Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 224

Then, without paying attention to Gu Ming, he said to the angry Baili Xiyue lying beside him, "yes, Xiyue, where's su Yixiao?"

"I don't know!" Baili Xiyue was angry, with a black face and no good words.

Bai Li Ao Xiang pretended to be angry: "you child, how can your father talk to the emperor?"

Baili Aoxiang is angry. Baili Xiyue is even more angry. In such a large Imperial Palace, the emperor was the most important. This is

"Father, why do you put everyone in the palace? Originally, I was in a good mood. First, I was made into a mess by Baili Yutong. When I came here, I thought I could be happy, but They What the hell is that

Hundred Li Xi month red eyes, angry turned away, ignore everyone.

Baili Aoxiang was really angry when he saw Baili Xiyue. He quickly turned her around and coaxed her to say, "OK, OK, my father has driven them all out of my imperial study. I just want to leave Xiyue and me to talk, OK?"

Now Gu Ming and Su Wei are worried.

Drive them out. This time, next time, where can we have such a good chance to plan while Bai Li Ao Xiang and Su Yi Xiao are both here?!

If you miss the chance, it won't come back.

If they don't grasp such a good opportunity, they will have to pay a lot to look for it later.

Liu Guifeng is also anxious!

Miss this time, don't let her become the first gifted girl mother in the mainland, respected by everyone, the days of money and power will be postponed!

They are trying to come up with some ideas to make the plan go smoothly, but unexpectedly, Baili Xiyue helped them.


Baili Xiyue rejected Baili Aoxiang's proposal.

"Father Huang, since they say that Xiaoxiao is the daughter of that crazy woman, we will solve this matter in a few days, because Xiyue has never heard of Xiaoxiao's family!"

Suwei smiles and says to Baili Xiyue, "second princess, it should be Xiaoxiao who didn't tell you. You see, her surname is su. There is only Su family in the whole mainland. Why can't she be our Su family?"

"Hum," hundred Li Xi month rolled a white eye, "how can there be?"?! It's useless for us to say anything here. Call Xiaoxiao out and we'll confront each other! "

"OK, let Xiaoxiao come out!"

Su Wei, the owner of the Su family, said he was not afraid.

Gu Ming's lips are slightly crooked. He looks at Su luanyin. They step aside and wait for Su Yixiao.

So everything is going according to his plan! Su Yixiao, Su Yixiao, this time, you have to die in my hands!!

Ming junxie stopped to drink tea, and he was sure to look at the door, waiting for the wild cat to come in.

It seems that all this has become interesting!

Su Yixiao also listened to the farce outside for a while. After hearing the words of Baili Xiyue, she nodded.

It's OK. I'm tired. Go in and sit down.

Su Yixiao slowly came in. As soon as she came into the hall, she attracted everyone's attention.

She didn't care about the rest, mainly

Liu Shaoji Bai Qingyu Dark king evil

These guys are meeting for the first time, aren't they?! Acting is enough. Why invest so much!

Liu Guifeng saw Su Yixiao, originally wanted to rush up, but Su Yixiao's momentum was stronger than that of Bai Li Ao Xiang. She always held out her hand, but did not dare to rush over.