Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 610: Don't call her Mianmian from now on

Chapter 610 Don\'t call her Mianmian

Shen Mianmian glanced at the scores on the test paper and said lightly, "Congratulations."

I thought that Shen Mianmian would be ashamed because she did not perform as well in the exam, but she didn\'t expect Shen Mianmian to be so calm, she turned into a clown jumping beams, and Yang Xiaoxi was angry.

"Shen Mianmian, don\'t think that by pretending that you don\'t care about anything, you can hide your inner inferiority. I tell you, after three years, I will definitely be better than you in the test, and the city\'s first place will be mine."

Seeing her angry look, Shen Mianmian suddenly wanted to tease her, so she deliberately said, "Then you have to hurry up and work hard, after all, I will take the first test in the city again, I just need to keep my grades and improve a little bit, you are different. , you have to beat those who are better than you in the exam."

"You..." Yang Xiao\'s stern face turned red, but what Shen Mianmian said was true, she couldn\'t find anything to refute, she held it for a while before saying: "Shen Mianmian, don\'t be too proud, pride will fail. , I don\'t believe it, after three years, you can still do better than you are now, and I will definitely do better than you."

"come on."

Shen Mianmian made a cheer gesture to her, put the book in her schoolbag, and walked out of the classroom refreshed.

Yang Xiao\'s blushing blushed, his neck thick and his eyes bulging, Lu Siyuan saw this and showed an expression that was not too big of a deal to watch the fun, "I told you to stop a long time ago, but you didn\'t listen, you\'re humiliating yourself. ?"

"Lu Siyuan..."

Yang Xiao stomped her feet slyly and shouted loudly. There was no accident. She was once again cried by Lu Siyuan, and ran out of the classroom with her face covered.

Seeing this scene, Du Xiaohui leaned over and said, "Lu Siyuan, you are really amazing. You made Yang Xiao cry again. In the school, apart from you and Mianmian, few people dare to confront her like this."

"She\'s what you people are used to." Lu Siyuan snorted disdainfully, he was not afraid of Yang Xiaoxi, since he was going to hit the nail, he had to bear the consequences.


Du Xiaohui gave him a thumbs up. When he was in junior high school, he was not convinced by Lu Siyuan, thinking that Lu Siyuan would only bully girls, but in high school he realized that Lu Siyuan bullies everyone, regardless of background.

Lu Siyuan rolled his eyes at him and reminded: "Don\'t call her Mianmian in the future, it sounds disgusting." When did this guy become so familiar with Shen Mianmian? Still, it hurts to hear it.

"What\'s that called?"

Du Xiaohui was dumbfounded.

"Name, otherwise what else can it be called?" Lu Siyuan said three words angrily, "Shen Mianmian."

Du Xiaohui: "..." Is this guy sick?

Here, Shen Mianmian returned to her residence. Li Shiping and Xiaocui had already cooked dinner. After a few people had eaten, Li Shiping asked Shen Mianmian to accompany her back to get things. She came out in a hurry. No, at this point Wang Dongcheng hadn\'t come back yet. They left after taking their things, and they wouldn\'t bump into Wang Dongcheng at all.

However, for the sake of safety, the two still left the child at the residence and asked Xiaocui to help watch.

What they never expected was that the two of them met Pan Huiyun and cousin Wang husband and wife at the door of their house. It turned out that when cousin Wang and his daughter-in-law talked about what Wang Dongcheng said that day, they couldn\'t hold back their excitement. Pan Huiyun came to the city together, but after noon, he couldn\'t get in. Seeing that it was past dinner time and no one opened the door, Pan Huiyun and others were furious.

(end of this chapter)