Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5630: : Jinjun Equipment

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Such a move is of great help to the victory of the war. If the Jin Guo army, which is known as invincible, suffers a setback in Anguanya, the Guishuang army will be more relaxed when defending.

It is certainly good to promote the development of Jin by the way of victory in war, so that Jin can be guaranteed when it develops. As long as Guishuang can block the offensive from Jin\'s army, the so-called impact will no longer exist. At that time, Guishuang is still a powerful empire.

When Guishuang generals faced the Jin army, what he lacked was confidence. As long as he could have more improvement in confidence, the rest of the matter would be relatively simple.

Lu Bu’s contribution is of great significance to the development of Jin. It can be said that the current state of Jin without Lu Bu, it is impossible to have the current situation. Just the existence of Lu Bu is enough. Make the situation of Jin state more clear and make it easier for Jin state to face the war, so as not to worry that there will be an irresistible existence in the war.

With Lu Bu\'s army of Jin, that is the wolf in the war. Every time they appear, they bring casualties to the enemy.

From the formation of the Jin army, Ye Kehan ​​saw the plan of the Jin army to attack Anguanya.

The attack is carried out with the Thunderbolt, and the bed crossbow and continuous crossbow can guarantee that the defenders in the pass will not dare to attack at the critical moment of the Jin army’s offensive. The continuous crossbow lathe and crossbow play a huge role in the battle. Yes, of course, if Jin’s army launches an offensive to the level, it is basically impossible to achieve more defensive levels by relying on the power of the crossbow and the crossbow cart.

In the war, Jin’s army was good at fighting head-to-head, attacking the city, and it was inevitable that deaths and injuries would occur. The key was to see whether such deaths and injuries were valuable, and when the lieutenant soldiers paid more for the war. , But it is necessary for the monarch to avenge the sacrificed soldiers in the army in the subsequent command operations.

When experiencing a war, some soldiers may have fear in their hearts. Such a thing is inevitable. When facing the war and seeing the death of Paoze, they will have a lot of fear of the war, even in the face. In the war, it is difficult to display all the strength.

In the process of developing Jin, it is of great significance to allow Jin to be more secure and develop faster after experiencing more wars.

Solving the problems that existed in the development of Jin by means of war, making the situation of Jin more stable, and even gaining more benefits from the war, is there anything more important than such a development method.

Although there will be casualties in wars, in a real war, it is impossible to completely avoid casualties. It is normal for the army to be as strong as the Jin country and suffer casualties when fighting against the enemy.

However, the appearance of Jin\'s army in the war has a great impact on the enemy, and it is often difficult for the enemy to ignore it. It can even make the enemy more taste of the defeat of the war when confronting the enemy.

At the same time as the development of Jin, it is the goal of the Emperor of Jin to make the Jin more powerful, and even to avoid more situations in the process of development. The emperor of Jin is striving for such a goal. From the actual situation, it can be seen that the hard work of the Jin emperor is valuable. With the rapid development of Jin, the Jin emperor’s troop deployment can get more support and bring it to the enemy. The damage is more.

The Jin’s army’s offensive method is absolutely fierce. In this regard, Ye Khan can be sure. When defending the Jin’s army offensive, the defenders need to be more cautious, perhaps after experiencing the initial After the casualties, Guishuang\'s army will be more relaxed when defending.

At first, I paid some price because I was unfamiliar with the Jin army’s offensive methods, but when the offensive methods were found for Guishuang’s soldiers, it would be easier to defend against the Jin army. Panicked at the time of the impact.

The achievements of the Jin Kingdom’s army in the war are amazing in themselves. Such achievements in the war have brought tremendous help to the long-term stability and development of the Jin Kingdom.

It is inevitable that Jin\'s army will attack Anguanya. How to make Guishuang\'s situation more stable when withstanding the Jin\'s army\'s attack is also a science.

When the Jin State army launched an offensive, it was especially important what Guishuang\'s defenders should do to call it a better response.

As a general of Guishuang, what Yekh Khan needs to do at this time is to let Guishuang’s defenders as much as possible to avoid more casualties during the defense process, and it is best to let the Jin country’s army Paying a greater price when attacking, the Jin Kingdom’s army will then realize how difficult it is to break through Guishuang’s solid barriers just by relying on their current methods.

But will such a thing be realized as the general imagined?

