Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 993

Shangling, a famous city. More than a hundred miles outside the city, there is a unique and famous landscape in Jingjiu Dynasty: the empty mirror of salt lake.

A beautiful scenic spot will be sought after in any world, especially by literati who have plenty of time and like to visit mountains and rivers. The exaggerated poems spread out, and the fame of the "Empty Mirror" salt lake was sent to the cloud. Together with Shangling, which has few characteristics, it has gradually become a famous city.

In addition to the "Empty Mirror" Salt Lake, there is a famous place around Shangling, but different from the "Empty Mirror" Salt Lake, it is not a landscape, but a huge Zhuangzi covering tens of thousands of Mu: Wangjiazhuang.

Wangjiazhuang has fertile fields, fruit forests, streams and cold pools, as well as a large mountain forest land. There are more than 3700 permanent residents, most of whom are farmers in Zhuangzi. They farm and breed. The output can basically make Zhuangzi self-sufficient.

Even the scarce doctor\'s hospital outside operates in the Wang family village. It is said that it is opened by the Wang family, which is said to be convenient for farmers and servants in the village. Even the cost of seeing a doctor and taking medicine in the hospital is nearly half cheaper than that outside, so it is obvious that the Wang family subsidized the money.

Therefore, the Wang family Chuang Tzu has always been the envy of the surrounding people. Farmers have a better life, pay less rent, not to mention many benefits to enjoy, and even some rice noodles greetings at festivals.

The common people are the simplest group of people. If you treat me well, I will treat you well, and vice versa.

As time goes by, the Wangs are treated with goodwill both in the vicinity of the Wangs\' village and in Shangling City, which is closest to the Wangs\' village.

A big family doesn\'t bully people. Instead, it will give money and grain from time to time. This kind of rich family is also very good.

September 25 was supposed to be another day when the weather was getting colder, but a big event burst out unexpectedly.

Evening, noon.

The sunset in the sky had not yet completely set, and a light blue giant light mask suddenly fell on his head, like a huge bowl clasping, covering the main residential area within dozens of miles of Wangjiazhuang. Almost at the same time, three extremely fast figures walking in the air suddenly appeared from somewhere outside and threw themselves into the light blue light mask.

Then hundreds of monks jumped out of the forest and the roadside and disappeared into the light blue light mask.

This scene shocked the farmers or businessmen in Chuang Tzu, kept the action of the previous second, opened their mouth like a wooden man, and didn\'t move. The quick reaction was stunned for a few seconds and ran towards the mask. He was close to the mask. He took the courage to press it. He found that he would be blocked by the mask and couldn\'t get in at all.

Those who don\'t believe in evil picked up the stone and hit it. As a result, they will bounce back as much as they hit it. Even their strength has increased. They directly bounce back and hit the forehead. Their brains burst and died on the spot. Now no one tried to test the mask, but avoided it.

Where can ordinary people stand this? Scared to death, he began to run outside Zhuangzi.

Soon, the farmer took out his iron pot and began to knock, or gongs, to ask the family to go out. As for the inside covered by the terrible light blue light cover, who cares too much? After all, the people who live there are Wang\'s family. Although they are all good impressions, they won\'t let everyone stay with the adventure, will they?

But the farmers didn\'t run too far and were blocked back, and they didn\'t dare to knock again, either the gong or the iron pot. They threw it away, and honestly lay on the ground and didn\'t dare to move. Some timid even peed their pants directly.

What\'s so scary?

Black robe, wild goose ridge knife. The dark surrounding shape completely surrounded the area where Wang jiazhuangzi lived.

People in Chuang Tzu can\'t recognize the origin of these black robes. They know that these people are Xuanqing guards who are more dangerous and terrible than yamen guards!

Why did xuanqingwei come here? Why attack a village like ours? The people who were scared to crawl on the ground didn\'t think of xuanqingwei\'s intention at all. They were frightened.

Shen Hao has come out of the carriage and replaced it with a solo. When it comes to riding, he is no worse than the ordinary cavalry in the army. He also likes the speed and flexibility of riding alone. He just has to take a carriage in order to stand.

"Send urgent mail to Jingdong front army, rubbing your Majesty\'s" easy to do "warrant, and let Jingdong front army send two elite vanguard battalions to rush over to help, forming a screen, and cooperate with our people to screen all the Wang family villa!"!.

In addition, most of the staff in the core area are not allowed to enter or leave. I\'ll kill anyone who misses!

Then give urgent orders to the black flag camps around the country to let them enter the war preparedness. No one is allowed to move without my order. "

Wang Yiming wondered why Shen Hao didn\'t continue to send people from all over the country. You should know that there are only more than 1000 soldiers of the black flag camp around him. Even with more than 500 Jin Jianwei and Jingdong army who will follow, it is still not enough to ensure everything is safe? What if you miss it?

According to Wang Yiming\'s idea, at least 1000 black flag camps should be transferred from all over the country.

However, the idea belongs to the idea. Wang Yiming is no longer the kind of person who likes to express opinions and thinks he is right. He nodded without hesitation. It should be that he didn\'t mean to speak out his thoughts at all.

Wang Yiming won\'t understand that Shen Hao is pressuring the Wang family and temporarily confines the matter to the Wang family. Of course, transferring people can increase the integrity of the investigation and taking people, but it also intensifies the reaction of the second rate sects behind the Wang family: obviously, the existing manpower is enough, and who is to prevent?

Now, the Jingdong army is responsible for the external screening, the Jin Jianwei is responsible for the main attack, and the more than 1000 black flag camp around him is responsible for the fish in Chuang Tzu. This practice is obviously aimed at the Wang family as a xiuzu, and there is no tendency to make things too serious.

Even if there is doubt, it is impossible to act immediately. There will even be a process of discussion and hesitation. Even the reaction of the people behind the Wang family needs to be determined according to the actions behind the black flag camp.

Shen Hao finally stopped in front of the memorial archway of the Wang family\'s residence. Further on, the Wang family\'s residence will enter the light blue light mask.

The light mask is set by the golden sword guard. It is an array called "blue pole cliff". It can\'t get in and out without special means, and it can cover a huge area of tens of miles. It is one of the few famous large-scale Dharma arrays in Fenghong villa. Moreover, this kind of array is directly excited by the combination of dozens of array disks, and there is no need to draw lines or build a framework in advance. It is a large-scale practical array.

Shen Hao doesn\'t go in. He wants to wait for the result of Jin Jianwei\'s raid.