Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 540: stay overnight

Chapter 540 Sleepover

"Go back quickly!" Seeing her standing still, Lu Siyuan urged.

"..." It\'s already very late, and she has to go to school tomorrow. Although Tian Caiyan was reluctant, she had to leave, "I\'ll go to No. 3 Middle School next week to find you."

Tian Caiyan left not long before Xiaocui hurried back and saw Shen Mianmian and Lu Siyuan standing at the entrance of the alley, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right? I searched for a while before I found the phone booth. The police have already been called, and the police will be here soon."

"We\'re fine, the gangster has already run away." Xiaocui was timid, and Shen Mianmian didn\'t scare her.

"That\'s good, that\'s good." Xiao Cui patted her chest, she was really afraid that Shen Mianmian and Lu Siyuan would be bullied.

"Since the police are coming later, let\'s wait here for a while before leaving!" Everyone called the police, so you must tell the police what happened, and don\'t let the police think that someone called a fake police officer.

Sun He is only in his teens. Since he dares to do such a thing, 80% of the time he was brought down by Brother Niu. Maybe he will cause trouble in the future. It is better to tell the police about the situation.

"Then I\'ll wait with you." He was worried about letting the two little girls wait here. Sun He might come back with a carbine, but don\'t save others and hurt himself.

"If you don\'t go back, the school will close." Shen Mianmian reminded him.

Lu Siyuan didn\'t take it seriously, "the door is closed, then I\'ll sleep with you, your living room sofa is quite big, I\'ll be fine to sleep all night, it\'s not very cold now, it\'s so late now, even if I go back now, I won\'t necessarily Able to get to school before closing time."

Shen Mianmian thought about it, he was right, so he didn\'t object anymore.

The three of them waited for more than ten minutes before two policemen came on bicycles. They learned that it was the three of them who called the police. They asked about what happened, and Lu Siyuan told the truth and gave the address of Sun He\'s house.

Knowing that the three were students, the police did not ask them to go to the police station. After questioning, they let them leave.

"Good children don\'t study well, and this time they will be invited to the police station for tea." On the way back, Lu Siyuan did not forget to sigh about Sun He.

Looking back at the beginning, he also felt that he was a little impulsive, but if Sun He didn\'t lie, he wouldn\'t be expelled from the school, both of them were at fault.

"He is only sixteen years old now. If he doesn\'t learn well, it will not be as simple as drinking tea in the future." Shen Mianmian didn\'t want to use bad words to evaluate a sixteen-year-old boy, but since Sun He lied back then From the point of view of things, this guy\'s temperament is really not very good.

At that time, he said those words to expel them from the school.

"Do you think he will get a prison meal?" Lu Siyuan pondered what Shen Mianmian said, and felt that this was what she meant.

"It\'s almost the same!"

Seeing her expression, just like an adult, Lu Siyuan cut off with disdain, "What kind of adult are you pretending to be?"

Just a sixteen-year-old girl, always pretending to be an adult without being ashamed.

Shen Mianmian: "…"

She is an adult, okay?

Others always think that she is pretending to be an adult, but in fact that is her true self emanating from her soul.

The three of them chatted and arrived at the house unknowingly. Shen Mianmian habitually glanced at the door of He Nan\'s room. The door of his room was closed, and there was no light in the crack of the door. Obviously, no one was at home.

During this time, Brother He often traveled on business and spent less time at home. It is estimated that he went on a business trip again.

Opened the door, Lu Siyuan was the first to rush into the room, lay on the sofa, and said comfortably, "I\'ll sleep here at night, you have extra quilts, just give me a cover."

(end of this chapter)