Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 535: Take it out and bring it back

Chapter 535 Take it out and bring it back

The two of them were talking, and soon they walked to the door of the house. Shen Mianmian asked smoothly, "Brother He, have you had dinner? I\'ll cook dinner later, so why don\'t you come and have some?"

He Nan\'s eyes flashed, "I\'ll come over after taking a shower."

Shen Mianmian is not a person who likes to treat herself badly. After her rebirth, her goal is to eat well, drink well, sleep well, and every time she cooks, even if it is only her and Xiao Cui, she will cook two dishes and one soup, with meat and vegetables.

With He Nan, she cooked two more dishes. Big Brother He had a good appetite, so she prepared enough portions for each dish.

She has a habit of cooking, that is, she cuts and washes all the dishes to be cooked before they start cooking.

As soon as the first dish was put into the pot, the doorbell rang from outside, Xiaocui had the key, and it must be Big Brother He outside.

She trotted over to open the door, turned and ran to the kitchen. As she ran, she said, "Brother He, sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while, the meal will be ready soon."


He Nan responded lightly and turned on the TV to watch the news.

There was a smell of meat in the kitchen, and occasionally she could be seen walking around.

Now Shen Mianmian has grown to 1.65 meters, more than 90 kilograms, and there is not a bit of fat on the small waist. Just a back view can give full marks.

He Nan suddenly found that the little girl in front of her was slowly growing into a big girl, not the little girl who was shivering in the cold winter wearing a thin coat in the twelfth lunar month.

She is like a dusty pearl, radiant, and she is more like a bright star at school...

Thinking of those boys who were just beginning to love her, thinking of her with a thief, his eyes could not help narrowing slightly, revealing a faint light like the Timberwolves, dangerous and domineering.

When Xiaocui opened the door and entered the house, she saw He Nan sitting in the living room, with a coldness all over her body.

She and He Nan had eaten together several times, but every time she saw him, she was still very nervous and scared.

"He, he big brother..."

She tried her best to look natural, but as soon as she said it, her emotions were revealed.


He Nan restrained the coldness in his eyes and responded lightly.

Xiaocui didn\'t dare to look at him more, she used the excuse to help Shen Mianmian cook, and hurried into the kitchen, patted her chest in fear.

Shen Mianmian was amused by her appearance, "Brother He looks cold, but he is a good person, you don\'t have to be afraid of him."

"That\'s what I said, but Big Brother He\'s aura is too strong." Xiaocui\'s voice was very low, afraid of being heard by He Nan, "Mianmian, aren\'t you afraid of him?"

If she was alone with Big Brother He, she would be scared and out of breath.

"I was scared when I first met, but after I got used to it, I am not so scared anymore." To say that I am not scared at all would be a lie.

That kind of natural coercion is not found in ordinary people.

"That\'s still scary!" Xiao Cui felt that Shen Mianmian was very brave, afraid of Big Brother He, and dared to stay with him alone, "What kind of daughter-in-law will Big Brother He look for in the future so that he will not be afraid of him? Ordinary people should not be let by him. Scared to death?"

He Nan has a good hearing. Although Xiao Cui deliberately lowered her voice, the kitchen door was open and there was no sound insulation. He frowned when he heard her words and thought, is he really that scary?

Just thinking about it, I heard Shen Mianmian chuckle, "How can you be so exaggerated? In fact, if you think about it from another angle, there are many benefits to finding someone like Big Brother He. He looks cold, and ordinary women don\'t dare to approach him, so don\'t worry about being hooked away, you can bring it back when you take it out."

(end of this chapter)