Queen Mother is a Scientist

Chapter 41

Fu tingye's order was passed to the Hushi camp, and the vigorous men rubbed their hands one by one.

Because the Chinese New Year is a day for family reunion and the time when the soldiers miss their relatives most, in order to prevent the Liao people from seizing this opportunity to make a sudden attack, we all tightened the strings and did not dare to relax. As a result, there was no movement in the Liao soldiers.

Now there's work to do!

Qin Laowu personally ordered the most outstanding soldiers in the 500 troops, ready to kill a Liao soldier by surprise!

He Wu dressed neatly, with a strong leather armour and a long sword on his waist. The honest and upright man showed a bit of killing spirit.

Seeing that he had brought two knives, his partner said with a smile, "he Wu, are you up to it! Didn't you repair the knife last time? Why do you still have that pig killing knife? Is it not to kill pigs

There are also several army ruffians roaring with laughter, "he Wu, you take it easy, liaobing is not a pig, not so easy to kill yo!"

He Wu paid no attention to their teasing, but said casually, "this knife is easy to use."

Another burst of laughter.

"Our weapons come from the warlock! Don't you think that if you buy a butcher's knife on the street, you can compare with the craftsmanship of the Warcraft? "

"Impossible! ——If you can really surpass the craftsmanship of the Warcraft supervisor, why do you sell pig killers in the street! Wouldn't it be better to March directly into the equipment supervision and control bureau

"He Wu, you can take it easy for a while. Don't kill yourself because of your arrogance!"

"The pig killing knife should be kept in case of emergency. We must use our machete to kill Liao dog! Ha ha... "

He Wu was a little displeased by each of them, but he was about to set off soon. He didn't have the skill to fight a water fight. How about this Dao? It's natural to draw it out and kill it!


A line of five hundred Hussars went straight to their destination.

That group of Liao soldiers is obviously missing, has been exposed, surrounded by a positive!

People on both sides will burn at the touch! However, one side is panic, the other side is murderous, win or lose immediately!

He Wu drew his sword and cut several people. A Liao soldier raised his sword to stab him! He Wu turns to meet him!


Metal blades collide! A piercing buzz!

He Wu suddenly force! The other side instantly changed his face - the next instant blood splashed everywhere! Head down!

"Grass!" Qin Laowu happened to see this scene, and he couldn't help but crack his mouth!

There were still some Liao soldiers who were fighting with each other to escape. Qin Laowu cried out: "they can't run away!"

Another round of encirclement and pursuit eventually strangled the remaining Liao soldiers!

The fifth company of the Qin Dynasty didn't care about the final head count, and rushed to the place where he Wu killed the Liao soldiers just now and picked up the weapons of the other side.

Around the cavalry camp soldiers are also surrounded, all gaping.

I saw that machete directly cut off from the middle, like a intact person, life was cut off half!

"He Qianhu! Bring your weapons He Wu called Tao in the Five Dynasties of Qin.

He Wu, who is not far away, is checking his head. This is their habit of going to the battlefield. When the war is over, they will walk around the place where they have just fought. If they find that the one who has lost his breath, he will immediately make up for it.

Sometimes there is a reward order. If you kill more enemies, you will be rewarded with money. If you are more likely to join the ranks, you will have to cut your ears to prove the number of enemies you have killed.

At this time, he Wu heard Qin Laowu's voice and immediately came back to present his weapons.

Qin Laowu is shocked. What is this?

“…… Pig knife? "

"Yes, lieutenant general."

No one else!

There were soldiers who had ridiculed he Wu before, but now they are shocked and stare at the knife without blinking!

"Why is this knife so powerful! How can you cut iron like mud? "

Qin Laowu looked over and over --

this butcher's knife cut the opponent's knife directly, but basically there was no damage. Unless you look carefully, you can see the tiny gap at the blade.

"Bring me a knife!" Qin Laowu said.

Immediately a soldier handed over his sword.

Qin Laowu has a military saber in one hand and a pig killing knife in the other hand. They fight with each other!


Another metal crash!

When you release it again, the military saber suddenly collapses! There is a sharp crack in the blade, but the pig killing knife is intact!

"God!" Exclaimed one of the soldiers watching.

Qin Laowu was also shocked. He looked at he Wu and asked, "he Qianhu, how did you get this knife?"

He Wu's honest reply: "it was made by Liu blacksmith in Panshui city." Some of the

soldiers were Pan Shui Cheng, who heard about Liu Tiejun. They were old blacksmiths in the city, old fellow, no one at all. The price was fair, and the things they had hit were praised by everyone.

Now, he even made a weapon that can cut off the saber! This is really amazing!But Is it the folk craftsman who left a unique skill?

Qin Laowu pondered for a moment and said, "if all my soldiers can be equipped with such weapons, how can the Liao people fear? He Qianhu, I'm afraid I'll keep your knife for the time being. I'll return it to you after I show it to the general. "

He Wu, the governor, was very important. He immediately bowed his head and clasped his fist, "but the decision is made by the deputy general!"

