Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 377: The heart is getting a stent

"Are you a series of paintings?"

"It\'s not that you said that parallel is parallel, and series is series."

"I asked you to string candied haws? This is a circuit diagram, not a barbecue string. You have to plug in the power supply. Instead of drawing a line and drawing a few more light bulbs, you\'re done!"

Lu Mo\'s mouth was dry, his eyes were shining, and he felt that his hair must have turned white several times.

In other words, the light bulb is not painted red, otherwise it is a standard string of candied haws.

The simplest circuit diagram can be drawn into a candied haws. This girl is too talented, but she is a crooked talent!

Ye Qingqing changed it several times, the paper was almost torn, and finally changed it correctly, Lu Mo showed a kind smile like an aunt.

My niece finally opened up a little bit, I\'m gratifying, but I\'m a little bit relieved that she was defeated in front of chemistry!

"Two oxygens are carbon dioxide, one oxygen is carbon monoxide, FE is iron, and CU is copper. This is the element table you learned in junior high school. Have you returned it to the teacher?"

Lu Mo felt that if he continued to counsel, the heart would have to be fitted with a stent.

The periodic table of elements that everyone in junior high school can memorize, this girl, a dignified sophomore in high school, can even get the most common element codes wrong?

With such a poor foundation, can you catch up in a year?

Lu Mo was deeply suspicious!

In the 1990s, the sound insulation of the room was not good. In addition, the volume of the sound that Lu Mo had unknowingly increased when he was tutoring, Bai Jiani in the outside world could hear it clearly. She couldn\'t help frowning, and her disdain for Ye Qingqing deepened.

What I look down on the most is learning scum. I can\'t even learn the simplest learning. What\'s the difference between such a scum and a pig?

It is estimated that this Ye Qingqing does not understand medical skills at all. Medicine is not something ordinary people can learn. How can an idiot who can\'t even distinguish carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide can learn medical skills well?

But it was a fact that Lu Mo\'s legs were healed. Bai Jiani guessed that Ye Qingqing should have a good recipe in his hand. The wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, many ancient recipes have been lost.

Bai Jiani was moved. If she could get the ancient prescription for treating legs, then her doctoral dissertation would be finished, and she would definitely graduate smoothly!

Then she will be the youngest doctoral graduate of medical school!

"What are you in a hurry? You can\'t learn overnight. You can\'t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Let\'s take it slow."

Ye Qingqing handed water to the fiery Lu Mo and comforted her in an old-fashioned manner. In fact, she was also very anxious. She only knew that high school knowledge would be so difficult, and a year would probably be enough!

If it really doesn\'t work, I can only re-read it!

But in this case, she would have to delay her graduation by a year, and her marriage with Lu Mo would also have to be delayed by a year.

A year, three hundred and sixty-five days, how many days and nights...

Ye Qingqing was very entangled in her heart. Should she repeat the study, or should she grit her teeth?

There was a knock on the door, Ye Qingqing thought it was Lin Shufang, so she answered casually, "Come in!"

But it was Bai Jiani who came in smiling, Ye Qingqing frowned unhappily, why hasn\'t this woman left yet?

"Sister Bai, do you want to stay for dinner?" Ye Qingqing asked angrily.

It\'s just rehabilitation, there\'s no need to guard Lu Mo 24 hours a day, right?

If this surnamed Bai had no bad intentions towards Lu Mo, she would chop off her head and kick it as a ball!

Bai Jiani\'s smile froze. She hated Ye Qingqing who was rude. Like her, she was just a guest of the Lu family. Their identities were the same. What qualifications does Ye Qingqing have to question her?

"In the afternoon, Lu Mo has to do some regular rehabilitation training, and I have to guide me." Bai Jiani explained with a smile, looking at the summer homework on the table, the words "Second Year of Senior High School" were clearly written on the cover.

"There seems to be something wrong with Miss Ye\'s studies. Are you sure about going to university?" Bai Jiani asked with concern.

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