Rebirth 2003

Chapter 15

Although he wants to pursue girls, Lu Yang knows very well that he is not rich and handsome. If he wants to live the life he wants and pursue beautiful women, he must keep making progress and making money. Otherwise, the tragedy before his rebirth will be repeated.

Soon, it was time to submit the manuscript to the publishing house every month.

When Lu Yang signed a contract with the publishing house, it was stipulated in the contract that he must hand in at least one episode of the manuscript before the number of days of each month.

This month, Lu Yang wrote two and a half episodes, half of which could only be left in his own hands. The two episodes had a total of 130000 words. After they were made into two documents, Lu Yang sent them.

C publishing house was very happy with the royalties. Only two days after the manuscript was sent, the royalties for the two episodes entered Lu Yang\'s bank card.


Plus 4500 last time, Lu Yang\'s manuscript fee has been 13500

In 2003, Lu Yang\'s parents planted crops in the field. They worked hard for a year and couldn\'t save so much money.

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