Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 518: Principal's little daughter 2

Chapter 518 The Principal\'s Little Daughter 2

"Shen Mianmian, wait a moment."

Shen Mianmian was just a few steps out of the classroom when she was stopped by a girl.

"What\'s the matter?" Shen Mianmian looked at the girl who was catching up. When she introduced herself just now, she paid attention to this girl. She seemed to be called Hu Juan. She was not tall and had a ponytail. She looked lively and had big eyes. , that is, the teeth are not very good-looking.

"It\'s okay, I just happened to go to the toilet too, let\'s go together!" Hu Juan took the initiative to get close to Shen Mianmian.


Shen Mianmian nodded.

The two walked together a few steps before Hu Juan opened the chat box, "Mianmian, why did you offend Yang Xiaoxi on the first day of school?"

Hearing that she meant something else, Shen Mianmian took the opportunity to ask, "Is she scary?"

"Ah? You don\'t know, right?" Hu Juan was a little surprised, "Yang Xiaoxi is the principal\'s youngest daughter. In the school, few people don\'t know her. Which dormitory do you live in? Didn\'t your roommate tell you?"

Shen Mianmian shook his head, "I don\'t have a dormitory."

Yang Xiaoxi is well-dressed and has an arrogant temper. At first glance, she is coddled by others, but she did not expect that she is the principal\'s daughter, no wonder she has such a temper.

"No wonder you don\'t know." Hu Juan pinched a sweat for Shen Mianmian, "She is the principal\'s youngest daughter. She studies well. She usually comes first in the class, but she didn\'t perform well in this exam. The high school entrance examination is the eighth in the city, and our city entrance examination is good, except for the two of you, everyone else has gone to the first high school to study, if you don\'t come, she will be the only one in our school."

Because Shen Mianmian is here, Yang Xiaoxi, the eighth, is not worth mentioning, so Cheng Guoliang only mentioned Shen Mianmian\'s name, not Yang Xiaoxi.

In other words, Yang Xiaoxi felt that Shen Mianmian stole her limelight, and Yang Xiaoxi, like the eldest young lady, was unwilling to be pressed on her head.

Shen Mianmian also heard the meaning of Hu Juan\'s words at the moment, she smiled helplessly, "Listen to what you said, no matter what I do, she will not like me anymore, as long as the city\'s number one title is in The day before me, she didn\'t like me."

The principal\'s youngest daughter, with good grades in school, is considered to be the daughter of heaven in this era, and now she is holding the limelight, no wonder she is hostile to her.

"It seems so." Hu Juan suddenly felt some sympathy for Shen Mianmian, and did nothing to offend the principal\'s daughter. Speaking of which, this is not Shen Mianmian\'s fault.

Yang Xiaoxi\'s temper is too bad.

In the past, she and Yang Xiaoxi were in the same class, so she was so clear about Yang Xiaoxi\'s affairs, but she had never overwhelmed Yang Xiaoxi in her studies, and she was not beautiful, and she was inconspicuous in the class, so Yang Xiaoxi didn\'t target her. .

It seems that a little ordinary is also beneficial.

Although Yang Xiaoxi didn\'t like Shen Mianmian, she didn\'t deliberately find fault with her. The first day of study was considered peaceful.

In the evening, after the evening self-study was over, Lu Siyuan had to send Shen Mianmian back. When the two walked out of the school gate, they saw Xiao Cui with round eyes, standing at the school gate carefully watching everyone passing by.

Seeing Shen Mianmian coming out, she excitedly ran towards the two of them, "Mianmian, I\'ll pick you up from school."

Shen Mianmian\'s heart warmed, "It\'s not safe for you to come out alone at night, and you won\'t be used to pick me up in the future."

"It\'s okay, I can\'t sleep at home alone." She was a little deserted at home, thinking that it would not be safe for Shen Mianmian to come back from school alone, so she came to pick him up.

With Xiaocui going back with her, Shen Mianmian ruthlessly drove Lu Siyuan back to school this time.

(end of this chapter)