Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 538

"Chen beixuan won!"

Standing in the open sea, looking into the distance at a woman in white, her voice was cold.

She looks like a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, but when you look at her carefully, you can see that she looks like a mature woman of thirty years old, with a hundred years of vicissitudes in her eyes. It's as if it were a meaningful and mellow ancient book.

"Praise the Buddha of wuliangguang."

An old monk, with a kind eyebrow drooping, stood beside her, recited the Buddha's name, and said calmly:

"benefactor Lin, after all, he can't help Chen beixuan to cultivate his sword Qi. It's a pity that with the great talent of benefactor Lin, he would have become a Bodhisattva of earth immortal thousands of years ago. It's not just a fairy. "

"Hehe, Renxian."

The woman in White said with a sneer: "the fairy among people, it sounds very nice. But when we step into that realm, we really trade life for strength. Unless you don't have to do it all your life, Shouyuan can only use the power of the earth immortal for one hour at most. What's the use of taking it? "

"However, no one can cure Chen beixuan after this battle. It seems that we need to call you together to discuss the countermeasures carefully. " The woman in White said, a trace of sadness flashed across her face.

"Boundless light Buddha."

The old monk's eyebrows drooped and seemed to agree.


and many observers on the coast have been unable to say a word.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the man who was shrouded in the boundless flame, with black eyes and gold armor. The sword that Lin Shuming had saved for 60 years was enough to enter the earth immortal, but it didn't hurt chen fan.

Who else in the world can beat him.

"Invincible in the world, this is the real invincible in the world!"

An old master of xingyimen, his hands shaking, with three parts of exclamation, three parts of fear, and endless worship.

All those who are strong in the divine realm are as deep as water and silent.

No matter Yao Daoyi, Li Changsheng or Lao Qinglong, their eyes are very serious.

Before the war, no matter how much they overestimated chen fan, they never thought of it. Lin Shuming, who stepped into the realm of immortals, burned the sword of Yuanshen, but did not hurt chen fan. You know, Lin Shuming's last sword is a 100000 ton aircraft carrier, which can be split in two.

But this sword only forced out Chen Fan's red flame armor.

"Fifty years ago, ye Qingcang never had the power of Chen beixuan."

Yao Dao a sink voice way.

"In those years, seven of us together besieged Ye Qingcang. Although his fighting power is unparalleled, he is still at the top of the divine realm after all, and his strength can be predicted. However, Chen beixuan blocked the sword of the earth immortal with the power of the divine realm. It's incredible. I can't understand it! "

Li Changsheng shook his head.

There is an end to the highest state of God.

Ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming represent the highest power of the divine realm. You can join hands with one person against several gods. But that's the end of it. It won't be much stronger unless it's a human immortal.

But Chen fan is different. Chen Fan's power is to fight against the immortals. This is too terrible, because everyone confirmed that Chen Fan did not step into the realm of immortals.

It's not a Dixian, but a Dixian. People on earth can't imagine.


Takeo Watanabe's famous sword, with a cross and chrysanthemum pattern, is shaking violently. It seems that he meets a great enemy and wants to get out of his sheath and drink the enemy's blood. But Takeo Watanabe shook his head:

"a warrior should have the spirit of suicide and forgetting death, but a warrior is not a fool. He should not go up knowing that he is invincible."

Chen Fan's strength is the arrogance of Takeo Watanabe, and he has to bow his head.

"Master Chen won."

Hua Yunfeng finally showed a smile on his face.

And the people of beiqiong school were even more relieved. Wang Xiaoyun, Anya and others almost fell to the ground after shaking their bodies. Before the battle was too fierce, to the end, their spirit is almost highly concentrated, now relax down, naturally unable to support.

"After this war, the teacher ascended to the top of the world, not to mention China, but the whole world. I'm afraid he can't find an opponent." Ah Xiu clenched her white fist and said excitedly.

"There's another Ye Qingcang, but he's also immortal. The master can take the sword from the earth immortal, not to mention Ye Qingcang? "

Xuedaisha sneered.

As for the Japanese, Chinese, Southeast Asian and South Asian warriors who watched the war, they were all lost. Chen Fan won, on behalf of the northern Qiong faction, dominating China and dominating the East, which can reproduce the grand occasion of the Vatican.


Chen fan, with his hands on his back, scattered his armor and flew in from the air.

All of them bowed their heads together to pay tribute to the invincible and strong man who ascended the world. Even the four old spirits bowed slightly. They may not like Chen fan, but they must respect his power.

"Although Lin Shuming died, he was a great master. According to my command, anyone who bullies the Lin family after today is like humiliating my beiqiong school. I'll cut it! "Chen Fan said calmly.


