Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 72: 0 years Lingzhi

Ye Qingqing rode for an hour and finally reached the foot of the mountain. She found a secluded place, put on long-sleeved trousers, and her hair was curled up. Following Pippi\'s instructions, she climbed up the mountain from the back.

The back mountain is inaccessible, except that the villagers at the bottom of the mountain occasionally go up to the mountain to chop firewood and collect bamboo shoots. Usually, no one can be seen. The bushes on the mountain are densely packed, and there are many thorns. Son, hot.

"Ouch... I knew I should wear gloves. It hurts to death."

Ye Qingqing looked at her **** paws and wanted to cry without tears.

After all, they are also slender hands!

"Honest!" Pippi sarcastically said, "It\'s just a small injury, it\'s nothing compared to your brother\'s digging!"

Ye Qingqing\'s heart froze, Pippi was right, she was too hypocritical!

She can\'t bear this little pain, why should she take revenge?

The road behind became more and more rugged, and there were more and more thorns. Ye Qingqing almost rolled under the cliff several times, not only on her hands, but also on her face and ankles, adding a lot of new injuries, but she didn\'t feel it at all. Grind his teeth and climb up.

Pippi, who was flying behind, nodded secretly, and followed behind him step by step. If Ye Qingqing was really in danger, it would definitely take action.

The mountains are getting deeper and deeper, the trees are getting higher and higher, and there are countless vines wrapped around them, twisting and twisting like snakes. The dense vines and leaves block the sunlight, and the forest is gloomy. Wearing long sleeves can feel silk. Silk chill.


Ye Qingqing was tired from walking. She grabbed a hanging vine that was the thickness of a child\'s arm. She wanted to rest for a while, but the touch was not right. How could the vine be slippery?

Taking a closer look, the vine was twisted, it turned out to be a two or three meter long snake, Ye Qingqing screamed, her face turned white.

She is most afraid of two animals—

without feet.

Many feet.

She was horrified just to see it, not to mention she touched it with her hands.

Ye Qingqing wanted to cut off the claws of the snake just now, and Pippi sneered again in disdain, "Hypocritical!"

What is there to be afraid of snakes, with it, even cobras will not attack people, afraid of wool!

Ye Qingqing didn\'t defend herself, she really didn\'t have the right to be hypocritical. Lu Qingquan and Ye Lan were ten thousand times more sinister and cunning than vipers. If she wanted revenge, she had to be more vicious and poisonous than these two vipers!

Otherwise, what\'s the point of her coming back?

The deeper the mountain was, the more snakes there were. Ye Qingqing was already numb, and she found that these snakes didn\'t attack her. Even if she accidentally stepped on a snake, she just glanced at her and swam away silently.

Later, she became more courageous. To be precise, she didn\'t take offense. There were as many snakes as spicy sticks by her side, passing by from time to time. She could only be forced to get used to it, otherwise what else could she do?

He fell down, and his body was covered with bruises. Finally, he reached the destination, which was actually a steep cliff. Pippi said that there was an old tea tree on the cliff, with several ganoderma lucidum growing from its roots.

"You pick smaller ones." Pippi instructed.

There are more than ten Ganoderma lucidum plants under the pine roots. The mother plant is nearly a thousand years old. The rest are the offspring and grandchildren of the mother. The mother must not be harvested. It is ready to be transplanted into the medicine garden.

With the aura of this thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, the space should be able to replenish some energy!

The space is actually on Ye Qingqing, but because of the lack of energy, Ye Qingqing can\'t enter even if he is the master. Because it is integrated with the space, he can enter and exit, but he cannot move things in and out. There is no space to recognize the master. Collapsed due to energy fluctuations.

Now that I have recognized the Lord, I can finally transplant medicinal materials!