Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 445: Brother Nan doesn't love him anymore.

Chapter 445 Brother Nan doesn\'t love him anymore.

"When Li Yue goes back, he will explain your situation clearly to his family. The Li family is very easy to get along with. You don\'t have to hide your bright spots. You need to let him find out that you are a malleable talent. Having this mentor will be very helpful to you. Great help."

I haven\'t seen the Li family yet, but He Nan thought that the Li family would like Shen Mianmian, and Li\'s father would accept Shen Mianmian as a student.

"Yeah." Shen Mianmian nodded heavily, his eyes squinted into the shape of a crescent moon, looking cute and cunning, like a elf ghost.

He Nan\'s eyes flickered slightly, and he quietly avoided his eyes, "Go take a shower and watch TV!"

When Shen Mianmian came out of the study, Li Yue and Ruan Yiyang had already left, and the dining table and kitchen were all cleaned up. I have to say, Brother He\'s words are really helpful, like military orders.

These two eldest young masters, at first glance, have never done housework. It is estimated that these two times are the only tableware and chopsticks they have been washed when they are so old.

Big Brother He can hold both of them.

She sighed and went back to her room, took a change of clothes and took a bath. When she was done and sat down to watch TV, he came out of the study and went back to the room to get a change of clothes and take a bath.

Shen Mianmian turned on the TV and found a channel to watch the news. She was all about making money, so she didn\'t have the heart to watch idol dramas. She just wanted to pay attention to national policies and what happened across the country.

Halfway through the news, He Nan wore clean clothes and half-dried hair, and sat next to her, keeping no more or less than her, just enough distance to sit down.

He didn\'t read the news, but picked up the newspaper he hadn\'t read in the afternoon and continued to read it.

Seeing this, Shen Mianmian got up and poured two glasses of water, one in front of him and one in front of him, then sat down and watched the news seriously.

He Nan\'s eyes flickered slightly, but he didn\'t make a sound.

One reads the news and the other reads the newspaper. They do not disturb each other, and they are very harmonious and harmonious.

Li Yue and Ruan Yiyang, who were forced to recognize their godsister, were now speculating about He Nan\'s intentions.

"Brother Nan is too kind to this little girl, isn\'t she? Even the road is paved for her." Ruan Yiyang couldn\'t help but feel a little sour. He and Brother Nan grew up together, and he didn\'t feel like a little girl. Where\'s the girl?

If it weren\'t for the heavy light, he wouldn\'t be able to eat today\'s meal.

This is the meal that Brother Nan personally cooked.

"You haven\'t figured it out yet?" Li Yue glanced at Ruan Yiyang with disgust, "This meal is the Hongmen Banquet, and we are all fooled. Today\'s meal is what Brother Nan gave us, and his purpose is to let us accept it. Mianmian as a **** sister."

so sad.

He treats Brother Nan as Brother Nan, but Brother Nan actually tricks him.

Brother Nan doesn\'t love him anymore.

Ruan Yiyang: "…"

The deepest road he has traveled is the routine of Brother Nan.

"Why is Brother Nan being so nice to this girl?" He wanted to break his head, but couldn\'t figure it out.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" In the past, Li Yue thought that Brother Nan was overwhelmed by his father\'s love, but now the situation is very clear, because he thought too much.

Thinking of going back and talking to his family about Shen Mianmian, Li Yue didn\'t have the heart to chat with Ruan Yiyang, so he urged Ruan Yiyang to get out of the car quickly.

"Remember to bring me your watch and cigarettes tomorrow."

Ruan Yiyang, who had just touched the door of the car and was about to get off, exploded when he heard this, "Brother Nan almost stripped me, you still have the face to ask for cigarettes and a watch?"

(end of this chapter)