Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 403: Money jar storm 1

Chapter 403 Money Pot Disturbance 1

Everyone in the village knows Zhou Lanfang\'s temperament, and seeing her swearing like this is full of dissatisfaction.

It was Zhou Lanfang\'s fault that he didn\'t let the child take the exam. Who would believe that Shen Mianmian took a lot of money with him?

A child, where did he get so much money?

Isn\'t this a crook?

"Jianhua, drag her back! Don\'t be ashamed here."

An old bachelor in the village, who usually speaks more directly, he is not afraid of offending people, and looks at Shen Jianhua with contempt.

Looking for a daughter-in-law like this, it\'s better to be a bachelor. It\'s really useless for a big man to be ridden by his daughter-in-law.

"What did I lose? Who do you say is shameful? What does this have to do with you? You can\'t find a daughter-in-law in your teens, and you still have the face to take care of other people\'s business here, so you should take care of yourself first! Your home is gone forever."

Zhou Lanfang was already annoyed, but when she heard the bachelor in the village say she was ashamed, she directly pointed at others and cursed.

A bachelor, she is not afraid.

"You son of a bitch, who do you think is the future? I beat you to death, do you believe it?" The old bachelor was also annoyed by Zhou Lanfang. He was alone and widowed.

"You fight! You fight!" Zhou Lanfang ignored Shen Jianhua\'s pull and bumped his head against the old bachelor, "You can fight! You fight me!"

The onlookers all looked like they were watching a good show, no one interrupted, and no one was fighting.

The old bachelor didn\'t do anything. Although he was shameless, he didn\'t dare to fight with others.

People are getting old and being a bachelor, and they are easy to be hated by others. If they fight with that person again, this one will be even more difficult in the future.

"Jianhua, what are you doing standing? Pull people back! They are all in their tens of years old, and they belong to a village. It\'s not ashamed to be looked at by others?" Although Li Chunhua was also annoyed at Zhou Lanfang, her man was The village chief, the two families really fought, and her man had to help the aftermath, so she didn\'t want to watch the show.

As for just now, if Zhou Lanfang hadn\'t dragged her to fight, she wouldn\'t have fought with Zhou Lanfang.

"What have I lost? It\'s none of your business. Don\'t meddle in any of you. Who\'s got nothing to do with it? It\'s not as embarrassing as me about Lao Liu and Er Zhuang\'s daughter-in-law? And..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Jianhua\'s face turned green.

The wife is going to offend the entire village!

Everyone knows about Lao Liu and Er Zhuang\'s daughter-in-law, but no one is stupid enough to shout it out.

"Where am I talking nonsense, don\'t you know about it?" The angry Zhou Lanfang ignored the 3721 and shouted, "Didn\'t you still at the entrance of the village when you met them hugging each other and kissing?"

Shen Jianhua almost died of anger, her face was red and green, as if she had been stripped naked and stood in front of people, she was embarrassed.

He didn\'t let go of Zhou Lanfang until he got home. Zhou Lanfang, who was dragged all the way, saw the smashed door panel when he got home, and became even more angry, and scolded him without restraint.

"Shen Jianhua, are you a man? People want to beat your daughter-in-law. If you don\'t help, they drag me back. I\'ve been with you for eight lifetimes. If your family hadn\'t been poor, I wouldn\'t have been made to even have children. I can\'t even give birth, and now that I\'m old, I still have to suffer from this useless gas with you."

(end of this chapter)