Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 432: There is no throne to inherit

Chapter 432 The family has no throne to inherit

"Why isn\'t that kind of person?" Zhou Lanfang snorted, "Siyu, let me tell you, when you marry someone, you must give them more sons. If you don\'t have sons, people will look down on you."

If she has a son, Shen Jianhua chases her, but her son does not agree.

Although the niece felt sorry for her, she was not Shen\'s family after all, so she couldn\'t speak at home.

Zhou Siyu had a trace of disgust in his eyes, a woman is not a sow, what does it mean to have more sons? What age is this?

It was only because of her aunt\'s idea of ​​competing for land that she wanted to have a son all the time, and she had to instill this idea into her.

"Aunt, giving birth to a son is the thought of your older generation. Girls can still stand up to the sky, and women are not tools for giving birth to children. Women who have no status at home and can\'t speak will choose to have children to consolidate their family status. There is no throne to inherit, so why are you having so many children? You see that other people have too many children, and their bodies are out of shape, how ugly!"

The older generation has a lot of children, and there are at least four or five in the family. After giving birth, they are covered in fat, and everyone is ten years old. The husband still doesn\'t feel bad for them. What are you thinking?

"Siyu, you don\'t plan to have children in the future, right?" Zhou Lanfang\'s face changed immediately after hearing her say that, who doesn\'t want to have more children, more sons!

I usually feel that Siyu is small, and I haven\'t talked to her about this topic. After this chat, I realized that she didn\'t like having children. How can this be done?

She had heard from others before that some foreigners said that they wanted a DINK, that is, to get married and not have children. Before, she thought it was strange and didn\'t take it to heart. Now that she thinks about it, she feels a little unacceptable.

Thinking about the rain should not be, is this kind of thinking?

"Aiya! Aunt." Zhou Siyu was speechless, and felt tired talking to Zhou Lanfang, "Who said that there would be no more children, I just said that there would not be so many children. Besides, isn\'t the country planning to have children now? If you want to have so many children, the country also Don\'t give birth! Now the emphasis is on prenatal and postnatal care."

Zhou Lanfang breathed a sigh of relief, "The country doesn\'t give birth, others are secretly trying to give birth, I tell you, don\'t be stupid, don\'t talk about having more sons, a son and a daughter always have something, but don\'t I\'m afraid of being out of shape. Women who are fat look good. Those who are too thin look like malnourished. Whose mother-in-law likes it?"

Zhou Siyu pouted, mother-in-law doesn\'t like it, but men like it!

She pushed Zhou Lanfang out and said, "Aunt, I\'m tired. I\'ll sleep for a while. You should also coax auntie! He must be in a bad mood right now. You should be soft in front of him and say something nice. You are wrong."

"What\'s wrong with me?" As soon as he said this, Zhou Lanfang wanted to complain again, "It\'s your aunt who has changed now, and men can easily become bad if they have money. If he hadn\'t brought back that little wild seed, we can have this now. Are you free?"

said so, but she still went back to the room to speak softly.

There is no way. Over the years, she has been used to being raised, and she is also lazy. Without Shen Jianhua, who would support her and her niece?

sent Zhou Lanfang away, Zhou Siyu closed the door, and began to writhe in the room, took the axe, and dug all the pits under the bed.

Maybe Shen Mianmian didn\'t dig out the money, and he could find a little bit, but after digging for a long time, his clothes were all sweaty, and he didn\'t dig out a dime.

She threw the axe on the ground angrily, and scolded her through gritted teeth, "The little broken shoes are really good enough, and I didn\'t leave her a penny."

(end of this chapter)