Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 550: Siyu, do you know each other?

Chapter 550 Siyu, do you know each other?

Lu Siyuan hurried to the school gate, but he didn\'t see Shen Mianmian. He thought that Shen Mianmian was gone, and was swearing and complaining when he suddenly heard someone calling from behind, "Lu Siyuan."

Looking back, I saw two men and two women standing under the tree next to the gate. Because it was night and he didn\'t look closely at Tian Caiyan, he didn\'t recognize her, but Zhou Siyu next to him attracted his attention. .

Today\'s Lu Siyuan looks even more handsome than that night, Tian Caiyan\'s face turned red uncontrollably.

Lu Siyuan thought that Zhou Siyu knew that Shen Mianmian was here and came to ask for trouble, his face suddenly sank, in sharp contrast to Tian Caiyan\'s face.

Zhou Siyu\'s face didn\'t look good. She never dreamed that the person who rescued Tian Caiyan was actually Lu Siyuan. If she knew it was him, she wouldn\'t say anything.

I wouldn\'t tell Gu Jianbin about this. I was just looking for a topic at random, but I didn\'t expect to bring up so many things. Lu Siyuan and Shen Mianmian were like conjoined twins. He was here, and Shen Mianmian must be nearby. This, Zhou Siyu looked around in a panic.

Tian Caiyan\'s attention was all on Lu Siyuan, and she didn\'t notice Zhou Siyu\'s expression at all. She trotted to Lu Siyuan\'s side and greeted with a shy smile, "Lu Siyuan, do you remember me? I\'m Tian Caiyan. The little **** saved me."

In order to come to see Lu Siyuan, she got up at five in the morning, wore what she thought was the most beautiful clothes, and used a bow hairpin behind her hair, in order to show her beautiful appearance in front of Lu Siyuan.

"I didn\'t remember it originally, but when you said it, I remembered it."

Lu Siyuan\'s attitude was extremely perfunctory. He didn\'t even bother to talk to Tian Caiyan, and the sense of achievement of the hero saving beauty had long since disappeared. He glanced at her casually, and then fell on Zhou Siyu again.

Seeing that he was indifferent and didn\'t care about her like that night, Tian Caiyan was a little disappointed. Seeing him staring at Zhou Siyu, he was suddenly unhappy, "You saved me, why are you looking at her?"

Lu Siyuan ignored her, but took a step closer to Zhou Siyu, "Zhou Siyu, what kind of demon do you want to be?" Don\'t think he didn\'t see it, she kept looking at Shen Mianmian.

At a young age, he has a wicked mind, and he hates it when he sees it.

"Siyu, do you know each other?" Gu Jianbin asked Zhou Siyu with a puzzled look. Originally, it was Tian Caiyan\'s business. He didn\'t plan to interrupt, but he didn\'t expect that Lu Siyuan knew Zhou Siyu.

Judging from the situation, the two seem to have a holiday.

After getting along for more than a month, he felt that Zhou Siyu was a good person, good-natured, good at learning, and very quiet. He should not have grudges with others, not to mention, the two are not from the same school.

Zhuo Feng was also confused, pointing his hand back and forth between Zhou Siyu and Lu Siyuan, "What\'s going on? Didn\'t Tian Caiyan come to thank the person who saved her? How did Siyu meet him? This is too dramatic, right? "

This scene was also unexpected to Zhou Siyu. Facing Lu Siyuan\'s vicious eyes, her first reaction was to pretend to be innocent, but her mind was quickly thinking of countermeasures.

"What about you? Are you talking? How did you meet Lu Siyuan?" Tian Caiyan glared at Zhou Siyuan angrily. She didn\'t pay attention to Lu Siyuan\'s attitude at all. Nice to meet.

In short, Tian Caiyan attributed Lu Siyuan\'s indifference to Zhou Siyu.

(end of this chapter)