Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 517

"It's a pity that the gate of immortals is closed and the road of heaven is closed! What a pity

The beginning of the ancient Scripture is a line of blood characters.

This ancient Sutra, made of special materials, is not gold, not copper, not bamboo, not paper. Thousands of years later, it is still immortal. The ink on it is also very special. The person who wrote this word is agitated, and directly stimulates the bleeding gas from his fingers, which is stained on the ink, just like a bloodstain.

"Is the gate closed? The way to heaven! What does that mean? "

Chen fan was also shocked and looked down.

"When I was young, I learned Taoism and traveled to the mountains of Shu. I learned one of my predecessors' sword classics in fear. After 130 years, I finally became a land immortal and practiced nine flying swords, so I was called" master of sword collection... "

next, I read about the master of the ancient Sutra.

The following is a large story about the deeds of the master of Tibetan sword in those years, including how he walked in famous mountains and rivers, traveled nine days and ten places, practiced flying sword, and deterred the world. At the beginning, the master of Tibetan sword was still at ease. He thought that he was invincible in the world and had the heart of seeking defeat alone.

But after 300 years, the man who hid the sword began to find that the world was like a big cage. Even the earth immortal could not break free, so he began to search for a way to get away from the star. Unfortunately, no matter how he searched the ancient books and set foot in every corner of the earth, he couldn't find a way.

Even if once some road, but also seems to be cut off.

"... at this time, 492 years old, the time is coming. In five hundred years of my life, I have never found a way to leave this world. However, there seems to be an immortal gate in the other place. Unfortunately, it has already been closed and the road to heaven has ended! "

At the end of the story, the master of Tibetan sword came with endless regret.

Chen fan is also infected, silent for a moment.

"Master cangjian is the last immortal on earth. At that time, although there were still several immortals living in the East and the west, they could not find a way to leave. It is estimated that they have already passed away. "

Chen Fan sighed leisurely.

The earth is a dried up death star, whose aura is dim and the way to the end of the world. With Chen Fan's ability, at most, it is in this star that we can cultivate our inborn. As for the golden elixir above our inborn, it is even more difficult.

Since he stepped into Shenhai, he began to consider how to leave the earth.

"Now, there are about three ways."

"The first one is to find out where the immortal gate is, reopen it and step on the road of heaven. If I expected it to be right, the so-called immortal gate and celestial path should be the teleportation array left by the ancient earth's immortal practitioners when they left the earth. With my ability, as long as I find the teleportation array, I can repair it even if it is broken. "

"The second is to cultivate the golden elixir, and the body will cross the void of the universe and fly directly out of the earth. However, the difficulty of the golden elixir is hard to reach the sky. With the aura of the earth, it is difficult to cultivate the golden elixir. And in space, it's dark. Even the friars of Yuanying may fall accidentally. It's too hard for Jindan to travel in the universe. "

"The last one is to wait ten years and take me away when my teacher passes by the earth..."

Chen Fan thinks about it secretly.

The first is the most feasible one. Since there are immortal practitioners on the ancient earth, and they have left. That leaves the way. It's just that we need to find out where the immortal gate is.

The second one is the golden elixir. Chen fan has only 50% confidence in it, which can be carried out together with the first one.

As for the third, chen fan would not consider it unless he had to. The matter of rebirth, after all, is too important. It involves the secret of the universe, time and space, and even the origin. Chen fan does not dare to guarantee that the immortal Cangqing will not be moved.

"But it's all after congenital. I'm just at the beginning of Shenhai, so I should think about how to cultivate congenital." Chen Fan shook his head with a smile and continued to turn.

It was found that this ancient sutra was the one that the sword master had picked up in the mountains of Shu.

It is called Jiuli sword Sutra, which records the ancient sword immortal method.

If Lin Shuming or other gods found this ancient Sutra, it would be a treasure. This is a real cultivation skill. It is directed at nature and spread to the world, which is enough to break the head of all divine realms.

Unfortunately, in Chen Fan's view, this is a small school's nine class skill.

He can find thousands of them at hand.

"But from this sword spectrum, we can infer that the ancient earth's Xiuxian sect is not too strong. If it is really strong, it will not be forced to leave the earth. When you reach the state of returning to emptiness and combining Tao, you will have the great power of nature. How big is it to transform a planet? "

Chen Fan thinks so, throw "nine leave sword classics" conveniently to raise sword Hu.

The Dragon Master is eager to see through. His eyes are blazing, just like a sex wolf seeing a peerless beauty. He also guessed the ancient Sutra, but in the face of Chen fan who has the body of the earth immortal, how dare he do it?

It was only a quarter of an hour. Chen Fan's sword scar on his shoulder had been healed long ago. Such an enemy, the Dragon Master think about it and feel desperate.

