Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 489: business is booming

Chapter 489 Business is booming

This auntie dresses neatly and pays attention to her clothes. She also permed one of the most popular curly hair at the moment. Seeing that the condition of the house is good, she said that she wants to buy it, and 80% of them really want to buy it.

There are a lot of old hens in the countryside, so let the army take one by the way, just to lay a foundation for selling old hens in the future.

As soon as the aunt advertised, everyone knew that old hens could be reserved here.

"Is there really an old hen?" Originally, she just asked casually, but when she heard there was, the aunt was also very happy, "Little girl, you help me bring one, I will come to get it tomorrow morning, my daughter-in-law gave birth to a pair of twins, and I want to have one. Drink more old hen soup to make up for it."

The breast milk is not enough for the two children, so the mother needs to supplement some nutrition.

Although old hens are not cheap, they are still more cost-effective than milk powder for children.

"Okay auntie, you can come and pick it up at this time tomorrow morning." An additional business was made, and Shen Mianmian\'s smiling eyes became crescent-shaped.

"Do you need to pay the deposit first?" The aunt was worried that Shen Mianmian just promised her, so she turned around and forgot about it.

Shen Mianmian shook his head, "You don\'t have to, auntie, you can just give me the money when you come tomorrow."

"Before I came, don\'t sell the old hen to others!" Before leaving with the vegetable basket, the aunt did not forget to warn.

As soon as Auntie left, Xiaocui gave Shen Mianmian a thumbs up, "Mianmian, you are really amazing, so I made another business."

"Live poultry is very dirty and takes up space in the store. We started the reservation model, which can make more money and save a lot of space." Don\'t underestimate these aunts and aunts, they are the best in this era. advertisement.

"We still have wild fish and ducks in the countryside, do you want to sell them together?" Lu Siyuan found a business opportunity, as if anything, as long as the word farmhouse and wild was added, it would become easy to sell.

"This can\'t be done." Shen Mianmian shook his head, "Few people eat duck, and many people can\'t make duck meat. The weather is hot, and the fish will not be fresh when brought here."

Although you can put the fish in the basin and pull it over, but the ox cart is swaying, and the water will be sprinkled in the city.

Besides, the water basin takes up too much space, and you can’t make much money with so many fish, and it’s too troublesome.

It is impossible to earn a share of whatever money they want, they can only earn a good share.

"It\'s the same thing." When Shen Mianmian said it, Lu Siyuan\'s idea of ​​bringing fish and ducks was dispelled.

"When will another shop open here? Like a small vegetable market, the dishes are quite complete."

"Go, go in and have a look."

As the sky gets brighter and brighter, the number of aunties and daughters-in-law who come to buy vegetables has gradually increased. Before everyone entered the market, they were surprised to see a store suddenly opened.

With a curious mind, they all came in to take a look.

I learned that all the vegetables sold here are home grown in the countryside, and the prices are not much more expensive than those in the vegetable market, and I will buy some of them.

Lu Siyuan helped with the weighing, and Shen Mianmian taught Xiaocui to collect and do the bills. The three of them were very busy, and a carload of vegetables was quickly sold. Fortunately, the army replenished in time, and the second car Pulled quickly.

The business in the store was unexpectedly good. The two trucks that were originally expected were not enough. The army hurried back and pulled a truck.

The four of them were busy with their lunch until after two o\'clock in the afternoon.

For the reason why business is so good, Shen Mianmian also summed up a key point.

(end of this chapter)