Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 88: old lady

The adrenaline of the old master and He Shouxiang was about to burst, and they asked nervously, "Have you taken it back?"

Ye Qingqing spread out her hands and sighed regretfully, "Let the birds eat only empty shells. It took me a long time to find this good one."

The old master and He Shouxiang\'s faces suddenly collapsed, and their hearts hurt so much that they couldn\'t breathe.

That is the King of Lingzhi!

It was eaten by a **** bird!

The old master shook his head again and again, not doubting Ye Qingqing\'s words, everything has a spirit, and the birds also know that Ganoderma lucidum is a good thing, so they will naturally peck them.

"Girl, the tea leaves from that old tea tree are also very good. In the spring of next year, you can pick them up and sell them. I\'ll give you a high price!" The old master said with a smile.

Tea leaves can be used as medicine in the first place, and the Compendium of Materia Medica has a cloud: tea is bitter and cold, the yin in the yin, sinking, descending, and most able to reduce fire.

The thousand-year-old tea tree that grows on the cliffs absorbs the essence of the world, the sun and the moon, and has a stronger health-preserving effect. A few cups of drinks on weekdays can definitely prolong life. This is what he seeks for himself.

When I get older, I naturally want to live longer.

Ye Qingqing was stunned, "You also charge for tea? How much is a pound?"

"Of course, as long as you pick it up, girl, I will definitely pick it up. The fresh leaves are at least fifty-one kilograms." The master assured.

"Okay, I\'ll go pick it in the spring next year. I\'m old now." Ye Qingqing is very happy, and there is another way to make money. It is estimated that there are still a lot of wild tea on the mountain, and ten pounds is one hundred yuan!

Pippi didn\'t expect that the resources of medicinal herbs are so scarce now that even tea leaves are not spared.

"Turn back to the medicine garden to expand, and get a few wild tea species." Pippi said.

Ye Qingqing took it seriously. Are the tea leaves grown in the space medicine garden considered spiritual tea?

As written in the immortal novels I read in my previous life, drinking spirit tea every day can expel the turbid energy from the body, and the body is as light as a swallow, and maybe one can become an immortal!

"Daydreaming!" Pippi pierced her fantasy.

Now the world\'s spiritual energy is almost gone, at most it can only prolong life, don\'t even think about becoming an immortal.

He Shouxiang dragged the old master aside and whispered, "This little girl is my son\'s friend, and the family is in trouble. This Ganoderma lucidum looks good, and it grows on a thousand-year-old tea tree. Master Chang, please give it a little higher!"

Master Chang smiled, "Don\'t worry, the old lady is collecting Ganoderma lucidum. This Ganoderma lucidum is coming at the right time, and the bid will not be low."

He glanced at Ye Qingqing, who was sitting upright without looking sideways, and secretly admired that he was a well-behaved boy, but unfortunately—

"Manager He, tell your son to let the little girl go, she\'s still young!" Master Chang specifically urged.

Everyone in the pharmacy knows what kind of character He Weishao is. People can\'t say anything. He can earn money and be filial. He looks like a dog. pass.

The old master still likes Ye Qingqing very much, and he can\'t bear to be bullied by wolf paws.

He Shouxiang said angrily, "It has nothing to do with my son, he is a friend of my son\'s friend!"

Niang Xipi, making scrambled eggs with bitter gourd for the little bunny in the evening, which he hates the most, and if he is not settled down, he will marry his wife and give birth to a grandson, and let that boy eat bitter gourd every day.

He Shouxiang asked with concern, "How is the old lady\'s health?"

Master Chang sighed, "I just had an operation, but I found it too late, and I don\'t know how long it will last."

He Shouxiang\'s expression was sad, and he said with regret: "Alas... it\'s really a good person\'s life is not good, the old lady has suffered so much, and she finally enjoys happiness, and she has that kind of disease again, God has no eyes!"