Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 504: Wang Dongcheng is bragging

Chapter 504 Wang Dongcheng bragging

Wang Dongcheng smiled disdainfully, "Okay! I want to see what a beautiful girl she is, and let you say these words."

"Wait a minute, don\'t look straight." Big Zhuang motioned Wang Dongcheng to look at the door, "See? That\'s her brother, who looks like Lianjiazi at first glance. Although we are not big people, we are still It\'s a little shameful, if there is a riot over this, the fire in the backyard is small, and the loss of your job is big, you can take a look at it later."

Da Zhuang admits that Li Shiping is beautiful, gentle and virtuous, but it does not mean that there is no one more beautiful than Li Shiping in this world.

Anyway, he thinks this girl is so beautiful in her teens, and if she grows up in two years, not to mention.

"Look what you said? It\'s the same as I have never seen a beautiful woman." Wang Dongcheng was a little unhappy, "I tell you, if you want to say that she is more beautiful than my daughter-in-law, it is not that my brother-in-law recognized a girl some time ago. My sister, from Zhaojiacun, only sixteen years old, with a small face..."

For the rest, he didn\'t continue talking, but gave a smirk that every man understands.

"Then it doesn\'t necessarily have to be this little girl. I have never seen such a good-looking girl in a TV series." Da Zhuang insisted that this little girl is the best looking.

Wang Dongcheng was very angry at first, feeling that Da Zhuang deliberately contradicted him, but now he is more interested in what he said, "I want to see how good-looking this little girl can be."

"Come on, let\'s drink slowly, she will come out." Da Zhuang picked up the glass and touched Wang Dongcheng, "Aren\'t you taking the teacher\'s qualification exam? How\'s the exam?"

"I can pass the test before the school starts, and then I should go to teach in the No. 2 Middle School." Talking about this, Wang Dongcheng felt a little depressed and drank a glass of beer directly.

"Isn\'t your father-in-law a professor? There must be a lot of people you know, and you have a college degree, so let him show up directly, wouldn\'t it be good? With such a hard relationship, why are you going to take the teacher\'s qualification certificate? Fei that What\'s the matter?"

The others at the table laughed.

"That is, if my father-in-law is a professor and the family conditions are good, I won\'t go to teach. I have already used his relationship to do business."

I drank a lot of wine, everyone spoke more casually, and there were some bragging elements. In addition, Wang Dongcheng came late and slapped his face. Everyone\'s words were a bit intentional.

Dazhuang heard what others said, and asked, "Dongcheng, didn\'t you tell me before that you plan to open a store?"

Wang Dongcheng\'s father-in-law is a professor, and his family is in good condition. He still lives in Yujingyuan. He thought that Wang Dongcheng was really planning to open a shop, but he didn\'t expect thunder and no rain.

"The store is definitely going to open." Wang Dongcheng\'s vanity and self-esteem exploded at the same time, so he boasted in front of these people, "My brother-in-law has now registered a brand called Lanyue, and they plan to make it bigger. In the future, the kind of going abroad, let me mix a little share in it, just sit and take the money, I don\'t have to worry about anything, just wait for the money, and I\'m bored at home every day, so I think about getting a teacher\'s certificate , Hone in the school for two years, and then join the company to manage."

His remarks are really nice. If they were told to those who just came out of the society and didn\'t understand anything, they would definitely be very envious, but there were some elites present.

(end of this chapter)