Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter 2388 - Difference (3)

Indeed, Emytheus lived up to his name as an Ancient Constitution wielder. But, Dyon had still never expected that he would have all 12 abilities of the 12 \'Gods\' of the Olympus Clan.

Zeus was the Sky God. Emytheus not only seemed to have the ability to control the weather and the air currents, but his wings were simply ȯbsċėnė. Dyon had to fight with all his might just to not get blown away by a single casual flap.

Hera was the Goddess of Union. Emytheus\' ability to balance was far beyond Dyon\'s comprehension, it was to the point where he could bend reality with fiction, making it impossible to tell what was real and what wasn\'t.

Demeter was the Goddess of Harvest. Never would Dyon have thought that this was related to the Silver Mirror Constitution. He would have been more inclined to believe that it was related to botany, but he should have realized that he wasn\'t allowed to have nice things when the Heavens were involved.

Hephaestus was the God of the Forge. Dyon didn\'t dare imagine the kind of level of weapons Emytheus had created. Being ȧssaulted by immortal grade weapons that seemed to manifest from thin air left Dyon feeling incomparably aggrieved.

To make a horrible story worse, when this sky filled of weapons was fused with Ares\' abilities, Dyon wanted to complain furiously but simply had no one to complain to.

To make matters worse, this was just the start. There was still Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes and Hades.

[Author\'s Note: Note that Apollo and the Heaven\'s Child Apollos are two different people. I named Apollos that way as a hint toward the Timeless Library\'s connection to the Olympus Clan and by extension Emytheus. But, regardless of if you noticed, the cat\'s out of the bag now, lmao]

Considering Emytheus\' maddening speed, Dyon was certain that this was related to Hermes. His self replenishing and endless supply of qi was most definitely related to Apollo. His ability to curse was either related to Athena or Aphrodite, the latter of which Dyon believed was more likely.

The trouble was that Dyon didn\'t dare to make too many ȧssumptions about Emytheus\' abilities based on the legends he was aware of. He didn\'t want to get blindsided by something he had never expected simply due to him drawing uninformed conclusions. Who knew how many odd abilities Emytheus had that were like Demeter\'s silver mirror of Apollo\'s healing factor?

Dyon most knew Apollo for his relation to the sun. Apollo\'s connection with healing and archery was comparatively weaker. Yet, it was this healing ability that Emytheus gained.

Dyon had no choice but to be cautious…

Despite Emytheus\' abilities, Dyon fought boldly in the skies. He unleashed what he had of his strength without reserve. As endless as Emytheus\' strength seemed to be, Dyon matched him step for step, blow for blow.

His soul burned furiously, spiraling an illusory white flame around his body as he went all out.

"[Enlightened Lines of Efficiency]."

Dyon\'s vacant sockets were replaced with a golden glow turning with clicking gears.

His battle style became more direct and blatant. However, the effect was strong. Every churning muscle within his body seemed to fuse as one, melding with the golden halo above his head to produce a fighting machine.

The seventh degree of freedom of [Soul Aid] evolved under Dyon\'s use, transcending use for just arrays and becoming one with Dyon\'s body.

The freer Dyon became from the Heavens, the looser previously impossible to hurdle restrictions became. As the ease increased, so too did Dyon\'s creativity.

Dyon and Emytheus\' battle crossed thousands of miles. Sometimes there was land beneath their feet, and at other times, there were the dark oil waters of the Ancient Battlefield.

Where Dyon went, it seemed as though he wasn\'t just battling Emytheus alone, but rather the whole world.

In the skies the clouds above would strike him down. On land the earth would shackle his feet, trying to swallow him whole from below. Above the oceans, dragons formed of thick pillars of black water would attack him from all sides as though willing to drown him where he stood in the air.

Dyon soon understood that this wasn\'t just his own personal bias, but rather, exactly what was happening. He wasn\'t just fighting Emytheus, he was fighting the Heavens that brought him into existence, the Olympus Clan that built the foundation he stood upon, his own lofty ideals and the mountain he must climb to achieve them…

Dyon dodged another streaking venerable grade spear, knocking against its body as it flew by him to send it into the distance.

He closed in on Emytheus. Maybe if he still had his eyes, they would be blazing with fighting intent. Even as his aura grew weaker, his will grew stronger. His Dao Heart thumped madly, surging with an endless intent.

He would cut this \'Ancient God\' down. He didn\'t care how many abilities Emytheus had, nor how favored he was by the Heavens. The only thing that remained were his thoughts of victory.

His body grew toward an ever-worsening state while Emytheus seemed to be replenished to his perfect self every passing moment. But Dyon hardly batted an eye.

He knew Emytheus had limits. If he didn\'t, how would he had died in the previous timeline?

He would show Emytheus the true difference between them!