about this war. The main reason was that after they realized the toughness and tenacity of the soldiers of the Jin army during the war, they couldn\'t help but worry. Once a dangerous situation appeared in the war, the overall situation of Guishuang was certain. It will be even more dangerous.

The means Lü Bu showed during his battle against Guishuang caused Guishuang to shake up and down. Just the fierceness of the attack would cause Guishuang soldiers to suffer a lot of losses in the process of blocking.

In fact, when Guishuang soldiers faced the war, they also had a brave side, but their bravery and good fighting were vulnerable to the fierce attack of the Jin Kingdom\'s army.

If the situation in the war is allowed to continue, the results will be even more unpredictable.

Victory in the war can make the situation in the country easier when it develops, but all the monarchs understand the truth. If Guishuang can win the war this time, even if he treats Jin country with arrogance. His attitude is also irrelevant. The key is that the situation after the war cannot be won will be even more embarrassing.

Lu Bu showed shocking strength after taking charge of the Jin Kingdom. The impact of the lieutenant soldiers will make the enemy feel the cruelty of the war. The current performance of the Jin cavalry against the Guishuang army is actually a good illustration. The Jin army soldiers in the war can often show shocking scenes.

During the war, Guishuang soldiers will make the enemy feel the urgency of the situation, and even make Guishuang\'s army more changes in the war.

The situation of Guishuang’s army surrendering in the face of the war is enough to show that the situation of Guishuang’s soldiers is bad. If you persist in the war, it is not very meaningful. It can only make the lieutenant soldiers pay more. The price comes.

The achievements of the Guishuang army in the war are far from that of the Jin State. What can be seen from the continuous war is the rapid growth of the Jin army’s soldiers, and the offensive from the Jin State army is so powerful. And fierce.

During the war, the Jin army will let the enemy feel the horror during the war. Under such a situation, it is impossible for the Guishuang army to do more. They can only learn from the war. Many recognize the fierce attack of the Jin army.

The constant surrender occurred because the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the hope of victory in the war from the confrontation. Their persistence in the war could not play a greater role. In this way, it would be necessary to reverse the situation in the war. Impossible things, after surrendering to the Shanxi army, at least security can be guaranteed.

When the pursuit of lieutenants and generals has been reduced to such a level, how difficult is it to expect such an army to win the battle.

What Lü Bu commander-in-chief of the Jin army can show in the war is extremely terrifying strength, so that the impact of the Jin army can bring more influence to the enemy, and even let the enemy realize the cruelty of war from the constant confrontation. These are all necessary.

However, when the war begins, what achievements the Jin army will achieve in the war is another matter. In fact, there are a lot of dangers that accompany the Jin army during the war, but the Jin army can take a fierce attitude. To solve the problems that occurred in the war, even if the Guishuang army had a tenacious and tenacious performance when blocking the Jin army\'s offensive, it was impossible to influence the impact of the Jin army to a greater extent.

The Jin army is an elite that came out of the war. It has experienced many wars. Their fighting methods are often unbearable by the enemy. It is precisely because of their advantages in this area that the Jin army can be more relaxed in the war. To win.

The achievements of the Jin army shocked the senior leaders of Guishuang. Especially in this offensive, the powerful Jin army launched its offensive power, which was amazing.

Lu Bu\'s achievements in the process of commanding the army of the Jin country are shocking in itself. How to achieve more victories from the confrontation is of utmost importance.

When the war came, the soldiers of the Jin army would use a fierce attitude to let the enemy know how difficult it would be to win from such a confrontation. UU reading www.

Lu Bu has achieved many successes in Jin, and he was also able to show strong methods when he fought in Guishuang.

However, the achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war were shocking. The methods they demonstrated in the war often made the situation in the war more complicated.

Using Lu Bu\'s methods in the war, once Guishuang\'s army failed, the situation would definitely be even more dangerous. After the victory, how could the Jin\'s army give up such a great opportunity?

The Guishuang Cavalry\'s condition at this time was relatively bad, their condition itself was not very good, but after receiving the order, they had to fight the impact of the Jin Army\'s cavalry.

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