Reason for Marriage

CH 57.1

“Several many years, huh. You’re forgetting the basic rules now, it’ll be far away from forever.”

Contrary to Reina’s expectation, the atmosphere turned more somber from Sid’s serious response. However, he sat still and like Reina, he expressed his intention to tell Iveca some of the hidden truth even at the risk of being disciplined.

“Severe punishment… I don’t want you guys to have that. After all, if it’s a secret for a person like me, it won’t be a good thing anyway.”

Realizing that the only thing that could move them was sympathy, Iveca bowed her head without saying any more words. Whenever she made this expression, she could see Reina was at loss.

It bothered Iveca that they could be severely punished, but the selfishness in her heart could not be helped. She was desperate. Although she hated herself for putting others at risk because of their sympathy for her, she couldn’t stop there, as she had already made up her mind to know everything about her.

“Now that things have come to this, the truth is better than being misunderstood. I made the decision myself, so you don’t have to worry about my punishment,” said Reina.


“You are very observant. Why can’t you see other things as well?”

“What do you mean by other things?”

“I’m talking about the first attack. That’s right. The Bureau of Investigation arranged it. Those who attacked the Queen were also employees of the Bureau, and those who ran out of the Judicial Bureau to save the Queen were also members of the Bureau of Investigation.”

Iveca looked at Reina’s green eyes quietly.

“Originally… originally, he was supposed to pretend to be a raider, chased away by us, and disappear. But the Queen was going to use a dagger. If the Queen used her dagger, someone would die. How could we just watch then?”


“That’s why we had no choice but to stab you somewhere that wasn’t a vital point. I needed to stop you from throwing the dagger. In fact, the medical department also said it was a simple wound. Why didn’t you find anything suspicious about that?”

At Iveca’s suspicious look, Reina banged her chest frustratingly and accurately pointed to the side where Iveca was injured.

“Queen, this is not a vital point at all. Actually, there wasn’t even a lot of blood at that time… The Queen lost consciousness because you were just so surprised. All your organs were intact, Moreover, anyone who really tried to assassinate you would have poisoned the weapon.

“Then why… Why did you make such a play?”

“Of course…” Reina looked at Iveca for a moment, whose eyes were filled with confliction, and said, “To protect the Queen.”

For a moment, a strange atmosphere lingered between them. Iveca was about to open her mouth to ask Reina something, but the door suddenly swung open. Someone rushed in, calling her name in an urgent voice. Iveca, as well as Reina and Sid, jumped up in surprise.


“Your Majesty?”

She didn’t know where he came from, but Daniel, who came running alone without an escort, was panting for his breath. Ignoring the astonished expressions in Reina and Sid’s face, he quickly glanced over the three teacups on the table, then hurriedly grabbed Iveca’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked again.


Aside from the absurd informal speech, Iveca was surprised once more because his blue eyes seemed to hold a mix of emotions. She hurriedly tried to get up, but with that movement, her head twirled, and she lost her balance slightly. Daniel caught her in a hurry as she staggered, then he glared at Sid and Reina.

“What did you do?” His gaze was ablaze in fury, ready to sentence anyone to death at any moment.

“Your Majesty? This situation is…” Reina stammered, at a loss. She tried to stand, but even her mind spinned. She quickly grabbed the table for support, barely regaining balance.

“My servant has just confirmed that the tea leaves going to the Queen’s Palace have been replaced,” said Daniel.

Even Sid, who was the most calm and collected in the room, stood abruptly once he heard those words, but unfortunately, he also couldn’t get up at once.

Daniel said sharply, holding Iveca tightly in her own arms, “I am well aware that each of the members of the Bureau are weapons for the organization. But you can’t do anything to Iveca. Don’t take Iveca from me twice because of the Bureau’s judgment.”