Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 602: thank you bro

Chapter 602 Thank you, Brother He

He Nan\'s eyes flashed slightly, "Do you mind being an illegitimate daughter?"

Shen Mianmian pouted, "Brother He, although you say that you can\'t choose to be born, but I think that if you can choose, no one wants to be born with the name of an illegitimate daughter. The mistakes made by one generation are passed on to the next generation to bear.”

No matter who it is, as long as it is an illegitimate child, others will point and point behind her back. Even if she is seven or eighty years old, when someone mentions it, she will pull those things out. Although she thinks more clearly, it is because she has no choice. , Now that the truth is revealed, of course she is happy.

At a young age, he thinks things are transparent. He Nan understands her a little more, "Have you ever thought of going over to find your biological parents?"

"No." Shen Mianmian shook his head decisively, "I was picked up, which means that I was not abducted and sold by human traffickers. Therefore, the reason why I separated from my biological parents was probably thrown away by them. Since they chose not to want me, I Why bother to find it again?"

In this era, many parents throw away their daughters in order to give birth to their sons. She probably lost her for this reason. She cannot accept such biological parents. Instead of finding them and making herself unhappy, it is better not to find them.

Anyway, without her for so many years, her biological parents have already accepted it.

"Just make your own decision." He Nan didn\'t want to interfere with her decision, "If you want to find it someday, I\'ll help you."

"Thank you, Brother He." Shen Mianmian narrowed his eyes and showed a sincere smile, "Brother He, I have grown so big, and it has never been so easy as I am now, I feel like a bird that has been freed from bondage, In the future, no one will try to restrain me anymore. I will work hard to go to school, get admitted to Kyoto University, and then make money to buy a house. I will have a home of my own. I don’t have to worry anymore. People are fed up."

Seeing her eyes sparkling as if full of starlight, the smile on her face finally matched the innocence she should have at her age, He Nan felt that her chest softened, and a soft color appeared in her eyes.

Because she was in a good mood, Shen Mianmian ate more for dinner, and her stomach was full. She felt her stomach clumsily and got into the car. Thinking of Li Shiping and her child, she suddenly felt a little worried.

"Brother He, do we want to see Sister Shiping?" Shen Mianmian calmly began to step on Wang Dongcheng, "I met Wang Dongcheng yesterday, he was with a female student, and there was a smug look on his face. The smell of alcohol, I didn\'t drink less when I saw it, and I don\'t know if I went to the hospital to accompany Sister Shiping."

If Wang Dongcheng\'s image stinks one day earlier, Li Shiping can get out earlier, and she no longer has to look at Wang Dongcheng\'s disgusting face.

He Nan\'s eyes narrowed with a dangerous light, and he was quickly hidden by him. Quick Shen Mianmian didn\'t notice, "Do you have a big opinion on Wang Dongcheng?"

As far as he knew, the two were not familiar with each other, but from the first time she met Wang Dongcheng, she seemed to have some hostility towards him and ignored him.


Shen Mianmian groaned in his heart, Big Brother He is so shrewd, could it be her behavior that aroused his suspicion?

Calm down, calm down, she has to be calm, no matter how much Big Brother He doubts, he will never suspect her rebirth.

Thinking of this, Shen Mianmian calmed down, so he spared no effort to step on Wang Dongcheng.

(end of this chapter)