Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 250

"Parents' orders, matchmaker's words. Father, how can you say nothing Baili Yutong is about to cry.

Baili Aoxiang has been questioned!

With a straight face, he said to Baili Yutong, "why don't I mean what I say? It's hard to catch up with a word, but you don't have a joke!! But now, there is not a change! Well, Yu Tong, you go down first. I'll call the master of the Liu family and tell him about it. I'll think it over and make plans. "

Bai Li Ao Xiang has come to this point. Baili Yutong is not a man who has no eyes. Although he is dissatisfied, he still retreats.

As soon as the hundred Li Yutong leaves, there will be no outsiders in the whole palace.

Hundred Li Xi month "poof Chi" a laugh out, and then can't stop.

"My father, I really realized my father's real strength today, or I'm too confident. Please blame me Poof... "

Bai Li Ao Xiang rolled his eyes.

"Come on! Even if I didn't punish you, I'm still slandering me here! "

"Liu Shaoji, what do you want to do about it?"

Bai Li Aoxiang turns his spearhead to Liu Shaoji, who is silent.

He wanted to see what was good about the man who had confused his two sons.

And Xiyue insists on marrying him, so let him see if his character is right.

He and the empress Chang really love each other. Is it not that Chang forces him to die? He really wants to dissolve the harem and drink only one scoop of three thousand weak water.

Therefore, he must let his son marry love.

Liu Shaoji stood up and knelt down to Bai Li Aoxiang. Her voice was loud and her voice was firm. She said, "please tell me more. My willow young Ji will only love and cherish a girl in his whole life, that is, his two Royal Highness. Other women, no matter how good or excellent they are, for me, are just passing away. They have nothing to do with me... "

A word down, a hundred Li Xi month already moved a can't.

Su Yixiao and his party look at the hundred Li Xiyue. Among them, the hundred Li Aoxiang's eyes are not generally hot.

It's hot!

Baili Xiyue looks up and sees Baili Aoxiang's satisfied eyes. She smiles.

The man that oneself fancy, can bad?

But my father, who knows what kind of character he is, will let Liu Shaoji go so easily?

No doubt, of course not!

Just look at his teasing eyes.

"But even so, you still have to marry Yu Tong. After all, your engagement comes first."

Liu Shaoji shook her head and totally refused: "I will only marry one woman, and that person can only cherish the moon!"

Baili Xiyue is both moved and angry. She stares at Baili Aoxiang fiercely: what do you want?!!

Bai Li Ao Xiang: stupid! Look at men for you.

Baili Xiyue: my man, you don't need a father! Don't embarrass Shaoji any more!!

Bai Li Ao Xiang: you are my daughter. If you say you are not embarrassed, then you are not?

Baili Aoxiang is jealous. Eat your daughter's!!

With a man, forget Dad!

This girl is real!

Isn't it for her good? Bai Li Ao Xiang doesn't look directly at Bai Li Xi Yue. He slaps Liu Shaoji on the table and roars: "nonsense!"

"This is what I have discussed with the master of the Liu family. My imperial edict has gone down. You can't refuse it! If I refuse, I'll betray you for deceiving you. At that time, what you lose is not a woman, and your life! "