Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 460: mother in law 1

Chapter 460 Mother-in-law comes to the door 1

"If I had known that your daughter-in-law wouldn\'t be able to help you at all, I wouldn\'t let you marry her, what happened to the professor\'s daughter? If your parents don\'t help, it\'s useless to marry the emperor\'s daughter. It\'s better to marry Erya. , Others are now married to a neighboring village and have given birth to a son, how is it like her, who gave birth to a loser, does not take care of you at home, and runs to her mother\'s house every day."

Pan Huiyun didn\'t know that Liu Shiping was outside, and he was talking bitter and mean words, but his eyes were all over the house to see if there was anything good to bring back to the village to show off.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Shi Ping will definitely be unhappy when she hears it."

Wang Dongcheng was a little impatient. Pan Huiyun dragged him with Erya in the village every time. When he was a teenager, he really had a good time with Erya. At that time, he felt that Erya was the most beautiful in the village, and it was very easy to be with her. Have a face.

But as he got older, he went to school in the city, and felt that Erya, who had never been to school, was not worthy of him.

Especially after meeting Liu Shiping, she is beautiful, knowledgeable, and has a good family background. Compared with Erya Fang, it is the difference between clouds and mud, and Erya has become the dark history he is least willing to mention.

always felt that pulling him and Erya together lowered his worth.

The Li family looked down on him, but when Li Shiping took him out and brought him back to the village, he had a special face, and only a woman like Li Shiping was worthy of him. These are ten two girls, and there is no way to compare them. .

"She\'s not at home, and she doesn\'t have clairvoyance, so what can she hear?" Pan Huiyun snorted and said bitterly: "What if she hears it? I\'m telling the truth, you can see that she\'s gone for a day or two. Now, I don\'t care about you, if I hadn\'t come here today, you wouldn\'t have eaten breakfast until now, and although you lived in the village before, it wasn\'t so good, but you had three meals a day, but you were never hungry."

Her heart is suffering, she is suffering in the city, why can\'t she say anything?

Li Shiping is not here now, if she were here, she would still say it face to face.

If you don’t take care of your husband, you know to run to her mother’s house every day.

When she said this, Wang Dongcheng also felt a little embarrassed by his life, and he lowered his face and said, "She is the eldest lady and she is spoiled by the family."

During this period of time, he deliberately had a cold war with Li Shiping, and wanted Li Shiping to go home, talk to his family, and help him. He also wanted Li Yue to know that it was Li Shiping who was suffering against him.

But Li Shiping had been gone for two days, and no one was there, which made him feel a fire in his heart.

Outside the house, Li Shiping listened to the conversation between the two, feeling uncomfortable for a while, and her eyes could not help but turn red, her mother-in-law really did one thing in front of her, and another behind her back.

Every time she was in front of her, Shiping Shiping cried out, apart from being greedy for petty things, she seemed to be good to her, but now it seems that these are all appearances.

What saddens her the most is that her husband not only did not treat her, but also said that she was an eldest lady and was spoiled.

After the two got married, she has been revolving around her husband, not willing to eat, not willing to wear, all housework, is she not good enough?

was about to leave with the child in his arms, but the child suddenly began to cry. Wang Dongcheng, who heard the child\'s cry, immediately opened the door. Seeing Li Shiping\'s red eyes, Wang Dongcheng panicked.

I don\'t know how much Li Shiping heard. He pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Why didn\'t you knock on the door when you came back? What are you doing standing outside?"

(end of this chapter)