Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5603: : Zhao Yun's suggestion

If you can capture Guishuang, you can imagine how influential Jin will be. Guishuang is a powerful empire and has a lot of influence among neighboring countries, while Jin is notorious. It is often very difficult for the enemy to get benefits from the hands of the Jin army.

The most important thing at present is what kind of strategy should be adopted when attacking Guishuang, how to make the people of Guishuang feel the horror of the war during the attack, so that they dare not have the slightest bit of war when they are fighting against the Jin country army. Snub.

Of course, now Guishuang is absolutely cautious when dealing with the Jin army\'s offensive. As long as the Jin country\'s army initiates an offensive, it will attract a lot of attention from Guishuang and even send troops to Anguanya at any time.

As long as Anguanya is still in the hands of Guishuang soldiers, then Guishuang’s stability can be guaranteed, and he cannot defeat the Jin army in a head-on battle, but with the delaying method, the Jin country’s army has more consumption. Even after letting the Jin country bear more pressure for the war, Jin will have careful consideration when attacking Guishuang.

It is certainly a good thing to win from a battle. If there is no corresponding means when dealing with the war, it is a more dangerous thing. The delay of the war is also a terrible thing for the Jin country. .

After all, the distance between Jin Kingdom and Guishuang is far away. It is not a simple matter to transport Jin\'s materials faster, and in such a process, it is enough for Guishuang to make more positions. Is ready.

In exchange for the victory of the war for the development of the Jin State, Guishuang’s goal is to delay the war so that Guishuang can get more breathing time. From the battle of the Jin State army, what can be seen is the Jin State army’s Horrible, if you encounter such a terrible army in a head-on battle, it is not good news for the people of Guishuang.

As long as there are other situations in the war, it will be able to find a breakthrough for Jin\'s army, and Guishuang will lose more at that time.

Seeing Lv Bu\'s gaze, Sima Yi took a deep breath and calmed down as soon as possible. In front of the generals and in front of Lv Bu, he talked about his views on the coming war, and about Sima Yi. It\'s a good opportunity.

In front of the generals in the army, if you want to have a more important weight, it is necessary to have a certain contribution in the army\'s conquest. Nowadays, Sima Yi\'s identity is the minister of war, but in the army, he is the army. The strategists in the course of the war let their plans play a greater role in the war, so that the soldiers of the Jin army can avoid more losses in the process of attacking the enemy, and the progress of the war will be more important for the development of the Jin country. Favorable, Sima Yi didn\'t dare to neglect these things.

War is an opportunity for military generals. For Sima Yi, why not be so. Sima Yi wants to stand out in the Jin army, wants to have a greater role in the Jin army, and the opportunity to make a comeback is rare. .

The current Jin country has many talents. Among these talents, many are buried. Why can talents be buried? This is because talents do not have the opportunity to show their talents. If they want to be promoted, they must have corresponding abilities. Just work.

In the Jin country, this aspect is particularly important. As long as you have a sufficient understanding of Lu Bu’s character, you will find that no matter where an official or general was a talent under the command of a prince, as long as it is after taking refuge in the Jin country. Able to do something and have enough loyalty to the Jin country, you will be able to get corresponding attention in the future.

Such things are absolutely fatal to the talents under the rule of other princes. After they take refuge in a monarch, they naturally hope to be taken seriously. In this case, the opportunity for the family to develop is an inevitable thing. However, if even the trust of the monarch cannot be obtained, it is impossible for such a talent to have greater deeds under the rule of the monarch.

From the rapid development of the Jin state, what can be seen is the contribution of the Jin emperor to the development of the Jin state. As long as he has a better understanding of the Jin state, he will gradually understand that Lu Bu has contributed to the Jin state.

In the current war, Lü Bu led a lieutenant soldier to appear in the war, which is the best proof.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. What a high position and authority. When facing a war, even if he didn\'t go to the battlefield himself, could it be said that the military lieutenant would say more about it?

But Lu Bu’s choice was to command the army in the battle, so that the soldiers of the Jin army could bring more damage to the enemy in the subsequent war. With such a monarch, the lieutenants of the army should do their best when doing things. It\'s reasonable.

