Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 242

Su Yixiao is in a hurry, with the dark king evil to take him in the palace room, where to take care of and his poor mouth!

It's finally here!!

It's urgent.

Su Yixiao will Ming Jun evil mandatory pressure on the bed, and then went to the side of the wrist.

When mingjunxie saw it, he felt a pain in his heart. He grabbed Su Yixiao's knife, frowned and asked nervously, "what are you going to do?"


Su Yixiao said that the wind is light and the clouds are light.

After all, your own blood can detoxify.

I haven't tried any medicine, but I still have to try it.

After all, it's the quickest antidote, isn't it?

But she didn't want to.

This girl, so hurt yourself! How painful this knife is! Cut is your meat, but my heart, will also hurt.

"I don't need your blood." The dark king's evil pinches a little heavier.

Su Yixiao looked up at him: "what?"

"Don't use your blood," he repeated.

The next second, a pull over Su Yixiao, and then homeopathy pressure in her body.

Breathing intertwined, looking at his eyes as confused as a whirlpool, Su Yixiao was captivated and forgot to struggle.

"Don't use your blood, use your people, give me the solution."

Having said that, the two of them are already dependent on each other.

Su Yixiao was blocked breathing, can only let the king evil grope, invasion, attack the city.

Ming junxie holds Su Yixiao with his left hand and releases his acupoints with his right hand. The body is suddenly as hot as fire.

Clothes, one by one, fall down in the air into different elegant posture, and behind, are two winding bodies.

The curtain is down, blocking the beautiful scenery

On the other side!

"Bai Qing Yu, do you know the way?" Su luanyin stares at the youth who leads the way in front of her suspiciously.

This road, how to see how wrong, good.

"Otherwise, we'd better go back and ask!"

Su luanyin saw that Bai Qingyu did not answer her and said.

Bai Qingyu stops, turns around and looks at Su luanyin, but doesn't say anything.

"Well?" Su luanyin feels more and more strange. At ordinary times, baiqingyu is not an ordinary noisy island. How come now How uncomfortable is it?

"Well, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Qingyu: "I..." No, I still can't tell.

Damn, why are you so upset!

Bai Qingyu scratched his head impatiently and had a good haircut. He ruined it.

Su luanyin looks at his appearance, can't bear to say what heavy words, just silently pick his hand down, comfort way: "it doesn't matter."

Bai Qingyu stops and looks at Su luanyin, wondering: "what It doesn't matter? "

Does she know what she's going to say?

Bai Qingyu's heart was beating all the time.

Su luanyin found his abnormality and said: "it doesn't matter, you don't know the way. I don't blame you. Don't blame yourself like this. We can go back the same way."

Bai Qingyu

He trembled his lips, slowly approached Su luanyin, breathing gently on Su luanyin's ears, which made Su luanyin feel numb.

Bai Qingyu had been brewing for a long time before she said two words. After that, she turned around and left, ignoring Su luanyin.

After a long time, Su luanyin reacted. He stared at the disappearing figure in the distance and ran after him. He slapped her on the shoulder of Bai Qingyu without any mercy.

"Bai Qingyu, who do you think is a fool?"