Quick Pass: The Wild Man Conquest Manual

Chapter 634

"The money is for you, but you must promise me to go to school honestly, otherwise..."

"Or you\'ll lock me up at home, I know."

Lin Miao was coquettish and hugged Lin\'s father\'s arm. "Dad, don\'t worry. In three months, I will return the 500 yuan to you together with the principal and interest."

"Hum, if you don\'t make trouble for me, I\'ll thank God."

Lin Fu didn\'t expect Lin Miao to pay back the money. In his opinion, it\'s good for his daughter to stay out of trouble.

He gave the money to Lin Miao. Seeing that she still didn\'t go, Lin\'s father couldn\'t help asking, "I\'ve given you all the money. Why don\'t you go back to school?"

"Dad, lend me the small door at the door of your cotton mill."


Lin Fu stared again, covered his chest, and looked at Lin Miao with a hatred of iron and steel. "I see that you\'re not borrowing money, but trying to annoy me!"

Lin Miao disagreed. "Don\'t pretend. The small door is not big. Moreover, you haven\'t rented it out for three months since the last time. Don\'t think I don\'t know. Just lend it to me first."

"All right, all right, take it and go quickly. It hurts to see you."

Lin Fu covered his chest and didn\'t want to see the bad girl.

Lin Miao took the money and came out of the company. First, he went to the small door near the factory to have a look.

Her cheap father\'s factory is a garment factory, which is large in scale and has nearly seven or eight hundred people.

But there is only one canteen, and we still only care about lunch. If we open a breakfast shop here, we will certainly make money.

Lin Miao thought and took the money to Ning xiuran\'s house.

Ning\'s family, father and mother didn\'t go to work. When Lin Miao went, they were sitting in the yard with a sad face discussing what to do.

"Does Lao Ning really not let xiuran go to school?"

Ning\'s mother knows that her son studies well and likes school very much.

If this suddenly stops him, doesn\'t it kill him?

"Hey..." father Ning sighed. "Our family is like this now. I really can\'t let him go to school. I hope he can live well rather than let him go to school."

Ning xiuran takes medicine every month. Now he goes to work for others every day, and the money he earns is only enough for living expenses and buying medicine for him. He really can\'t take out the money for school.

"I\'m useless." Ning\'s mother sobbed sadly, and Ning\'s father didn\'t know how to coax her.

A man in his forties just lowered his head and his eyes were red.

Lin Miao listened outside for a while before he went in.

The door of Ning\'s house was not closed, and she didn\'t have to knock.

"Is this Ning xiuran\'s home?"


Ning\'s father looked up and saw a beautiful little girl standing at his door, smiling at them.

"Girl, are you Ning Ran\'s classmate? Did he have an accident at school?"

Ning\'s father looked worried, otherwise xiuran\'s classmates would appear at his door at this time.

"No, uncle Ning, Ning xiuran is fine at school. There\'s nothing wrong." Lin Miao quickly explained, "well, I heard Ning xiuran say before. Uncle Ning, you\'ve been a cook before, haven\'t you?"


Ning\'s father smiled bitterly at this title, "what cook is just a start for others."

When he was young, he was an apprentice in a restaurant. He thought he could learn something, but his master didn\'t teach cooking. He worked in a restaurant for three years and only learned the skills of making steamed stuffed buns. As for cooking, it\'s OK to cook something for his family.