Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 692: Who cares that you feed water?

Chapter 692 Who cares that you feed water?

He Nan looked away from Shen Mianmian, raised his feet and walked to the bedside, took the cup from her hand, and directly held up Lu Siyuan\'s head, Lu Siyuan was stunned by his series of actions.

He Nan raised his eyebrows, "Don\'t you want to drink water?"

Lu Siyuan: "…"

Who cares that you feed water?

He held back a breath in his heart, but he couldn\'t help it. He reluctantly took a sip, and he didn\'t want to drink it.

"Come here." Principal Yang called Yang Xiaoxi to Lu Siyuan and said, "Lu Siyuan, this time I came to see you as the principal and Yang Xiaoxi\'s parent."

Yang Xiaoxi said awkwardly: "Lu Siyuan, I know you didn\'t come here to save me this time, but it\'s an indirect way to save me, so I still thank you."

With a change of tone, she said again: "However, don\'t think so, I will treat you like a savior in the future, one yard for another."

Lu Siyuan cut, "Who cares about your thank you."

He didn\'t come to save Yang Xiaoxi at first, that\'s a fact.

"You..." Yang Xiaoxi was so angry at his attitude that he was about to talk back, but was stopped by Principal Yang\'s eyes.

Principal Yang said with an embarrassed expression: "Lu Siyuan, although your behavior this time is considered a righteous act, but the specific situation requires the police to investigate. You injured someone and gathered a crowd to fight. According to the school\'s regulations, fighting is to be punished by the police. I was expelled, but your mother came to the school before and said that she would go through the transfer procedures for you, and the education in Kyoto is better than here, so…”

"Dad." Hearing what he meant, Yang Xiao stomped his feet carefully. Lu Siyuan saved her. How could his father fire someone?

"Don\'t talk." Principal Yang glared at her.

"Principal, I understand what you mean, I will transfer." Lu Siyuan said.

I didn\'t expect him to be so refreshing. Principal Yang was a little surprised and a little ashamed. However, for Lu Siyuan, transferring schools is not a bad thing, at least it sounds better than expulsion.

So he said: "Since you have agreed to transfer, you are not a student of No. 3 Middle School now. What you do outside has nothing to do with No. 3 High School, and No. 3 High School is not eligible to expel you."

"Thank you." Lu Siyuan said, "Principal, I was the one who beat Sun He. One person does things and one person is responsible. I don\'t want to involve others. It has nothing to do with Du Xiaohui."

Principal Yang glanced at Du Xiaohui on the next bed, nodded, and said, "Study in high school is quite stressful. You hurt your arm, not your brain. If you don\'t delay listening to the class, take a two-day break. If there is no major event, go back to school on Monday."

Two students, who usually don\'t cause trouble at school, saved his daughter again, but he couldn\'t keep one, he was very sorry, how could he destroy the other one?

"Thank you, principal." Du Xiaohui\'s eyes turned red.

Lu Siyuan was also relieved, as long as he could keep Du Xiaohui.

Shen Mianmian\'s eyes went back and forth on Du Xiaohui and Lu Siyuan, guessing that the two must have talked about this before, otherwise they would not be so consistent.

Principal Yang cared about the two again and left the hospital with Yang Xiaoxi.

Lu Siyuan glanced at He Nan and said, "Brother He, if you are busy beforehand, Mianmian will just take care of me here."

He Nan heard the words and said lightly: "I have called your home, your mother will be here soon, she will take care of you."

"Did you call my mother?" Lu Siyuan was restless. "Brother He, you have too many things to do. Mianmian doesn\'t go to school on Saturday. What\'s wrong with taking care of me here for a long time?"

(end of this chapter)