Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 501: Mutual win and mutual benefit

Chapter 501 Mutual win and mutual benefit


The boss looked a little hesitant. It sounded that her request was not too much. Relatively speaking, if the business really improved, he seemed to be taking advantage of it.

After all, the restaurant business is huge profits.


"Aren\'t you worried that I won\'t buy vegetables and fish from your house after I learn how to cook?"

He expressed the doubts in his heart, seeing that this little girl is quite shrewd, but it seems that this approach has no guarantee for her.

"Uncle, I believe in your character. When I see you, I think you are an honest person, otherwise the business in the store would not be so good." Shen Mianmian flattered first, and then said, "Besides, even if you learn not to buy from me, I\'m not afraid. If it\'s a big deal, I\'ll teach other restaurants to make these dishes. It doesn\'t matter if I teach a few more courses. Anyway, I know a lot. There will only be one restaurant in Licheng. These dishes, there are still many families, it\'s all up to you."

"It\'s a good one." The boss was not angry, but he laughed. To be honest, if she really said what she said in the previous sentence, she trusted him and taught him. He will be suspicious, but he will listen again. After that, I felt relieved.

This is a mutually beneficial business.

He makes money, and so does she.

"Little girl, do you have time now?" He couldn\'t wait to see the dishes she said.

In fact, during this time, he was also worried, because some old customers were complaining. There were only a few dishes in the store, and there were no new dishes. After eating too many times, it became a bit boring.

But he didn\'t have any other new dishes. He thought about it before, and he took time to learn a few dishes out of town.

Because of this, he heard that there was a farmer\'s vegetable shop over there, so he went to buy some vegetables.

Hearing what he meant, Shen Mianmian said, "Uncle, I just came out to buy watermelons. If I don\'t go back for a long time, they will be worried. I\'ll go back now and come back later."

"Okay, okay." The boss nodded again and again, "My surname is Jia, you can just call me Uncle Jia in the future. Your name is Mianmian, right? I heard that the little girl in your shop called you that."

"That\'s right, Uncle Jia." Shen Mianmian stood up holding the watermelon, "Uncle Jia, I\'ll go first."


Boss Jia sent Shen Mianmian to the door, looking at her like gold ingots.

Licheng is developing well now, and there are many rich people. When they talk about business, they like to treat guests to dinner. As long as the food in the restaurant is good, the business is booming.

If this little girl can really teach him a few special dishes, the business in the store will definitely be better, and it will definitely make money.

After leaving the hotel, Shen Mianmian happened to meet her, and found her two laps of the army nearby, "Brother Jun, it\'s so hot outside, why didn\'t you blow a fan in the shop?"

"I heard that you came out to buy watermelons. Seeing that you haven\'t returned for so long, come out and see, how did you get out of that restaurant?" The army reached out and took the watermelon in Shen Mianmian\'s arms, which weighed more than ten kilograms. In his hand, as if he didn\'t mention anything, he held it in her arms, but it looked like a big rock.

Hearing this, Shen Mianmian\'s heart warmed, "The owner of the store said that he will buy food from the store in the future, and I hope the price will be cheaper for him."

The army nodded and said nothing. These things are not up to him to ask. As long as Shen Mianmian is not bullied, he has no right to manage business affairs.

He will not be arrogant and think that he can take care of her affairs if she calls him Brother Jun.

(end of this chapter)