Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 420: Hanan's house 2

Chapter 420 He Nan\'s Home 2

The bathroom is very big, almost as big as her and Zhou Siyu\'s room. In addition to the shower, there is also a big white bathtub, which surprised her.

Such a big bathtub, it must be very comfortable to take a hot bath in it in winter.

couldn\'t help but imagined in his mind that he was lying in the bathtub taking a bath, his face suddenly turned red, and he quickly turned his eyes away.

If Big Brother He knew what she was thinking now, he would probably screw her head off. Thinking of this, she couldn\'t help shivering, it was terrifying.

As soon as she got rid of those messy thoughts, she heard He Nan say, "You can also use the bathtub." After a pause, he added, "I haven\'t used it before."

Without waiting for Shen Mianmian to answer, he took her to another door and pushed it open, only to see a desk and a large bookshelf with many books on it.

"You can read the books here."

He took Shen Mianmian to the kitchen door to take a look, and finally opened the door of the master bedroom and said, "This is my room."

His room has the same layout as the side nest, but there is an extra table. Shen Mianmian glanced at it, nodded, and stopped watching. It was Brother He\'s bedroom. She thought it would be rude to keep staring at it. .

He Nan glanced at her, as if he had found something, and raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"It\'s hot?"


Shen Mianmian was stunned for a moment, and then she realized why he asked that. She touched her hot face, she nodded heavily, "It\'s a little hot."

said, she made a fan with her hand and fanned it a few times on her face, her eyes wandering around the room to hide her guilty conscience.

Knowing that she is restrained here, He Nan\'s mouth evoked a smile, but he did not expose her, "I was not thoughtful and forgot to turn on the fan."

He walked to the wall and turned on the ceiling fan. There was a whistling sound of wind in the room, and it was indeed cooler.

Halfway through the summer, in addition to the usual natural wind, she was blowing a ceiling fan for the first time.

"You can use whatever you want here, don\'t be cautious." He Nan looked at the time, "I\'ll go out and I\'ll take you to dinner at six o\'clock. If you\'re tired, take a break and watch TV."

Shen Mianmian noticed that there was also a color TV in the room.

When Zhou Siyujiu got married in a few years, he still bought a black and white TV. Unexpectedly, Brother He is now using a color TV.

"Will you switch on the TV?"

His tone was very flat, and he didn\'t mean to look down on it at all, but he was simply worried that she wouldn\'t use it.

According to his understanding, she should have never been in touch with such things as color TVs, and it is normal that she will not use them.

"Yes." Shen Mianmian nodded, afraid of He Nan\'s suspicion, she explained, "When Lu Siyuan bought a TV, I followed him. The store owner introduced the usage of color TV."

He Nan nodded, and before leaving, he also warned, "Don\'t open the door to strangers at will."

As soon as he left, Shen Mianmian was left alone in the huge room. Shen Mianmian looked at the room again and found that except for her things on the sofa, there was no trace of women in other places.

On the bright floor, there was not even a single woman\'s long hair.

She put the book He Nan lent her back to its original position and put it on the bookshelf, and took her clothes back to the side pocket and put them in the cabinet, but didn\'t hang them up.

Big Brother He asked her to live here temporarily. She would not treat her as her own home, posing as a permanent resident.

(end of this chapter)