The busyness of the Jin Kingdom’s army gave Guishuang’s defenders a bad feeling. For some reason, after seeing these familiar things, they felt that danger was approaching. There were various rumors about the Jin Kingdom’s army at this time. It even appeared in their minds.

Jin’s army’s equipment is not comparable to Guishuang’s attack. If this is the case, if a war breaks out between the two sides, Guishuang’s defenders want to be more effective in responding to the Jin’s attack. Accompanied by more difficulties.

This kind of battle was a nightmare for Guishuang’s defenders, but before the war really started, Guishuang’s defenders still had a glimmer of expectation in their hearts. If the Jin’s army’s offensive was not as fierce as the legend, it would be expensive. Shuang\'s defenders were able to make the Jin army\'s offensive ineffective during the defensive process, or even pay a higher price. Such a war would be successful and would be extremely beneficial to the development of Guishuang.

It was not so easy for Jin’s army to break through Anguanya. Perhaps the persuasion of the generals played a role at this time. Guishuang’s soldiers gradually stabilized their emotions at this time, fighting against Jin. In the process of the Chinese army, even if there is no small danger, as long as you deal with it carefully, it is not a problem to stop the Jin\'s army from attacking.

Although the Jin army is elite, it shouldn\'t be a problem to block the Jin army\'s offensive when Guishuang\'s defenders are backed by An Guanya.

The terrain of Anguanya is extremely beneficial to the defenders. It also has Guishuang troops in Shuangcheng and Danbei. The Jin army needs to beware of the two troops. If the two troops attack, it will cause trouble to the Jin army. Will be bigger.

Ye Khan didn’t expect to let the troops of Qu Shuangcheng and Dan Beicheng take the initiative to fight and cause trouble to the Jin army. The most important thing for the Jin army is the grain road. In terms of familiarity with the terrain, Guishuang’s army has Advantageously, when the arrogant Jin army is not prepared, it is absolutely necessary to find the Jin army\'s food path and let the Jin army pay the price for their arrogance.

Fighting against Jin\'s army is always full of many dangers. If in this process, he can\'t complete the task of blocking the Jin army\'s offensive, he will become Guishuang\'s sinner.

Jin Kingdom has more knowledge about the situation on the battlefield. If you want to win the battle in this way, can it be said that Guishuang will not have more plans to fail.

If the war comes to a critical moment, Ye Khan will show the Jin army the courage that Guishuang should possess, defeat the Jin country’s army, let Guishuang come out of the war, and even make Guishuang’s situation better. It is absolutely necessary.

The power displayed by the Jin army in the course of the campaign is indeed amazing. However, if such a war wants to affect the stability of Guishuang to a greater extent, the senior leaders of Guishuang will not agree, even if it is the Jin army. How strong is it to be able to gain an advantage in the confrontation? The powerful Guishuang army can also block the offensive from the Jin army.

It is difficult for the Jin army to play an imaginary role in this offensive, and it will be of great help to Guishuang\'s subsequent development.

However, it is necessary to wait for the opportunity to invade the Jin army’s grain road. Now that the Jin army has just arrived to attack Anguanya, it must be extremely cautious in the grain road. Even in the vicinity of Qushuangcheng and Danbei city, many Jin troops have appeared. The cavalry guards against the two cities are obvious. If you choose to dispatch at this time, the most likely thing to happen is to fall into the calculations of the Jin army.

One day passed quickly, and the Jin army’s actions outside Anguanya did not stop. Even at night, the soldiers of the Jin army remained in a fighting state. The assembly of thunderbolt vehicles and other equipment never stopped, and they attacked the enemy. It is an extremely important matter in itself, and the Shenji Battalion occupies an important weight in this offensive. As long as the Shenji Battalion can open up the situation in the war, the subsequent war will be more advantageous to the Jin State.

The generals of the Jin Army agree with the capabilities of the Shenji Camp. It is precisely because of the existence of the Shenji Camp that the Jin Army can more easily attack the enemy’s city. Do not doubt that the Shenji Camp will be able to attack at any time. The role played out.

The suppression from the Shenji Camp alone was enough to cause the enemy to pay a heavy price in battle.

After the situation of the war is more favorable for the Jin army, the war will be smoother, and the power of the Jin army will be better displayed in the process of attacking the enemy.

Guishuang must have a corresponding means to prevent the Jin army from attacking, but it is difficult to guess what role such means can play in blocking the Jin army’s attack, but it is certain that the Jin army soldiers The edge is not so easy to stop.