Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 221

Su Yixiao

What's the matter with me?

That's true.

Su Yixiao looks at Baili Xiyue and they stop. She looks up at the scarlet palace in front of her. The golden glazed tile double eaves roof of the palace is particularly brilliant.

Outside the imperial study, it is not only spacious, but also gorgeous. It can be said that it is carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and resplendent. The four corners of the hall are as high as four swallows.

Eyes on the door. Red red lacquer door top hanging black gold nanmu plaque, above the dragon flying phoenix to inscribe three characters "Royal study".

"Why hasn't anyone come yet?"

Baili Xiyue frowns and angrily looks at the vermilion gate. The gate is closed, and there are guards outside. Baili Xiyue is strange. It's been a long time. How can the king and the emperor not finish talking?

"People? Xiyue, who are you waiting for? "

Su Yixiao asked.

Baili Xiyue confirmed that Su Yixiao had never seen such a place, so she explained to her.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li?" Su Yixiao repeated. It sounds familiar. I have an impression that all of a sudden I can't remember

Baili Xiyue looks puzzled and knows that Su Yixiao doesn't remember.

"Stupid ~"

Su luanyin covered her mouth and snickered: "hee hee, master, you are more white than me! The eunuch is the eunuch, and the eunuch is the eunuch. If we want to go in, we have to get permission from the emperor, and the eunuch conveys the emperor's Yizhi. "

I see. Su Yixiao understood.

I remember at the beginning, when someone sent a message to mingjunxie, Su Yixiao seemed to have asked this question, but he didn't write it down and forgot it at that time.

"Forget it, don't wait, let's go straight in!"

Baili Xiyue was so impatient that he lifted his leg and ran inside.

It's OK to cherish the moon, but it's hard for Liu Shaoji and Bai Qingyu.

Today, the emperor's favorite is Princess Xiyue. Even if Baili Xiyue goes in like this, the emperor won't blame her much, right.

But they are not royal relatives. They have to be allowed to enter the imperial study.

If they want to accompany Bai Li to cherish the moon, they have to abide by the rules of the palace. It's difficult for them to come and go.

Except for Su Yixiao, of course.

Su luanyin is really talking about Su Yixiao.

Yes, since he is Xiaobai, there is no need to abide by those bullshit rules!

Therefore, Su Yixiao followed Bai lixiyue to go in for the first time.

The guards didn't stop them.

As soon as they saw it, Liu Shaoji gritted her teeth and followed.

Go in to have a look, this just discovers, the atmosphere inside this imperial study, can be really oppressive!

At the top, a hundred Li Ao Xiang sits upright, deep like a valley in his bright eyes, which makes the sun and moon pale, and the bright yellow yellow robe sits on the nine days.

A good-looking face is flat, a pair of cold appearance, significantly translated strangers do not close.

Ming junxie sits in the first position on the left below, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. His posture is free and easy, and his arrogant but quiet momentum is combined with him.

Below, there are four or five men of forty or fifty years old, and a woman.

The woman was crying and wiping her tears, and the faces of the others were not good-looking.

"Father, I'm sorry that the moon has come back ~ ~" I didn't see him, so I heard his voice first.

Bai Li Ao Xiang heard the voice of Bai Li Xi Yue again, and the cold expression on his face changed.