Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 627: dog jumping off the wall

Chapter 627

Wang Dongcheng played a good abacus. He said to hide, so he hid without any letter. Li Yue came to look for a few times and couldn\'t find anyone, but he was not stupid. to sell.

This house will not be given to Wang Dongcheng, and it is also a sad place for Li Shiping, and he will definitely not come back to live again. Selling it is the best choice.

Because the location of the house is good and the price is high, people came to see the house almost the second day after the house was hung up, but unfortunately, when others were disturbed by Pan Huiyun, they retreated.

On Saturday, Lu Siyuan came out of the school, and Tian Caiyan, who had been waiting at the school gate, rushed over from the side.

"Lu Siyuan."

"What are you doing here?" Lu Siyuan glanced at her and suddenly showed a disgusting expression. He hated Zhou Siyu, so after learning that Zhou Siyu and Tian Caiyan had a good relationship, they hated them together.

This is the same principle as love house and Wu.

"Lu Siyuan, don\'t lose your temper." Tian Caiyan explained in a good voice, "Since I knew you and Zhou Siyu met last time, I also know who she is, and I have cut off contact with her and stopped playing with her. They all moved to the dormitory, and they don\'t live with them anymore."

"What does this have to do with me?" Lu Siyuan looked impatient.

Tian Caiyan: "…"

had long guessed that he would react this way, but at the moment I still felt a little hurt, but I also felt that such Lu Siyuan was very handsome.

If Lu Siyuan likes her in the future, he will definitely protect her like Shen Mianmian.

Thinking of this, she felt better, "Lu Siyuan, I came to find you this time, in fact, I wanted to report to you."

"What letter?"

"I overheard the conversation between Zhou Siyu and Zhao Xinlan by accident. They plan to come to your principal today to expose Shen Mianmian\'s stealing of money."

"Who said she stole money?" Lu Siyuan suddenly got angry, "Who dares to say she stole money, I\'ll pull out her front teeth."

These people are too capable of being a demon, they are not in the same school, and they will not let Mianmian live in peace.

Tian Caiyan quickly expressed her attitude, "I believe that Shen Mianmian didn\'t steal the money, so I secretly came to tell you."

"..." Lu Siyuan\'s face became better, and his attitude eased a lot, "Okay, I understand, where did you come from, go back to where you are!"

Tian Caiyan: "…"

thought he would be moved, but she didn\'t expect him to be so calm, but seeing that his attitude was better than before, she was still very happy.

"Siyuan, then I\'ll go first, you also quickly report to Shen Mianmian, think of a countermeasure as soon as possible!"

"What countermeasures are you thinking of?" Lu Siyuan snorted disdainfully, "She didn\'t steal money, it was someone else who framed her."


Tian Caiyan didn\'t feel good anymore, Shen Mianmian poured Lu Siyuan\'s ecstasy soup, right?

Lu Siyuan didn\'t pay attention to her expression at all, and went to the store with her schoolbag on her back.

Shen Mianmian was helping in the store, and when she saw Lu Siyuan coming, she looked up while she was busy, "Why are you here so late? Brother Jun has already gone back, and we will have to wait two more hours for the next trip."

"I won\'t be going back this week." Lu Siyuan put his schoolbag on the table, "Zhou Siyu is going to do something in our school, saying you stole money."

"..." Shen Mianmian sneered, not surprised at all, "It must be Wang Dongcheng\'s instigation, Sister Shiping wants to divorce him, he jumped over the wall and picked soft persimmons."

(end of this chapter)