"You've entered the cave, and you've seen the earth fairy. Now it's time to make a choice, do you want to live or die? "Chen Fan turned his back and looked at the Dragon Master with great interest.

The Dragon Master's face changed and his heart struggled violently. After all, his desire for survival exceeded everything. He bowed his hand and said, "please let me live. I would like to make a spirit oath, never to be the enemy of the immortal master, and let the immortal master drive me. "


Chen Fan clapped his hand.

He left the dragon master a way to live, but he didn't mean to subdue him. After all, the divine realm of the earth is rare. A Huayun peak may not be able to protect the Chen family, but with the old divine realm of the Dragon Lord, it is totally different from the huge power of the Dragon hall.

Then, in front of the earth immortal, the Dragon Master signed a spirit contract with Chen fan. This contract is much harsher than Hua Yunfeng's. after all, the dragon master wanted to kill chen fan.

As soon as the contract was established, the Dragon Master immediately became respectful:

"thank you, little man. I wish you a long life and a long life."

"Your name is Xie Yan?"

Chen Fan nodded, took out the ancient Sutra from the Yellow gourd and threw it to Xie Yan, saying: "this is your gift for getting started. From today on, as the Dharma protector of beiqiong sect, you have the same status as the sect leader's disciple, next only to me. "

"What is it?"

Xie Yan held the ancient Sutra and looked at the four big characters of Jiuli sword Sutra. He trembled with excitement. He couldn't believe it: "master, you gave it to me?"

"It's just a nine stream sword Sutra. It's nothing. You are good at doing things. I may not be able to pass on your real immortal ceremony in the future. "

Chen Fan disdained to smile and said faintly.

"It's the master... No, the master!"

Xie Yan trembled all over and fell on his knees.

Now, the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall is really convinced. Before that, chen fan, of course, threatened his life and forced him to make a contract. But how can we convince this old man who has lived for hundreds of years?

However, the heroism of Chen Fan and the implication behind it make Xie Yan have to bow his head.

"The sword Scripture of master cangjian points directly to Dixian Avenue. Even if ye Qingcang Lin Shuming was here, he would break his head. Chen beixuan didn't care about it, and he looked dismissive... It seems that the legend is true. Chen beixuan either got the supreme biography or was reincarnated by an ancient monster, otherwise he couldn't have been so terrible at the age of 20. "

Thinking of this, Xie Yan is more respectful.

A 20-year-old hairy child, he may not be convinced. But an old monster who has lived for many years and has great strength in his previous life makes Xie Yan dare not be disrespectful.

And at this time, Chen laoguai is back to hand, looking at the cave contentedly.

"Sect master, this secret collection of earth immortals is not worthy of its name. Except for a volume of ancient scriptures, other ancient books and records have long been turned into dust. The man who hid the sword was known as the last earth immortal, and he did not leave any treasures. "

Thank you for your dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha, what do you know?"

Chen Fan chuckled and kneaded a formula in Xie Yan's puzzled eyes.


A green light from Chen Fan's hands hit the opposite wall. I saw the wall flash, even disappeared out of thin air, revealing a huge stone chamber with a radius of tens of feet.

In the stone chamber, there is a milky spring, which is constantly gushing. The spring has a radius of several meters, but it is not deep inside. The surging aura is tightly pressed in the spring. Only when you walk in can you find that the spring is composed of high concentration of aura.

Around the spring, there is a medicinal field, with several exotic flowers and plants in bloom.

"This is...

Xie Yan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"This is the real value of Dixian cave, a spiritual vein! The real spiritual pulse is ten times larger than the spiritual spring in wolf valley. I don't know how long it took the man who hid the sword to find this spiritual vein. "

A happy smile appeared on Chen Fan's face.

The spirit spring of wolf God Valley pushed him to the top of tongxuan. And this spiritual vein is enough to satisfy his spiritual cultivation. And the biggest difference between Lingmai and Lingquan is that Lingmai is almost inexhaustible and will not dry up. Unlike the spirit spring in the wolf God Valley, if the spirit liquid is taken away, it will hurt the root and can't agglomerate again.

"Besides, the herbs around the spirit pulse are all top quality medicine. None of them is weaker than the viviparous fruit

Chen Fan's eyes flashed over the strange flowers and plants, and his eyes were extremely hot.

"Chiyanguo, wucaiyulian, yinwentiancao... Each one has at least thousands of years of drug age. With these elixirs in the cave and the "Diwu Ding" from the black witch sect, I can make a real "big medicine."

Thinking of this, chen fan decided to act immediately.

In Chen Fan's realm, it is almost a valley. Half a month without eating or drinking is leisure. Thirsty drink spirit liquid, hungry eat julingdan. There are other necessary medicines in his little gourd.

And just when Chen Fan closed the door to practice, the outside world began to change.

PS: the fourth shift is here. Today, the fourth shift is over. How about the monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!