Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 385: just like wood

Ye Qingqing brought the young man home. The young man was very talkative. After learning that Ye Qingqing was Ye Zhiguo\'s daughter, he kept talking all the way.

However, this young man\'s eloquence is very good, and he is very funny. Even if he talks a lot, it will not be annoying. Ye Qingqing didn\'t ask anything, and this man broke his whole family.

Name, age, job title, family, and even love history were all mentioned. Ye Qingqing just listened to the gossip and didn\'t say a word.

The young man\'s name is Wei Yugang. He is an electrician in a machinery factory. He belongs to a more sought-after job type, and his salary is not low. Besides, Wei Yugang is so handsome. No wonder he has such a rich history of love.

Although Wei Yugang kept saying that he had only been in love once, Ye Qingqing didn\'t believe it at all. How could a man with peach blossoms like him only talk once?

I guess there are a bunch of them!

But none of this has anything to do with her, even if Wei Yugang has a relationship with her.

"Xiao Wei, why did you come back with Qingqing?"

Ye Zhiguo looked at them both in surprise, but there was a little pride in his eyes.

The Ye family was very lively today, and there were many more guests. There were two security guards under Ye Zhiguo, one surnamed Zhang and the other Wang. They used to come to the Ye family for dinner often, and they had a good relationship with Ye Zhiguo.

The other few are unfamiliar faces, Ye Qingqing doesn\'t know them, they are probably Ye Zhiguo\'s new colleagues!

Although Ye Zhiguo is insidious and cunning, his communication skills are very powerful. Every year, the circle of communication expands. Those in the unit who are favored by the leaders, or who he thinks have a future, have all come to Ye\'s house for dinner.

It\'s no wonder that he, a rural man with no background and no backers, was able to become the chief of the security section in a large state-owned factory like Qianjin Machinery Factory, and became a popular man in front of the factory chief.

"We met on the road. I heard that Section Chief Ye\'s daughter is more beautiful than Xi Shi, but today I finally saw it."

Wei Yugang spoke first, with a look of compliment.

Ye Qingqing smiled slightly, not happy because of Wei Yugang\'s praise, but rather disgusted.

Having experienced Lu Qingquan\'s betrayal and deception, what Ye Qingqing resents most now is a man with honey on his mouth!

He said it so nicely, but he didn\'t know what he was thinking in his heart!

Although she always scolds Lu Mo for being a big wood, she likes wood, it makes her feel at ease!

"Qingqing is definitely prettier than Xi Shi. No one knows what Xi Shi looks like, maybe he is just like ordinary people!"

Others complimented them, but with a bit of sincerity. After all, Ye Qingqing is really beautiful!

Ye Zhiguo smiled complacently, and gave Wei Yugang an indifferent wink, Wei Yugang nodded slightly.

But Ye Zhiguo didn\'t know that when he turned around to greet the other guests, Wei Yugang and Shen Yanhong also exchanged glances.

Shen Yanhong has already gone to work and is in charge of cooking in the cafeteria. It is very easy. The Ye family\'s meals have naturally become richer. Especially tonight, there is a table full of chicken, duck, and fish.

The dishes are all made by the old lady. For the sake of her son, the old lady changed her former stinginess and showed her skills.

"Qingqing, these are my father\'s colleagues, just call you uncle." Ye Zhiguo introduced.

Ye Qingqing called a few times, and when it was Wei Yugang\'s turn, Wei Yugang smiled and said, "Don\'t call me uncle, call me old, just call me by my name or my brother!"

Some people were joking.

"I\'m afraid you\'re thinking about it, kid!"

"I must have been tempted to see that Section Chief Ye\'s daughter is so beautiful..."


Ye Zhiguo also laughed, pretending to say, "Don\'t joke around, my Qingqing is still studying!"

But these people are all good people. Seeing that Ye Zhiguo is not really angry, how could he stop, even more explicit!


Ye Qingqing\'s face sank, and the chopsticks fell on the table.



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