Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter 2196 - Key (2)

'If only the Energy Core was the solution.'

Dyon wouldn't hesitate to give Luna the Energy Core if necessary. However, it didn't fix the problem at all. After all, controlling energy was the Energy Core's active ability, not passive ability. While Luna was essentially an Energy Core with controlling energy as her own passive ability.

What did this mean? It meant Luna was already better than the Energy Core at controlling energy.

Dyon also thought of just giving Luna a large supply of Enigmatic Stones, but that idea simply wasn't sustainable.

One would need at least a dozen Enigmatic Stones to match a single attack from a Peak Dao Expert. In order to match a single attack from a Fallen, at least a thousandfold that amount was needed. And for a Higher Existence? A thousandfold even that.

Even Dyon wasn't rich enough to sustain such a thing. He would go broke in just a few seconds.

'What a headache.'

Still, he couldn't give up on finding a solution. This wasn't the Immortal Plane where there were massive expanses of land that always had a certain level of qi density. On the Mortal Plane, there was the expanse of space that had no qi at all. And, most of the battles between Higher Existences had to take place in that space or else everything would be destroyed.

He couldn't allow Luna to continue carrying this weakness.

Dyon suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Only then did he realize he had been zoning out again.

He looked back only to see an Amphorae with her eyes half closed. He could only smile bitterly and sweep her into his arms.

A moment later, the soft sound of her rhythmic breathing made it obvious that she had fallen asleep. Her head rested on his c_h_e_s_t, a light smile on her face as she took advantage of him.

'Ai. I've become a bed now.'

Amphorae would sometimes feel uncontrollable bouts of sleep. But, this was honestly a good thing. Whenever her sleep was out of her control, it meant that the coming benefits would be even greater.

Dyon wasn't very worried about this wife of his, though. A constitution wouldn't have such a glaring weakness when fully awakened.

The truth was that this sleeping Amphorae was the scariest. Her sleep was akin to a Selfless State the likes of which even Dyon had never even sniffed the edge of. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she was twice as powerful in her sleep, maybe more.

Still, even knowing this, Dyon couldn't help but smile at her adorable appearance. She always had an expressionless visage, but it was only when she slept in his arms like this would she truly relax.

"Alright." Dyon looked toward his Demon Generals who were still standing in an orderly fashion to his back.

"I'm sure you've all sensed it. It is borderline impossible to control atmospheric qi here, so your strengths have been drastically lowered. But, I won't be listening to any excuses…

"There are quite a few records set here by the Sprite Geniuses, I want you to break them all.

"And when you reach the ninth Mystical World, I want those of you who haven't broken into the Dao Realm to do so. Your foundations are now firm enough."

"Yes, Successor!"

The Demon Generals no longer hesitated, diving into the martial grounds with confident glints in their eyes.

For too long, they had felt like a burden to Dyon. As he continued to grow in strength, they lagged behind.

Those days in the Epistemic Tower hadn't been forgotten by them. The humiliation of having their pride stomped and smeared into the ground… If it wasn't for Dyon's appearance, maybe they would still be experiencing that suppression on the celestial floors.

They all had pride of their own. Dyon wasn't only a man that had saved their lives, he was their brother, their leader, their King, their Emperor. If they couldn't support him properly, their lives simply weren't worth living anymore.

Dyon watched them all leave with a light smile on his face before using his creation array to conjure up a hammock, a few chairs and a table.

He lounged in the hammock, making sure not to rock Amphorae too much while Ri, Clara and Madeleine took their own seats. It wasn't long before they were all enjoying delicious dishes from Saru.

"I really should have them call me something else. I don't want to be that old man's Successor." Dyon all but pouted.

"You know, while you're thinking of ridiculous things, the Sprite Alliance is probably on fire right now." Ri said as she wiped crumbs from her lips.

Dyon grinned. "They're about to be more than just on fire."

As if on cue, a reverberating DONG sound swept through the Sprite Alliance territory.

Their citizens knew well what this sound meant… A record had been broken!

[Fastest First Time Clearance of the First Floor].

[Fastest Victory Against Crystal Giant].

[Most Destruction Points in First Floor Clearance].

The bell was endless. The nightmare of the Sprite Alliance had only just begun.