Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 674: Don't go to the third high school again.

Chapter 674 Don\'t come to the third high school in the future

Lu Siyuan was a little annoyed by her call. He paused, turned around and asked, "Tian Caiyan, don\'t you have anything to do? Don\'t you have to study? Why come here on Saturday?"

At the beginning, he wanted to stimulate Shen Mianmian, and every time Shen Mianmian nagged in front of him, he felt very happy.

But after a long time, he became a little impatient, and when Yang Xiaoxi messed up like this, he hated Tian Caiyan even more.

Seeing his disgusted expression, Tian Caiyan was very sad, "I just want to spend more time with you, weren\'t you happy before?"

"Who told you that I\'m happy?" Lu Siyuan replied, warning: "Don\'t come to No. 3 High School in the future."

After saying that, he raised his foot and left.

Tian Caiyan wanted to keep up with her, but when he glared back, she suddenly became honest.

Thinking that Zhou Siyu doesn\'t seem to be going home today, she went back to school and happened to meet Zhou Siyu at the school gate. Today\'s Zhou Siyu is very beautifully dressed, and the expression on her face is in sharp contrast to hers.

She felt even more uncomfortable, "dressed up like a goblin, where are you going?"

"I went to Jianbin\'s house to study with him." Zhou Siyu was sensitive to find that her mood was not right, "Didn\'t you go to see Lu Siyuan today? Why are you so unhappy?"

During this time, the relationship between Tian Caiyan and Lu Siyuan seems to be developing well. Every time they come back, they are happy. She has been looking forward to Saturday since Monday. She thought that the two would have a show. Looking at the current situation, it seems that things are not what she thought.

"Forget it, hurry up! I\'m going home."

I wanted to complain to Zhou Siyu, but seeing that Zhou Siyu and Gu Jianbin are developing so well, Tian Caiyan didn\'t want to be compared, and was not in the mood to say it.


Seeing that only Lu Siyuan came alone, Shen Mianmian imitated his usual yin and yang and said, "Yo! Why are you alone today, where is your second middle school bodyguard?"

Lu Siyuan cut out, "What bodyguard? I\'m annoying her to death. It\'s a headache to follow me every day."

Shen Mianmian glanced at him, just in time to see that the army had arrived with a truckload of vegetables, and said angrily, "Go and unload the goods for Brother Jun."

"Unload it, unload it, what is it?"

Lu Siyuan put down his schoolbag and rolled up his sleeves to help the army.

The two people quickly finished writing and unloading a truck of goods. The army rested for a while, and then returned to the village with Lu Siyuan. As soon as the two arrived at the entrance of the village, they were stopped by the villagers.

"Siyuan! Come home and have a look! Your family has a happy event today."

"A happy event?" Lu Siyuan asked strangely, "Auntie, what\'s a happy event?"

The villagers didn\'t say anything cheerfully, "You\'ll know when you go back and have a look."

Lu Siyuan and Da Jun glanced at each other, both of them looked puzzled. When they got to the door, Lu Siyuan heard the voices of aunt and uncle, which rang in the yard. Lu Siyuan had a faint guess in his heart. When he arrived at two familiar figures, his expression changed, and he turned around and walked out.


Grandpa Lu stopped him.

"You kid, your parents are back, you don\'t call anyone, why are you running?" Lu Dagang stepped forward and dragged Lu Siyuan back.

Lu Yun looked at his son, who had grown into an adult, and his tears fell with a snap, "Siyuan."

She reached out to touch Lu Siyuan, but he avoided him.

Feng Wanwan\'s eyes were slightly red when he saw his son. When he left, his son was still a child, but now he has grown into an adult.

(end of this chapter)