It is unimaginable for the Jin country to rise through war. It is unimaginable in the past dynasties, because the loss of war means that the loss will increase.

Many generals also set their sights on Sima Yi. Sima Yi can be said to be a small name in the court of Jin. The current relationship between Jin and the Anxi Empire is so stable that it has a big relationship with Sima Yi. of.

Officials who can do a good job when they travel to other countries are not a problem to get attention.

The current good situation in the Jin country brought tremendous help to the Jin army when it attacked Guishuang. It is certainly not a problem to allow this situation to continue and to win the final war.

Guishuang has a strong army, but when compared with Jin\'s army, there is a big gap in the combat effectiveness of their army.

"The minister thought that we could attack Anguanya directly and dispatch elite troops to contain the troops of Qushuangcheng and Danbei, so that the troops of the two cities would not dare to act rashly. In this case, our army will attack Anguanya even more It\'s easy, and at the same time, we need to strengthen the security of the food road, so that the enemy can\'t take advantage of it." Sima Yi said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Well, since both Zhongda and Feng Xiao think so, I can\'t say much. I wonder what the generals think?"

"At the moment when it is the key to attacking Guishuang, we must say clearly if there is any good way. This is also to make our war more smooth."

Zhao Yun said: "Holy, the combat effectiveness of Guishuang\'s army is actually not weak. When they face the war, they behave extremely fiercely. Some soldiers, knowing that it is a mortal situation, will still fight hard and deal with Guishuang. You must be more cautious when you are a soldier. It is best to fundamentally dissolve Guishuang so that the soldiers of Guishuang understand that after surrendering to Jin, their lives can be guaranteed."

"It is imperative to attack Anguanya, but in the process of attacking Anguanya, the defenders of Danbei City and Qushuangcheng can be attracted to fight. If the defenders of the two cities dare to fight, they will be defeated directly. The help our army will bring to the attack on Anguanya will be immense."

Lu Bu nodded and said: "What Zilong said, I really agree with him, and I deserve to be a general in our army."

Zhao Yun was not surprised to receive such praise from Lu Bu. Military generals are also used to such things. Zhao Yun’s outstanding performance in the Jin army can be seen, precisely because there are many similar Zhao Yun in the Jin army. Such a general will not say that the Jin army will have more pressure when fighting, and even be able to win more easily when fighting against the enemy.

In the war, if there is a good general to lead the war, the war will proceed more smoothly. The previous incident of Zhao Yun\'s plan to delimit the East City is a good illustration.

Zhao Yun guarding the frontier, he must have a lot of understanding of Guishuang\'s situation, which will be of great help to the Jin country\'s army in the next action.

For more understanding of the enemy’s situation, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com has the opportunity to avoid more losses during the battle.

No matter what kind of record the Guishuang army has in previous wars, it is basically impossible for them to win the battle after they meet the army of the Jin country on the battlefield.

From the fierce performance of the Jin army in previous wars, what can be seen is the terrible strength of the Jin army in the offensive process, not to mention the combat effectiveness of the enemy army. As long as the Jin army appears on the battlefield, victory will be inevitable. It belongs to the Jin army.

Years of battle, so that the generals of the Jin army have absolute confidence in the soldiers under his command.

Guishuang may be outstanding in terms of military strength, but in war, only relying on the advantage of the number of troops, it is not that simple to win the battle.

In the final analysis, war depends on the elite of the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Jin army who performed fiercely in the war are the most terrifying existence in the war. When Guishuang’s army and Jin’s army encounter in the war, the unlucky ones are often Guishuang’s army. This is a good proof. Now, this situation will make it easier for the soldiers of the Jin army to face future wars.

Because the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom knew that they would defeat the enemy in the war.

In this confrontation, it was necessary to defeat Guishuang’s army. Who made Guishuang’s army behave such arrogance in the ordinary? Even the merchants of the Jin country dared to drive them away. With the profound lessons from Guishuang, wouldn\'t it make Jin\'s face suffer under such circumstances?

Jin is a powerful country and a country that has risen from war. No matter what kind of challenge it is facing, as long as Jin\'s army appears on the battlefield, it is not difficult for the enemy to be destroyed in the war. .