Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 493: mother-in-law?

Chapter 493 Mother?

Seeing that the woman really wanted to buy a hen, Lu Siyuan\'s attitude was very good. He also wanted to do more business, but if the woman didn\'t want to wait, he couldn\'t help it.

Mianmian said just now that if you want to keep this chicken, then keep it.

"My daughter just gave birth not long ago, I want to buy it now, stew it all afternoon, and give her a drink at night..."

The woman was talking when someone suddenly called out in surprise, "Big sister, are you here to buy groceries too?"

Hearing the voice, the woman and Lu Siyuan looked back together, and saw the aunt who had reserved the old hen yesterday, happily walking over with a basket on her back.

"Oh! Mother in law, you came just in time. I\'m going to buy a chicken for my daughter to make up for. They insisted that someone had reserved it.


Co-authored, they all bought for the same person?

Fortunately, he listened to Mianmian\'s words and didn\'t sell the chicken.

Lu Siyuan didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry, now it\'s alright, no need for him to say anything, the two of them can discuss it by themselves.

"Ouch!" The aunt from yesterday slapped her thigh, "It\'s really a coincidence, I ordered this chicken, it\'s too late to wash the diapers today, and I\'m still worried that the chicken won\'t be bought by others. I think the owner of the store is so honest."

Yesterday\'s aunt was very happy. She felt that the owner of this shop would handle affairs and be honest, which made her a lot of face.

If this chicken was bought by my mother-in-law, and my mother-in-law went to her house and found that she did not buy chicken stew for her daughter-in-law, she would definitely not be very happy. Now, I know that not only did she buy it, but it was raised by a farmer.

just proves that she loves her daughter-in-law, not just talking about it.

The hens were all bought by the same person, and the two in-laws were very happy. After the last negotiation, they ordered another one directly.

I made two deals at once, and I haven’t offended anyone yet, so it can be said that everyone is happy.

In the end, they also bought some green vegetables from the store and walked together. On the way, they discussed to advertise the store and introduce the business.

As soon as they left, Lu Siyuan entered the store, leaned in front of Shen Mianmian and said, "There is such a coincidence, but I believe you didn\'t sell the chicken."

"Of course, I am a modern female Zhuge." Shen Mianmian swelled.

"Cut." Lu Siyuan rolled his eyes, "I compliment you, you are still gasping for breath."

However, I have to say that Shen Mianmian is indeed more intelligent than him in this regard. The business can be made like this because of her brain. I don\'t know where this girl got so many crazy ideas.

Shen Jianhua and his wife were blind, so they didn\'t hug this money tree and go to support Zhou Siyu\'s scheming girl.

Sadly, there will always be a day when they regret it.

Seeing his eyes rolling around, Shen Mianmian knew that he didn\'t think of anything good, and reminded him angrily, "Don\'t forget to tell Brother Jun to bring the old hen."

"Got it, long-winded like an old mother." Lu Siyuan had a disgusting tone, but he didn\'t really dislike it, "Isn\'t Zhang Qian planning to come? It\'s almost eight o\'clock."

"If you don\'t come today, we\'ll post another one tomorrow."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xiao Cui answered, "You didn\'t seem to tell her yesterday, what time do you go to work today."


Shen Mianmian and Lu Siyuan looked at each other, "Didn\'t I tell you?"

Lu Siyuan: "It seems not."

Shen Mianmian: "…"

All right!

Being the boss for the first time, she didn\'t get used to it yet, so she missed this.

(end of this chapter)