Qin Laowu jumped on his horse and yelled: "return to the camp as a whole!"



At Yinshi, the door of Hua Qingxue's room was knocked at about four o'clock in the morning.

Hua light snow sleepily opened the door, he aunt stood outside the door.

Aunt he saw that she was still sleeping, and said in surprise, "I'm afraid you overslept. If you go to the market, I'm afraid we'll start to prepare now."

Hua Qingxue's egg rolls and gongs need to be prepared in advance.

Hua Qingxue yawned and laughed bitterly: "Auntie, you forget that I sold all of them yesterday. Now I can't do anything without butter."

Aunt he suddenly said, "Oh Well, then you can go back to sleep... "

Hua Qingxue nodded vaguely and closed the door again.

Auntie he took two steps to the kitchen. She could not help shaking her head and sighing, "this child is too sincere. How can you tell me the formula casually? Alas I must be sleepy... "

What makes Hua Qingxue's food different from others is whether butter is added or not. As a result, she casually talks about it. Fortunately, aunt he is a native. If someone else changes her recipe, she will steal her prescription immediately

Hua Qingxue fell asleep again.

Because she didn't have to work hard to eat, she slept until midnight.

At this time, aunt he had already gone to the stall, and she was the only one left at home.

Hua Qingxue went to the kitchen to heat the hot water, then cut a small piece of soap, put it into the hot water to melt, add a small amount of sugar and stir evenly.

Simple bubble water molding!

Sugar can increase water surface tension, making bubbles more sticky and easier to form.

Hua light snow in the kitchen firewood pile to find a few wheat straw, cut into a suitable length, clean.

She tried to blow with wheat straw several times, although the effect can not be compared with professional bubble water, but the effect is also very good, blowing out the bubble is big and beautiful.

Hua Qingxue was very satisfied and set off with bubble water and her soap.

When I was pulling a scooter, I suddenly didn't get used to it.

Because today's scooter is really super relaxed

Neither heavy tea, nor those snacks, Hua Qingxue felt like flying for the first time!

When she got to the stall, she put down the wooden stool and sat in front of the stall and began to blow bubbles.

A bubble

Two bubbles

Three bubbles

…… As soon as this thing flies, it's also very eye-catching. We haven't seen it before. Suddenly, it looks strange. Soon, we can see Hua Qingxue sitting there blowing bubbles!

Ouch! What kind of thing is this? It looks like fun?

"What are you selling?" Everyone came to ask one after another, and they soon surrounded the stall of Hua Qingxue!

"Bubble soap, which can wash hands and clothes, is better than pancreatic soap."

Hua Qingxue's voice was soft and soft. She didn't feel like those straightforward businessmen. She knew that she was not good at Hawking at all. She took the prepared dirty cloth and got wet in the water. She wiped the soap and rubbed it in front of a group of onlookers.

good to hear or see the chilblain. It is now ready to use a snowy white jade. It can be rubbed out of foam. Simple movements can also make people feel good.

Some people in the crowd were surprised and said, "how clean they are!"

The cloth was stained with oil, and the other one was washed with a smile.

The stain is soon removed.

"Ah, it's so clean to wash clothes with bubble soap! It looks beautiful, too

"Girl, how do you sell this bubble soap?"

"What was blown out just now is called a bubble?"

"I've never seen anything like this..."

Hua Qingxue said with a smile, "bubble soap can wash clothes, wash dishes, cut a small piece and melt it with hot water. Add some sugar or overnight tea the day before, and you can blow bubbles for children to play with."

As for the price, Hua Qingxue thought about it and decided to follow yesterday's "30 Wen a piece."

In fact, she only sold one piece yesterday. Hua Qingxue wanted to lower the price a little. However, she felt that the quality of her soap was no problem. It was inevitable that she would not be reconciled to a decline in the quality of her soap, so she stuck to the original price.

I didn't expect that those who were too expensive yesterday took out their money one after another to buy it one by one! Some people even bought three or four yuan at a time, saying it was just right to take it to give away.Other people are inspired, also began to buy two pieces of three pieces!

Hua Qingxue's bubble soap looks good-looking. It's novel and practical to give a gift. Moreover, it costs 30 Wen to prepare a gift. It's not more affordable!

Thirty or so bars of soap will soon be sold out! People who didn't buy it were very sorry. They chased Hua Qingxue and asked when they would sell it.

Hua Qingxue replied in a dilemma: "it will be at least a month later..."

When the hand-made soap is just finished, it has strong alkalinity, and it will stimulate the skin to a certain extent. It can not be used directly. It needs to be placed for a period of time for saponification reaction. When the pH value drops to the moderate range of skin adaptation, it is the mature stage of hand soap.

There was a long sigh in the crowd, and those who bought it were more glad that they had bought bubble soap first!

Hua Qingxue made more than 900 Wen today, nearly one or two silver. She was satisfied and went home.

As soon as she turned into the lane, she saw the familiar carriage again.

Zhao Sheng, the housekeeper, is waiting in front of her house

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