Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5642: : Behind the domineering is powerful strength

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It is precisely because of this that when the Jin State army appears on the battlefield, the enemy forces often feel the urgency of the war, and it is even difficult for them to achieve greater success in the battle against the Jin State army.

From the battle, the continuous gains, so that the development of the Jin country can be more rapid, just like the strategy of the Jin emperor, can bring a great deterrent to the enemy forces, imagine that they are facing the Jin army When attacking, as long as you can\'t win, you will pay what price.

It’s not that simple to copy the Jin’s development method.

The Jin army continued its offensive for five consecutive days. During this period, Guishuang’s defenders changed defenses many times, and even continuously reduced their defensive forces. This was also to avoid attacking the Jin army. There were more casualties at the time.

Such an offensive by the Jin army was a great torture for Guishuang soldiers.

The Jin Army cavalry, on the battlefield, makes it difficult for Guishuang to deal with it. It is obviously impossible for the scouts to play a greater role in front of the Jin Army scouts. The Jin Army scouts are investigating the battlefield situation. At the time, he had sharp means. If the Jin army scouts met on the battlefield, it would inevitably be a hard fight.

It is precisely because the Jin army has fierce means when facing wars that the Jin army’s power displayed in the process of attacking the enemy is even more amazing. Just imagine that the Jin army can repeatedly win the war and cannot use the Jin army. A simple description of his strength is strong.

From the Jin army\'s control of the situation on the battlefield, in fact, we can see more of the ways and methods of the Jin emperor\'s response to the war.

However, it was precisely because of the influence that the Jin Kingdom\'s army could have in the war that Guishuang\'s army did not dare to act rashly at this time. They were not sure what kind of danger they would have if they acted.

The defenders of Qushuangcheng and Danbeicheng are not like this. Facing the offensive of the Jin Kingdom\'s army, they can only be passively defensive. Even if they want to convey the news to Anguanya, other means are needed.

If things go on like this, the defense of the two cities will inevitably have other conditions.

Of course, the current situation, the two cities are still good, there is no shortage of food and grass in the city, and it is not a problem to resist the frontal attack of the Jin army.

As for containing the strength of the Jin country, it is not so easy. Around the two cities, there are many Jin cavalry active. The goal of these Jin cavalry is now the scouts of the two cities. , As long as the two cities dared to send scouts to appear, the Jin cavalry would rush forward without hesitation.

Having enough knowledge of the terrain, Guishuang’s scouts can indeed inquire about certain news, but the brutality of the Jin cavalry on the battlefield has made General Guishuang panic. In any case, General Guishuang has also experienced many things. It was war, but in front of the Jin army, their war experience seemed so fragile, and it was even difficult for them to have more influence on the Jin army.

If they can\'t benefit from the war, they will pay more on the battlefield, so that Guishuang soldiers will not have more confidence in the upcoming war. If possible, they don\'t even want this war to unfold in full.

Behind the hegemony of the Jin Kingdom\'s army is the best proof of their mighty strength. They have the strength to do such things.

In the past, there were many enemy troops who were dissatisfied with the Jin army. However, the fate of these enemy troops is the best illustration. The soldiers of the Jin army have never been afraid of challenges in wars. Their actions during the battle are the best. Proof.

In the process of facing the Jin army, it is very difficult to win the battle. What can be seen from the fierce wars of the Jin army is the inviolability of the Jin army.

Nowadays, the Jin Kingdom demonstrated even more terrifying means during the battle. When they face the enemy, they will not have the slightest fear, and they will even make the enemy pay a heavier price for the war in the confrontation.

Only from the effect of the Jin army\'s conquest can be seen is the terrible Jin army, this is an army that is fearless in war, and their conquest often brings deadly threats to the enemy.

It is an important goal of the Jin army to make Jin\'s development faster by means of war, and make it difficult for the enemy\'s actions to bring more trouble to the Jin\'s army.

The Jin army at the time of the battle is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield, and their every move can even cause the enemy to pay a heavy price.

The development method of the Jin country itself is unimaginable for the senior leaders of Guishuang. Fighting will consume a lot of national power. If you are a little careless in this process, it will even make the situation in the country even more dangerous. However, this situation is so easy to put on the Jin army generals, it is like it is impossible to have an impact on the Jin army generals if the war is going on.