Many beiqiong disciples agreed.

Many Eastern warriors, looking at each other, could only nod and answer.

Chen Fan's senses are not good for the Lin family. Lin TA Shan, Lin Pao Jun and Lin Lang Ya all had a grudge against him.

And set traps to kill him. However, Lin Shuming, as a top-level divine realm, did not kill Chen family, but hurt Xue Daisha. This kind of bearing deserves Chen Fan's praise. What's more, chen fan didn't expect that Lin Shuming's last sword would force out his body protection powers.

"I underestimated Lin Shuming at the beginning. I didn't expect that he could use his body to accumulate sixty years of Kung Fu, just to split a sword. However, it can also be seen how difficult it is to get to the nature on earth. With Lin Shuming's unique talent, he was unable to take that step. "

Thinking of this, a haze flashed in Chen Fan's eyes.

He was in the middle of Shenhai. At any time, you can enter the later stage of Shenhai.

But how to impact congenital, it is Chen Fan headache. More resources are needed to enter the natural gas refining period. Unless he finds two or three more of them, chen fan will have to rush in.

"No wonder there hasn't been an immortal on earth for thousands of years."

But Chen fan is not too worried. It will take five years to grind it in. After all, the earth is such a big star that there should be some blessed places.

"Xiaofan, you're not hurt."

At this time, the girls of Wang Xiaoyun have rushed up.

Chen Fan smile: "Mom, I'm ok, don't worry."

Fang Qiong and an Ya also gathered around. Meimou looks at Chen Fan anxiously.

As long as Chen fan is comforted one by one, these people are Chen Fan's closest relatives on earth. They haven't seen each other for a long time, and they have a thousand words to say. Many beiqiong disciples, such as Hua Yunfeng, also came up to salute. There are also many masters and masters of various schools in China, who have also bowed their hands to pay homage.


See the crowd to Chen Fan surrounded up.

Yao road a light hum a, hand Tuo Lei Yin, into a lightning shot away.

Li Changsheng also shook his head. His feet rose to the ground and followed Yao Daoyi. Takeo Watanabe also split the waves and turned back to Japan. Only the old green dragon remained in place.

After pacifying the disciples, Zhuque and others came up.

"General Chen, this is the deputy leader of our Kunlun team, Gu Chenhe and general Gu." The rosefinch introduces a way in a straight line.

"Call me Lao Qinglong."

The old green dragon waved his hand and said casually. He was dressed in an old military uniform, straight as a sword, and defiant. In the war years, he is absolutely proud and brave.

"Mr. Gu."

Chen Fan smiles and nods slightly.

"The battle of General Chen shocked the world and was invincible. If I'm right now. It is not only the major organizations in the dark world, but also many potential old monsters, that is, the great powers in the world have been shocked. It is estimated that Britain, France, the United States and Russia all set up various combat readiness teams and special teams to deal with General Chen. "

Old green dragon said, his face dignified down: "after this war, there should be no one in the world who is the opponent of General Chen. But you know, because of this, you are in the eyes of some people. "

"You mean America?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, America is the real overlord on this star. The only master. Even if China and Russia join hands, they can only barely compete. At that time, with the power of the Holy See, the bishops of the holy land were sent to Europe by American soldiers. The American ambassador broke into the Vatican, read out the presidential order in front of the Pope, and ordered the Holy See to close the door. "

Old green dragon sighed.

"I don't understand that although the United States has nuclear weapons, it can't launch them at will. The United States should be wary of the powerful when they hide in cities. No matter how strong the United States is, it is impossible to deal with so many fairylands at the same time. "

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

"Hey, hey."

Old green dragon laughed, shook his head and said, "you'll understand that later. As long as you know, the United States can't, can't. Unless you have the power to carry nuclear weapons. But that kind of power is not possessed by the earth immortals. "

As he said this, the old green dragon turned his head and went away. Before he left, he heard a sound coming from the wind:

"when General Chen goes to Yanjing, the old man will give general Chen another drink."


Chen Fan responded.

When old Qinglong left, chen fan looked back and saw many warriors, all looking at him in awe.

After the first World War, chen fan was truly invincible in the world. There is no rival but a great power in the world.


as many fighters dispersed, the news of the war broke through the sky of the whole earth like lightning. All the forums, all the dark groups, all the intelligence services, all lost their voices.Chen beixuan won!

He defeated Lin Shuming.

It is said that at the last moment, Lin Shuming used the power of the earth immortal saint, but he was still firmly blocked by Chen beixuan, unharmed. The implication behind this is simply terrifying.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!