Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 802: Recommended haunted house 1

Chapter 802 Recommended Haunted House 1

Shen Mianmian never dreamed that when she returned to her residence, she saw Cheng Xining and Cheng Feiyang sitting in the yard waiting for her. Within a day, after dealing with the two Ruan family, Shen Mianmian felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Now that she saw Cheng Xining again, she only felt a headache and her face sank.

"Mianmian, you\'re back, these sisters and brothers are coming to you again, I can\'t drive them away." Yang Xiaoxi found that Shen Mianmian was back, and immediately ran to complain in front of her. These two people are so annoying, and she also said ugly things. , but they had to wait until Shen Mianmian came back before leaving.

If it wasn\'t for the two of them, she would have to use a broom to chase them away.

Shen Mianmian nodded, indicating that Yang Xiaoxi should not be in a hurry, and then said coldly, "Miss Cheng, if you still come to talk about the matter of breaking off my relationship with Brother He, please come back! I won\'t agree."

Hearing this, Cheng Xining suddenly looked disappointed, but she had thought of this result before. Right now, she is more concerned about the haunted house.

"Shen Mianmian, I\'m not here to talk to you about that."

"Then why are you here?" Yang Xiaoxi asked fiercely.

"Shut up, I\'m not here to find you." Cheng Xining glared at Yang Xiaoxi, she hated Yang Xiaoxi so much, she was annoying to talk too much about everything.


Yang Xiao stomped his feet slyly, and was about to use a broom to drive people away.

Shen Mianmian patted her arm, soothed her, and said, "Miss Cheng, what are you here for?"

Hearing Shen Mianmian\'s answer, Cheng Xining said arrogantly, "Aren\'t you going to buy a haunted house? I know one, do you dare to buy it?"

Shen Mianmian\'s eyes lit up, "Where?"

"Meilin Garden." Cheng Xining raised his chin and said: "There is a small villa there, the price is very cheap, I\'m afraid you won\'t dare to buy it, and you won\'t dare to live in it."

"How much?" This is what Shen Mianmian is most concerned about. She is not afraid of a haunted house, but she is afraid that she can\'t afford it. A small villa doesn\'t sound cheap.

"It\'s around 80,000 to 90,000 yuan! But that place is in the suburbs. You must understand that the houses in the suburbs, if not for the haunted houses, not only the houses around this price are almost sold for 200,000 yuan."

Shen Mianmian\'s heart was moved, eighty-nine thousand yuan a villa, to be honest, this is the price she never dreamed of, it would be a lie to say that she was not moved.

Maybe she was too obvious, Cheng Xining and Cheng Feiyang both saw her thoughts, Cheng Xining was the happiest, but also worried, "Shen Mianmian, even if you don\'t dislike this is a haunted house, can you afford this price? ?"

80,000 to 90,000 yuan is not a small amount. Her family took out 80,000 to 90,000 yuan all at once, and it was a traumatic thing.

Shen Mianmian smiled heartily, "I don\'t need to bother Miss Cheng, but thank you very much for telling me the news. If you can buy it, I will invite you to dinner."

Cheng Xining snorted, "Who wants to eat your meal? The Cheng family doesn\'t lack that food."

Cheng Feiyang finally couldn\'t help but answer, "Shen Mianmian, that house is very wicked, it has killed many people, it has been abandoned for many years, and it can\'t be lived in very much after buying it, it is equivalent to buying a piece of land for 80,000 to 90,000 people. , I advise you not to buy it, or you will definitely regret it."

This time, he forced to come with Cheng Xining, because he was afraid that Shen Mianmian would not buy a house.

(end of this chapter)