Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 546

The broad sleeve Taoist robe, with white beard and white hair, stands in the air. Isn't it Wudang Li Changsheng who once sat opposite Chen Fan drinking tea and discussing Taoism?

"I've met Mr. Chen Xian, Li Changsheng."

Li Changsheng gives a slight look at his head.

But at this time, Li Changsheng was no longer as elegant as he was then. Instead, he had a calm face, no joy, no sorrow, and his eyes looked like overlooking all living beings, with an air of heaven and man.

"Ha ha, long life, long life. After all, the world can't get rid of these two words. "

Chen Fan sighed.

At the moment when beiqiongge revealed that he was an immortal, chen fan thought of this day, but he didn't expect to come so soon. It seems that the cultivation of immortals is too attractive to people on earth. So big that they have no fear of danger, they have to fight to death.

Li Changsheng gave a quiet smile, but did not answer. Instead, he turned his head and said, "master Yao, the three immortals should know each other. As for the other three, let me introduce them to him."

Yao Dao's thunder seal on his hand, standing in the void, filled with thunder and lightning all over his body, and his apricot yellow Taoist robe floating like an immortal. Takeo Watanabe, with his clogs on his feet, dressed in Edo era Samurai clothes and sword in his hand, has a cold look. Sakya Dharma King hands together, benevolent, just like a monk.

Chen fan knows all three very well.

The other three, although Chen Fan didn't know each other, their breath was not inferior to Yao Daoyi. They were all great masters at the top of the divine realm.

"This is Ms. dantai, a goddess who was personally invited from the secret religion by Dr. Sun Yat Sen during the period of the Republic of China when he built the Sifang building to attract strange people and scholars. Ye Qingcang pursued and killed her three times, but he never killed her. "

Li Changsheng pointed to a woman in white.

"I've met Mr. Chen Xian."

Dantai Qingxuan was dressed in white, with a veil on her face. Her feet were stepping on the void, like a Moon Fairy. Her breath is uncertain, like Buddha, not Buddha, not Tao, with a bright, full breath.

When she opened her mouth, her voice was as clear as a pearl falling from a jade plate.

"This is guru Rama, the first guru of Hinduism, chief Brahman. One hundred years ago, it ranked seventh in the list of gods, with the power of dragons and elephants. He once subdued a Mercedes Benz train with one person. "

Li Changsheng spoke again.

Guru Rama is a thin ascetic monk with a calm and refined breath, just like King Kong. He stood there, with his head down, chanting. But like a giant beast, there is a terrible power in his body. Obviously, his achievements in physical training have surpassed those in the world, one section higher than that in Tongshan.

"As for the last Mr. Damon, master Chen Xian may not have heard of him. But another name is "blood devil". Master Chen must know. "

Li Changsheng points to the last one.

Damon has a beautiful face and deep sunken eyes. He seems to be a hybrid of the East and the West. He is wearing a tuxedo, and his whole body is shrouded in darkness. His breath is the weakest.

But Chen Fan's eyes were fixed: "Damon, the third blood devil in the list of gods a hundred years ago?"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Chen beixuan had heard of my name."

Damon's face was full of monstrosity and a smile.

Damon the blood devil.

One hundred years ago, he ranked third in the list of gods, next only to Chinese Ye Qingcang and holy judge of the Holy See. It is said that he is of mixed blood from the East and the West. He was raised in a temple in Tibet since childhood. He has a strange blood line and awakened the extraordinary power of his blood line. He has set off a huge murder case in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and North Africa. Hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered. He was the most ferocious devil a hundred years ago.

The key point is that he also refined the secret methods of the East and the west, and integrated them into one.

"Li Changsheng, Yao Daoyi, Takeo Watanabe, Fawang Sakya, Tantai Qingxuan, guru Rama, Damon the blood devil?"

Chen Fan chuckled:

"a hundred years ago, five of the top ten gods came. I'm very honored."

Except for Li Changsheng and Dan Taiqing Xuan, all of them were regular visitors to the top ten of the list of gods. Besides Ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming who died. The whole East of the divine realm of the strong, all gathered here.

Seven strong men at the top of the divine realm, as well as Li Changsheng.

This line-up, almost a collection of the most powerful on earth. It's much better than the seven men who besieged Ye Qingcang. Even when Lin Shuming came here, he had to drink bitterness on the spot.

But Jiang churan already started to shiver.

Although she had never heard of these seven people, she knew that they were all great masters when she saw them standing up in the void, surging in the dark, shining in the thunder, shining in the light, singing in the Vatican, and the reality.

"Cut the crap, Chen beixuan. Hand over the secret cultivation skills and we'll let you go."

Yao road a palm thunder seal, sound like rolling thunder road.

"That's why you're here?" Chen Fan glanced at Li Changsheng:

"the immortal gate has been opened, and the people inside have come out. Why did you come to me?"

