Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 292: ready for surgery

The old man sneered, "Your son kissed Ye Lan on the street, and the old lady of the Ye family arrested him. The Ye family is quite reasonable. Come over and talk about it first. If you don\'t want to propose a kiss, just wait for the old lady to come to the door. Bar!"

"What about coming to the door? Anyway, I don\'t agree. The Ye family is really funny. Ye Lan wants to be rationed to Qingquan? It\'s a daydream!" Yue Hongxia mocked.

The old man couldn\'t hear it well, so he couldn\'t help but choked: "No matter how bad Ye Lan is, at least ****** won\'t let people poke flowers!"

You really treat yourself as a toy, what!

Lu Qingquan\'s complexion changed greatly. After finally growing his lower body, it started to hurt again.

In the past two days, he didn\'t even dare to eat, he only dared to drink some water, but he still couldn\'t avoid going to the toilet. The blood that came out was full of blood, which made him want to die, but his heart hurt even more.

I have nightmares every night, dreaming of that ugly George, pressing him under him...

And those two rows of shining white teeth, and the big mouth as fat as a sausage... every night in his dreams, he doesn\'t dare to close his eyes now, his nerves are like fragile steel wires, ready to go at any time. will be torn off!

"Dad, Qingquan is your own grandson, how can you help outsiders?" Yue Hongxia shouted in dissatisfaction.

"I don\'t have such a disgraceful grandson. I told you about this. You love to propose marriage, but I won\'t come here. Don\'t tell me anything!"

The old man scolded the two couples with blood, and drove them away mercilessly. When he saw this family, he was annoyed, and his heart was filled with panic!

Lu Mo reminded: "Grandpa, Qingqing said that Mrs. Ye wants 10,000 yuan as a dowry!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand impatiently, "Don\'t worry about this, let your second uncle and second aunt make trouble with the old lady, and don\'t get involved!"

Lin Shufang wanted to speak, but she felt that the 10,000 yuan betrothal gift was too high. Lu Mochong shook her head slightly, and Lin Shufang immediately shut up without saying a word.

Anyway, she listened to her son!

The old man was in a bad mood, lost his appetite for food, and was depressed all day. Lu Mo said good news, "Grandpa, Qingqing will operate on my leg tomorrow!"

"Do it tomorrow? Are you sure?"

The old man was really distracted and was very worried.

Lu Mo was confident, "It will definitely be successful. Qingqing performed surgery on 16 rabbits, and they all recovered very well, with a 100% success rate."

The old man laughed happily, and the sadness on his face disappeared, "Okay, okay... The young girl is really amazing, where will the surgery be performed tomorrow?"

"A private hospital, Wei Shao contacted."

In order to ensure that everything is safe, Ye Qingqing asked He Weishao to contact the sterile operating room. Fortunately, it was only a leg operation, and the environmental requirements were not as strict as other major operations, and the operating room of a small hospital could meet it.

The next day, Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo, as well as the old man and Lin Shufang, all went to the small hospital. He Weishao and Ding Ba were both there, and everyone\'s expressions were very solemn.

"Don\'t be nervous, it will definitely succeed!"

Lu Mo saw Ye Qingqing\'s nervousness and comforted her softly. After hesitating for a while, he finally stretched out his hand and held Ye Qingqing\'s hand tightly.

One black and one white, one big and one small, one rough and the other soft... but they are very harmonious.

These big hands made Ye Qingqing calm down quickly, she took a deep breath, smiled at Lu Mo, her eyes became firm.

She will surely succeed!

must also succeed!