Rebirth 2003

Chapter 2

Yes, in this life, Lu Yang chose it because he had no money to buy a computer for the time being. Therefore, for the time being, Lu Yang could only write on the manuscript paper by hand like he had just started writing novels before his rebirth.

Lu Yang\'s writing is not outstanding. Like his people, it is more than enough to compare with the top and the bottom.

But before rebirth, the protagonist\'s character, specialty and growth environment, and even all day long, Lu Yang stayed alone in the empty classroom.

At noon and in the evening, I hurried to the canteen to get some food, and then returned to this place.

Sometimes I light a cigarette or drink a cup of tea. Sometimes I look out of the window without focus, as if I\'m looking at the scenery outside the window. In fact, I\'m still thinking about the story in my mind.

Lu Yang didn\'t plan to write out the outline of the whole book at once.

He only listed the first volume, the outline of fierce animals.

It was not until more than 1:00 midnight that Lu Yang wrote the detailed outline of the whole first volume.

When the outline was formed, the first volume of the story was all in his heart.

After writing wholeheartedly all day, Lu Yang was sore all over, especially his shoulders and fingers. However, when he put down his pen, he smiled slightly.

Although the body is tired, but the heart is very satisfied.

The outline made today is the most detailed and satisfactory one since he wrote the online article.

Pinching his sour shoulder and fingers, Lu Yang lit another cigarette, then smiled, picked up a paper pen teacup and left the classroom.

When he came out of the No. 3 teaching building, it was still in the dead of night. Several people could not be seen in the huge campus. Lu Yang was hungry, so he came to the back door of the campus.

There are more than a dozen Internet cafes and restaurants, and there are many barbecue stalls, spicy rinse stalls and other snacks in the evening.

In the last life, Lu Yang often visited here when he was studying here.

When Lu Yang was hungry this time, he came here because he was used to it.

Sure enough.

At this time, in addition to Internet cafes, there are many snack shops and stalls open.

Lu Yang touched his pants pocket. There were a hundred dollars in it.

In 2003, a hundred yuan was enough for him to eat for half a month.

With money in his pocket, Lu Yang went to the spicy rinse stall he used to go to most often, skillfully selected more than a dozen meat and vegetable dishes and scalded a large bowl.

Lu Yang occupied a small table and ate happily. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice coming from the door of a nearby Internet cafe.

Lu Yang subconsciously looked at the past.

It was found that it was a high school classmate, surnamed Huang, whose name Lu Yang couldn\'t remember for a moment. After all, Lu Yang had just been reborn in 2013, and most of his former classmates\' names could not be remembered clearly.

Lu Yang\'s eyes just took a look and took them back. He didn\'t want to say hello.

In the middle of the night, the classmate was talking on his cell phone at the gate of the Internet cafe again. There was no need to talk.

When Lu Yang finished eating, the classmate surnamed Huang was still standing outside the Internet cafe talking on the phone.

Lu Yang glanced, took his things and went back to school.

While eating just now, although Lu Yang had not remembered the name of the classmate surnamed Huang, he had already remembered the guy\'s future achievements.

When he was in high school, he was always in the top five of his class. After graduating from college, he didn\'t know where to go for a few years. Later, Lu Yang heard that the guy went back to his hometown to set up a kindergarten, which was closed in less than a year. After that, he didn\'t know. It should be terrible, too.

When Lu Yang heard about it before, he sighed: how could he get along so badly when he got so good grades in high school?

At more than 1 a.m. tonight, I happened to see that guy just came to the University and found an Internet cafe for all night. Lu Yang finally understood why this guy mixed up like that later.