Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 63: your legs can be healed

Ye Qingqing has already seen it. Lu Mo\'s leg injury is similar to that of the general recorded in the medical classics, so—

"I can really cure your leg, but I can\'t cure you!" Ye Qingqing\'s expression was firm.

Lu Mo suddenly thought that if Ye Qingqing really married him, wouldn\'t it be his surname?

I really can\'t believe this girl!

"How are you going to treat it?" Lu Mo asked deliberately.

Ye Qingqing\'s eyes lit up, she took out the medical scriptures, turned to the leg treatment page, and let Lu Mo read it for himself.

"You don\'t know, my grandfather was an imperial physician, and his medical skills are extremely good. A small injury like yours is not a problem at all. Within half a year, I will definitely make you stand up, even more flexible than before!"

Ye Qingqing made an oath, but Lu Mo was dubious, so he just read it himself.

The medical scriptures in his hand seemed to be some years old, and it was a manuscript with very neat small capital letters. He slowly read the part of the leg treatment, and his heart was full.

Can it really be cured?

Can ancient medicine really be more powerful than modern medicine?

Lu Mo thought it was unbelievable, but he still couldn\'t help but want to try it. The top experts had basically pronounced the death sentence. These legs were no longer saved. It would be better to be a living horse doctor.

It\'s a big deal to have a prosthetic limb amputated!

But he doubted this girl\'s medical skills. He had never studied medicine.

"Trust me, I can definitely learn it. I\'ll experiment with rabbits first..." Ye Qingqing was very confident. The medical scriptures explained in detail how to connect tendons, as well as diagrams.

She practiced a few more times, she would definitely learn it!

Infected by her confidence, Lu Mo swallowed the suggestion that the medical scriptures should be learned from other famous doctors. This medical scriptures should be the secret recipe of the Xu family, and he can\'t be so selfish.

Let Ye Qingqing try it!

The door was pushed open, and Lin Shufang came in with a plate of red jujube cake, and said with a smile, "Qingqing eat the cake, I put red dates, you and Mo can eat it together."

Lu Mo has lost too much blood, and Lin Shufang often cooks food that nourishes blood and qi during this time. Medicine is worse than food!

"Aunt Fang\'s desserts are the best!"

Ye Qingqing took a piece and put it into his mouth. It was sweet and glutinous, and it melted in the mouth. It was delicious, but Lu Mo didn\'t like sweets, he would rather drink bitter medicine.

"I\'ve kept a lot from Xiaotong\'s place. You\'ve all finished eating this plate. I made steamed pork ribs at noon, and you can eat them right away."

Lin Shufang was very happy and didn\'t stay in the room for a long time. She wanted Ye Qingqing and her son to spend more time together, and the relationship would be deeper!

When she came in just now, she saw her son and Qingqing girl talking very close to each other. They looked very intimate.

She can\'t be a light bulb in the house!

Lu Mo stopped Lin Shufang, pointed at Ye Qingqing, and said awkwardly, "She\'s hurt!"

Those two scratches were so dazzling that it made his eyes uncomfortable.

That\'s what happened, and for no other reason, Lu Mo said it three times in his heart, and finally calmed down.

Lin Shufang hurriedly walked back and asked with concern: "Where is the injury? Ah Mo, you hurt Qingqing? You are really..."

"It\'s not about Lu Mo, just a little injury. I got it at home."

Ye Qingqing didn\'t expect Lu Mo to be such an idiot. Lin Shufang would definitely have to read for a long time when she turned around, her ears were full of calluses. She couldn\'t help but glared at Lu Mo, who had no expression on her face!

Lu Mo looked at Pippi, who was drooling at the red dates in the saucer, and the corners of his lips rose slightly. Sure enough, what kind of owner has what kind of pet? tight!