It is precisely because of the toughness of the Jin\'s soldiers that it makes it easier for Jin to experience wars. Their way of fighting is often unbearable by the enemy, and even makes the enemy pay a greater price during the war.

The success of the Jin Kingdom’s army is hard to imitate, and this is where the Jin Kingdom’s emperor is most proud of.

It is inevitable that Jin will encounter a series of problems when it develops. What kind of methods are used to deal with these problems is more related to the future development of Jin.

Dealing with the war with fierce means makes it difficult for the enemy\'s actions to play a corresponding role in front of the Jin army, and even when facing the Jin army\'s offensive, it can only be passively endured. This is the most important.

Wanting to win the battle against the army of the Jin Kingdom is inherently difficult. If some actions cannot be successful, more dangers will follow.

The gains of the Jin army in the war are of great significance to the development of the Jin State, and even make the soldiers of the Jin army more proactive when facing the war.

The benefits of the development of the Jin state are obvious. It can even prevent wars from happening in the Jin state. If the enemy wants to invade the Jin state, there are many things that need to be considered. Let’s talk about the current Jin state. The army is strong, and it is fortunate that the Jin army did not invade them.

Obtaining the benefits from the battle is certainly what the monarch wants to see, but what kind of payment will be made in the war is also crucial. If the battle does not go smoothly, even more costs are paid in the battle. If it is, it is a nightmare for the development of the middle school.

Guishuang’s original situation is still relatively good, but after the defeat of the battle with Jin, the development of Guishuang has been greatly affected. Even the Queen of Guishuang, under these circumstances, can only maintain Guishuang. As for the development of Shuang, it is even more difficult for Guishuang to develop faster than that of Jin.

Jin has many methods in its development. Such methods are not within the reach of Guishuang. When Jin’s army appears in a war and can cause great harm to the enemy’s army, it is the reason for the rapid development of Jin. Occasion.

The way the Jin State developed was shocking, and it was precisely because of the strength of the Jin State emperor that allowed the Jin State to rise rapidly after experiencing the war, and the influence of the enemy on the Jin army on the battlefield was nonexistent.

Facts have proved that the emperor of the Jin country has a sharp means to deal with the war. It is precisely because of the methods of the Jin emperor that the Jin country can avoid more situations when it develops.

Victory from repeated battles allowed Jin\'s development to be guaranteed after the war was over. Under such methods, Jin\'s development was guaranteed.

When the enemy is fighting the Jin army, there are many things that need to be considered. If the strength of the lieutenant soldiers is not enough in the course of the war, the consequences will be even more serious.

Today’s Jin country needs war, and Guishuang’s provocations are intolerable by the Jin This is also an inevitable thing. When the Jin country has a strong strength, when has it been afraid of challenges, but Those who challenge the Jin Dynasty will inevitably be severely punished.

Putting these things on the Guishuang Empire is also no exception. The arrival of the Jin army and the panic of the people in Guishuang is the best proof. The monarch of Shuang understands that their provocation of Jin will only bring more disasters to Guishuang.

It is absolutely impossible for the emperor of Jin to make concessions under such circumstances. In the history of the rise of Jin, there is no such thing.

The powerful Jin emperor led his army lieutenants to appear on the battlefield, and even Dingdong City was breached by the Jin army in one day. The impact on Guishuang can be imagined.

The strong city seems to be unable to play a greater role in front of the Jin army.

Now Anguanya\'s defenders are also in panic. Facing the offensive of Jin\'s army, they don\'t know what strategy they should adopt to have an effect.

The fierce attack of the Jin army brought a lingering nightmare to the defenders of Anguanya.

Not to mention the number and strength of Anguanya’s defenders. When facing the offensive of the Jin army, their defensive methods are weak. Even the equipment on the checkpoints has been attacked by the Jin army from time to time. At the end of the destruction, some of the equipment had to be evacuated from the closed. Only in this way could the fierce offensive that the Jin army was likely to launch later could be resolved.

The appearance of the Jin army on the battlefield can bring great changes to the situation on the battlefield. This is also the pride of the Jin army’s soldiers. Their army is invincible and can create more for the enemy in the war. Death and injury, let the enemy know what will happen to the Jin Dynasty army.