Rebirth 2003

Chapter 5

In the following half a month, Lu Yang went to military training during the day. After taking a shower and having dinner at night, he would bring paper, pens, cigarettes and tea to write on the top floor of No. 3 teaching building, which has been few people.

Two chapters every night, 6000 words.

The plot of "doomsday wasteland" is also gradually unfolding. The teachers, classmates and strangers around the protagonist Chen Feng have been killed and injured under the attack of terrible and powerful alien space monsters.

Chen Feng took a bone cutting knife robbed from the school canteen, protected his favorite girl, Wang Xing, and tried his best to kill her all the way to her home.

There were many dangers and almost died several times.

Unfortunately, when he finally came home.

Grandpa had disappeared, leaving only blood on the ground and a cloth shoe of grandpa in the hall.

Chen Feng, who was dependent on his grandfather since childhood, seemed to have been taken away in an instant.

At this time, another land animal with scales rushed in and attacked him. Chen Feng, who thought he had lost his grandfather, suddenly broke out.

It erupted into a madness that would never be possible in normal times. Unexpectedly, it quickly killed the land animals that could not defeat the enemy along the way.

After that, Chen Feng took his family treasure knife and left with Wang Xing.


When the plot is written here, the military training has been carried out. At that time, the plot that should be written in detail and slightly can not be grasped well.

This time, the doomsday wasteland is completely different.

At the beginning, after setting the outline, Xingyu Internet cafe was the most frequently visited Internet cafe when Lu Yang was in college.

The boss is a beautiful young woman about 30 years old. She is very nice and the computer runs very fast.

Lu Yang habitually walked in here, applied for a membership card with his ID card and charged 100 yuan for Internet charges.

Then go to the innermost dimly lit corner and turn on a computer.

When surfing the Internet, Lu Yang doesn\'t like the lights around him to be too bright. This habit may have gradually formed after his code words.

At the time of code writing, Lu Yang\'s favorite thing is to turn off the lights in the room in the dead of night, leaving only the faint light of the computer screen. He has a cigarette in his mouth. In the smoke of the cigarette, he half squinted, put his hands on the keyboard and knocked at will.

This is Lu Yang\'s favorite state.

Every time he enters this state, Lu Yang will forget everything outside his body, including time.

Only after one chapter is coded will he notice others.

Those who have never experienced the state of concentration will never know the beauty of it.

Naturally, the atmosphere in the Internet cafe was not as good as the room Lu Yang rented later. The sound of various games kept ringing.

Lu Yang didn\'t like it. After the computer was turned on, he first turned on thousands of listening, found the voice of silence he liked to listen to when he coded words, and then put on headphones to block all the messy sounds outside.

Then, Lu Yang began to register a Netease email on his computer.

The mailbox is used by Lu Yang to store manuscripts.

In 2003, there was no USB flash disk. The popular storage devices outside were usually optical disks or floppy disks.

Lu Yang is too lazy to buy those two things. Moreover, the files in the CD and floppy disk are at risk of loss.

Mailbox is better.

Written manuscripts are stored in e-mail. On any computer, they can be extracted as long as they can be connected to the network. It is convenient and there is no risk of loss.

After the mailbox was registered, Lu Yang began to establish a word document, and then turned the manuscript paper under the bright screen. With the light emitted by the computer screen, he began to tap the keyboard and input the words written on the manuscript paper word by word into the document bit by bit.

People who often type know that, in fact, after skilled computer typing, the speed of typing will far exceed that of handwriting.

In 2003, computers have not been popularized. In the streets, Internet cafes are in the early stage of rise. Most people don\'t even have QQ accounts, and the speed of typing is generally too slow.

Many people are looking for pressing letter by letter according to the computer keyboard, but at this time, Lu Yang can only look at the computer screen with both eyes, put his hands on the keyboard and tap every letter that needs to be struck at will. The speed of typing is unbelievable.

Of course, this speed is nothing in the future.

But at that time, it was a speed that people looked up to.

It took Lu Yang two days and two nights to write the text on a stack of manuscript paper, but it took only one night to input it into the computer.

When the time displayed at the bottom of the computer screen reached more than 12:00 midnight, all the words on Lu Yang\'s first stack of manuscript paper had been input.

Including the outline of Volume I, the number of words displayed on the document is more than 22000 words.

The reason why even the outline of the first volume is entered is that the outline of the work needs to be attached when submitting and publishing the manuscript.

Turning off the computer, Lu Yang walked out of the Internet cafe with a cigarette and writing paper. It was another cool summer night.

Late at night, Lu Yang was habitually hungry before he had a rest.

If it was the freshman period before rebirth, Lu Yang would endure it.

Because he didn\'t have any extra money at that time.

The living expenses of each semester are calculated by his parents. If he uses too much, he will run out of food if he can\'t finish a semester.

But now it\'s different.

Lu Yang has no doubt that his novels can make money.

Before rebirth, Lu Yang\'s novels had not been completely unprofitable for ten years. Even if they were on the street, they could be sold on the website and earn some living expenses.

Therefore, feeling hungry again, Lu Yang walked to the familiar spicy hot stall.

At 12 o\'clock, some students came out to eat.

When Lu Yang passed by, there were already three or four couples eating with laughter on the humble table there.

Seeing other boys accompanied by their girlfriends, it\'s false that Lu Yang doesn\'t envy them.

However, Lu Yang knew in his heart that now is not the time to find a girlfriend.

Even if you want to find him, you can\'t find a decent girlfriend with his current conditions.

Not handsome, not tall, not strong and not good at grades. My family is still a genuine farmer with no money and no potential. What qualifications do such * * silk have to attract excellent girls?

After choosing seven or eight things he liked to eat, Lu Yang finished eating and got up to go back to school.

For the future, he has confidence that others cannot understand. He is not in a hurry. He has his own plan.

Women, sooner or later.