"The gate of immortality is ethereal. It's just the records of our ancestors. It's not unbelievable whether it exists or not. It's the snow god palace. How can we know if master Chen Xianshi is cheating us? "

Li Changsheng chuckled.Even the existence of immortals, many gods are in doubt, not to mention the immortal gate. Snow temple is just Chen Fan's family's words, such as Li Changsheng, an old fox who has lived for more than 100 years, how can he believe Chen Fan's words.

"But the magic power of master Chen Xian can't be fake. They are the same as the people in the Xianmen recorded in ancient books, and even stronger. "

Li Changsheng looked like a torch, pointed to the sky with one hand, and said solemnly:

"I don't know whether Chen Xianshi is a reincarnation of an old monster, an immortal, or an ancient secret collection. As long as master Chen Xianshi tells us where the immortal gate is, or shares his skills with us. I can swear to let Chen Xianshi go at once. "

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan suddenly chuckled and shook his head:

"Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng. I asked you that day, do you dare to have a try? Do you dare? Now I've brought six helpers and I dare? "

"That night, the immortal master asked me, I dare not. Although he has lived for 142 years, he has refined his martial arts and entered the realm of immortals. But before Chen Xianshi's unparalleled power, he was still invincible. But the road to longevity is just around the corner. It's a fight to the death. So what? What's more, we are not necessarily the opponents of immortal master. "

Li Changsheng said, but the light in his eyes is more and more prosperous.

"It's up to you?"

Chen Fan's eyes swept the crowd, and his face showed disdain.

At this time, he became the immortal body of Qingdi, and his cultivation reached the peak of Shenhai. With Lin Shuming's immortal power, chen fan can't help it. No matter how many of them are, what's the use?

"If you're an opponent, you'll know if you've played!"

Yao Dao a cold hum a way.

"Daoyou beixuan, just hand over the secret. I'll turn around and leave. I'll never come back."

Sakya's Dharma King recites the Buddha's name.

"Yes, we don't have any grievances or grudges with master Chen Xian. We just want to find a way to live a long life. Lin Shuming, a genius, has been practicing hard for 60 years, but he can't get out of the world. I'm not willing to die like this. "

Tan Tai sighs leisurely.

"Hand over the secret."

Takeo Watanabe said in short.

"Mr. Chen, as long as you hand over your skills, we will naturally stop talking about peace. Why do you have to fight like a river of blood? And ye Qingcang and the United States are on the side. Do you want to lose with us? "

Damon, the blood devil, looks and tastes.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan's eyes show sarcasm.

Since Chen Fan dares to expose his identity as an immortal, he doesn't care about other people's opinions. For example, Li Changsheng's seven people may be the top of the world. If they join hands, ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming will not be defeated. It can be called the invincible lineup under the earth immortal. But how to put it in Chen Fan's eyes?

The northern xuanxianzun was in the universe, relying on his indomitable fighting spirit and strength. It's hard to measure people's minds. Even the immortal can't count them all. But the power is real. What if all the heavens are rebellious and the universe is hostile?

I'll cut it with one sword!

"Don't talk nonsense, just take him down and ask the secret."

Yao Dao a temper is the most hot, roar a, method Jue a pinch. A thunderbolt came down from the sky and struck chen fan. The whole Yunwu Mountain top was shaken by thunder and lightning, just like the nine sky Thor, dancing the spear.

Facing this challenge, Jiang churan's face turned white.

She is just an ordinary girl, who has seen such a terrible power. Raise your hand to summon thunder. It's not a fairy. What is it? It was the residents of Yunwu Mountain Villa, and even the people in the surrounding area, who stretched out their heads one after another and looked at them in surprise:

"how did it thunder in the daytime? \'

"mole ants are common."

Chen fan was indifferent in his eyes and stood there with his hands behind his back. The surging body protecting Zhenyuan suddenly burst out and turned into a ten foot blue light shield, which enveloped both of them, including the villa on the top of the mountain.


Full of arm thick lightning, split in the cyan mask, just let the mask slightly tremble, to eliminate the invisible.

The thunder and lightning summoned by the great master of heaven can't even break Chen Fan's protective mask? Seeing this scene, guru Rama and Damon, the blood devil, both looked at each other and cherished each other.

The others, though they had seen Chen Fan's divine power, only when they faced chen fan this time did they really realize how strong he was.

"You go away now, and I'll spare your life. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing everything, trampling on your mountain gate and killing your orthodoxy. "

Chen Fan said coldly.


Yao Daoyi's thunder seal in his hand.


Ten times stronger than before, full of purple thunder and lightning with thick and thin trunk, falling from the sky. The power and momentum of this attack are far stronger than those of others. That is, several gods around were shocked.

"The thunder seal of Tianshi Dao is worthy of being the most precious treasure in the world."

Several eyes, without a trace of the scan in the Lei Yin. It's no wonder that the master of heaven is the leader of Taoism, and he can suppress the world with the power of one person."Stubborn."

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and the murderous spirit in his eyes was boiling.

"Today, let the blood of the divine realm spread all over the top of the mountain. After today, there will be no divine realm in the East! "

With Chen Fan finished, it was a golden rainbow that ran through the heaven and the earth. It shot from his waist and went straight to the sky. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!