Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 177: finally broke out

"You are kind to Miss Qingqing. People are affectionate and righteous to you. You have a cold face all day long, aren\'t you afraid of chilling Qingqing\'s heart?"

He Weishao was a little worried. The relationship is mutual. One party always gives enthusiastically, but if he doesn\'t get the corresponding return, sooner or later his heart will be cold.

Lu Mo\'s face sank, and after a while, he said, "It\'s just right when it\'s cold, we can find a better man."

Ding Ba and He Weishao were taken aback, but they quickly understood their brother\'s thoughts.

It\'s not that I don\'t love.

I just don\'t dare to love.

He Weishao looked at Lu Mo worriedly, and asked in a low voice, "You\'re not hurt by that thing, are you?"

If that\'s the case, we really can\'t delay other people\'s Qingqing girl!

Lu Mo furiously gouged out his eyes, "You\'re the only one who is disabled there!"

He doesn\'t know how good he is, he salutes on time every morning!

He Weishao and Ding Ba breathed a sigh of relief, the key thing was just fine.

"I don\'t want to give you a woolen thread. You have to give a good wife like Qingqing to other men. Is your special mother still a male? I look down on a bear like you. It will be abolished!" Ding Ba has a high ambition.

He glanced at Lu Mo, who had an ugly face, and couldn\'t help but say, "Since you don\'t want to delay Qingqing, why don\'t you do it? Brother, I\'ll take care of Qingqing for you..."

"Go away..." Lu Mo slapped him over.

"Beasts!" He Weishao deeply despised him.

A friend\'s wife can\'t be deceived, something is inferior to a beast!

Ding Ba was slapped by Lu Mo\'s iron sand palm and his spine was almost broken. He bared his teeth in pain and muttered softly, "You don\'t want it anymore, why are you still occupying it..."

Lu Mo stretched out his hand again, Ding Ba was so frightened that he closed his mouth tightly, what the fuck... Lu Mo\'s calf\'s legs are ruined and he can fight like this, she\'s really not a human being!

Ye Qingqing quickly got her ID card. She came to the Public Security Bureau to pick it up half a month later. She put away the household registration book, and turned around and asked Pippi to put it in the space. Only in the space is the safest.

Lu Mo and the others were gone at the gate, Ye Qingqing giggled, feeling warm in her heart.

Although Lu Mo can\'t say nice things, he can do it. He is a typical activist. A good man who can really live at home is 10,000 times stronger than Lu Qingquan, who can only talk sweetly.

Shen Yanhong and Ye Zhiguo came back from get off work together. Her face was not very good-looking. Ye Zhiguo had already told about the household registration on the way. If the household registration cannot be transferred, Ye Hua will not be able to go to No. 2 middle school, and she will not have a good future. She will be in a good mood. Weird.

Mrs. Ye has already prepared dinner, still steamed stinky amaranth, a plate of ten pieces of braised pork, no more or no more, plus a few plates of vegetables.

Shen Yanhong, who was in a very bad mood, finally broke out when the old lady Ye beat Ye Hua who wanted to eat meat again.

She picked up the meat plate and put all the meat into Ye Hua and Ye Lan\'s bowls. Not a single piece was left. She took off her apron and rushed into the kitchen to start frying eggs.

She brought the meat back, so why not let her children eat it?

The hostess of the house can only be her, the dead old woman don\'t want to run wild on her territory!

Ye Qingqing knew that it must be because of the hukou, so Shen Yanhong couldn\'t help but burst out, tsk... It\'s not easy, I finally forced this woman to show her true colors!

Old Madam Ye was taken aback, and it took a long time for her to react, and she was immediately furious.

"Look... the woman you\'re looking for actually treats me like this, does she still have my elder in her eyes... She wants to drive me away... I worked so hard to bring up the three of you, to marry your wives and build a house... Now your wife can\'t tolerate me... What\'s the point of my life..."