Quick Pass: The Wild Man Conquest Manual

Chapter 235

Emperor Jue hooked his mouth and showed a charming smile, "whether what you just said is true or not, I want you to tell me the appearance of Amos. This is your sincerity."

What does Amos look like?

Lin Miao said to me directly in his heart. This man looks like a serious and just man, but he didn\'t expect how black and cunning he is.

Tell him what Amos looks like, that\'s not tantamount to betraying the cosmic thieves alliance.

Then how can she gain a foothold in the universe? Even if these cosmic soldiers don\'t catch her, the people of the Grand Theft alliance can peel her alive, okay.

The man was asking her to show sincerity. He obviously wanted her to show the courage to die.

Lin Miao was weak and afraid to look at the emperor, "I... I want to tell you, but I... I don\'t know what Amos looks like. The only time I saw him was at an activity of the thieves alliance. He was wearing a mask at that time, and I couldn\'t see his appearance..."

If you directly say that you have not seen Amos, a crafty man like emperor will not believe it.

Therefore, she can only say half true and half false.

"I remember that Amos was wearing a black suit and a mask of AKAS star, and his figure......" Lin Miao thought for a moment and secretly looked at the emperor, "it\'s almost like you, Lord emperor......"

"Like me?"

Emperor Jue thought seriously about Lin Miao\'s words, and his deep eyes flashed a ponder.

He continued: "since you have seen Amos, forget it. After all, few people in the universe have seen him."

Hearing what he said, Lin Miao\'s eyes flashed and his brain ran rapidly. He always felt that emperor Jue would not let her go like this.

Sure enough, before she had time to say thank you, she heard emperor Jue then say, "then you always know the stronghold of the thieves alliance. Say a few words to represent your sincerity."

Lin Miao: "......" uncle, the man made it clear that he wanted the thieves alliance to chase her.

"It\'s not that I don\'t want to say it. Lord Di, you know. If I say it, it\'s tantamount to betraying the thieves\' Alliance. They will certainly chase me at that time. I just want to live hard and take care of the people I want to take care of. You\'d better let me die directly."

"That means you don\'t want to?" asked the emperor.

Lin Miao shook his head: "not unwilling, not afraid."

"Since I don\'t dare, I can\'t help you." emperor Jue turned around and didn\'t intend to tell Lin miaodo that he would let the captain of the warship take people away and do what he should do.

But Lin Miao can\'t just be dragged away passively.

Seeing that the emperor doesn\'t want to say more to her, Lin Miao hurriedly said, "Lord emperor, I\'m sincere. Although I haven\'t seen Amos, I have a special ability. As long as I see Amos again, I can recognize him even without looking at his face. Please believe me."

Hearing her say special ability, Emperor Jue turned around, "are you sure you\'re not lying to me?"

Lin Miao nodded quickly, "I dare not lie to you. I can really recognize Amos, but can you not release this news? I really don\'t want to die."

"Well, I believe you once," emperor Jue asked people to let Lin Miao go. "From today on, you will follow me until you find Amos."

This is exactly what Lin Miao wanted. He nodded quickly, "yes, I\'ll listen to Lord Di\'s arrangement."

Although I don\'t know why emperor Jue wants to find Amos, Lin Miao doesn\'t think it\'s possible to find that guy.

From the memory in the inventory, Lin Miao knows that kuchariri and Amos have a good relationship. That guy is very cunning, like a loach, and it is difficult to catch.

Emperor Jue asked people to take Lin Miao down first. When Lin Miao left, his confidant asked with a puzzled look: "Sir, why do you believe that woman\'s words? It\'s obvious that she\'s lying."

The emperor Jue micro could not check the corner of his mouth, "so what if he lied. With kuchariri here, Amos will come back sooner or later."