Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 61: coquette

"Does your father care?" Lu Mo didn\'t know where the nameless anger in his heart came from, and his voice became even colder.

Ye Qingqing thought he was angry, and felt even more uneasy in her heart, but when she heard Ye Zhiguo, her anger couldn\'t stop running up, and she suddenly wanted to complain in front of Lu Mo.

"My dad doesn\'t like Xiaotong, he prefers those two oil bottles. Yesterday, Ye Hua led people to bully Xiaotong, and even made Xiaotong pretend to be a dog to drill into his crotch. I was so angry that I beat up all those stinky kids. a meal..."

"The mother of the child in the back came to my house to settle the account, and called Xiaotong a fool. I got angry again, so I got into a fight with that shrew... But I didn\'t suffer, I smashed that shrew\'s head... Ye Hua I also took 20 belts from me, and now I can\'t get out of bed...

Hmph... Who else dares to bully Xiaotong in the future! "

Ye Qingqing couldn\'t hold back and said everything in her heart.

In fact, she also has some intentions. She wants to show her truest self in front of Lu Mo. She is such a girl. She is neither kind nor gentle, but she will be very kind to those she cares about.

Take Lu Mo, for example.

Such as Xiaotong.

She will take out her heart to be nice to them.

Lu Mo\'s heart softened, and more was touched. He thought of some past events.

He is a posthumous child. He has never seen his father since he was born. He has only seen him in photos. Moreover, he is a premature baby. When his mother heard the news of his father\'s sacrifice, he was overwhelmed with sadness and gave birth to him in less than eight months.

Therefore, he has been frail and sickly since he was a child, and he is also very thin. Lu Qingquan, who is a few months younger than him, is not only a head taller than him, but also stronger.

When he was a child, Lu Qingquan and the children in the compound could play together, but he was often isolated and even bullied. Some children would make fun of him for not having a father, and he would fight with these people when he was angry.

But the result was always that he was beaten with a bruised nose.

Mother Lin Shufang has a weak personality, but she often becomes a shrew for him. No matter who bullies him, Lin Shufang will rush to other people\'s homes to reason and let adults discipline the children. Sometimes Lin Shufang will disregard the dignity of adults and personally teach those who bully him. child.

Lin Shufang\'s appearance at that time was the same as Ye Qingqing at this time.

They are so protective of calves!

Seeing that Lu Mo had been silent, Ye Qingqing felt uneasy, and whispered, "I just can\'t get angry... I won\'t fight in the future..."

"What if they still bully Xiaotong?" Lu Mo asked abruptly.

"Beat them to death!"

Ye Qingqing didn\'t want to blurt it out, but her heart skipped a beat. It was too unladylike, she had to pretend, would Lu Mo think she was a savage?


The corners of Lu Mo\'s lips couldn\'t help rising. Although it was fleeting, it didn\'t escape Ye Qingqing\'s sharp eyes. She exclaimed in surprise, "Lu Mo, you look so good when you smile, don\'t put on ice cubes in the future, smile more. Well!"

Lu Mo quickly withdrew his smile and returned to his indifferent face, but said, "I will practice boxing with Iron Egg in the future!"

Injuring the enemy by 800 and self-defeating by 1000 is too bad!

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a while. It took a long while to understand what Lu Mo meant. She looked at him in surprise, "Are you worried about me? I fight very hard, you don\'t have to worry!"

Did Lu Mo also like her a little bit?

Lu Mo looked at Ye Qingqing\'s neck sarcastically, but didn\'t say anything. Ye Qingqing smiled shyly, "They are a family of three, I beat three of them, and I kicked them out!"

"Okay... I\'ll practice boxing in the future, but I want to practice with you. You teach me!"

Ye Qingqing\'s tail was a little longer, and she looked at Lu Mo hopefully.