Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 964

After communicating with Pang ban, Shen Hao has a bottom in his heart.

With the joint support of Pang ban and Emperor Yang Shu, Shen Hao doesn\'t mind being a pawn or executioner.

But some preparations should start now. You can\'t turn your head and stab the knife into those aristocratic family members and overhaul families? There should be a sequence first, and at the same time, we need to create an empty window period, so that the government and the public think that ye Lansheng\'s case is up to now.

It is easy to understand the illusion of creating a limelight in the past. In other words, it is to let those aristocratic family members who have been nervous recently take it lightly and put down their guard. This process is not two days a day, but needs at least one to two months to buffer.

The order is the "preemptive" target order at that time.

The aristocratic family\'s gate is too big and spread too widely. It is impossible to carry out together as the internal cleaning of Xuanqing guards. Without such conditions, there are not so many people and forces. Therefore, it is necessary to "sort" the other party in a way that is conducive to disrupting the other party\'s position. Those in the front should be knocked out first and those in the back should be knocked out later.

The so-called "preemptive strike" is actually what Pang ban instructed Shen Hao. According to Shen Hao\'s idea, first follow up the evil action, find a suitable reason, and then put the target of operation on a local aristocratic family, door valve or xiuzu. Pang ban directly rejected the idea, in his words: where does it need so much trouble? And the effect is not good.

Then Pang ban put forward the idea of "pre emption". It is to start before all aristocratic family door valves react, and lay the foundation with one blow. At least, it is necessary to solve the most difficult and troublesome part of aristocratic family door valves and overhaul families at once. If it goes well, you can take the first chance to win at least 30%.

Which part is the most troublesome and difficult to bite? In fact, even if Pang ban doesn\'t say it clearly, Shen Hao can guess exactly.

Shangling, Wang family.

Shangling is a small city in Jingdong, not a hub city. Its status in Jingdong is similar to that of Licheng in Jingxi. It belongs to the lower city around the hub city.

However, although it does not belong to any important town in terms of region, Shangling is very famous in Jingdong, even in the whole old Jing Dynasty. There are two reasons.

First, Shangling is famous because there is Lanting Chaohu Lake, known as the "lake of thousands of lakes", which is a unique landscape connected by hundreds of lake water systems of different sizes. Countless literati have left poems here and helped Shangling become famous.

The second is the largest family in Shangling, that is, the Wang family thought of by Shen Hao for the first time.

The Wang family is not a simple aristocratic family or xiuzu, but the only ancient existence of both aristocratic family and xiuzu in the old Jing Dynasty. Its family history is said to be a little longer than that of the old Jing Dynasty.

It is said that the Wang family was originally a small aristocratic family with monks. Later, because of the management of the family from generation to generation and the luck of the younger generation, several children with good talents appeared in each generation. They either entered the sect or stayed at home to practice their academic methods.

With the constant supplement of monks\' strength, the small aristocratic family has gradually become a big aristocratic family. During the process of hundreds and thousands of years, it has also become a door valve. There are no fewer than hundreds of monks\' children in the door. It is said that those with high accomplishments also have accomplishments in the back of Yuandan territory. As for the number of cards and means hidden, no one outside knows. But one thing is very clear, that is, even the third rate sect dare not play tricks in front of the Wang family, but contact equally.

Shen Hao noticed the Wang family because he had known some general information about the lixiu family in the old Jing Dynasty when he married the Wen family. There was an overview of the Wang family, but it was very general and there was no internal detailed description.

Now that Pang ban has set the tone, Shen Hao naturally turns his eyes to the Wang family in Shangling again.

However, while Shen Hao began to consciously eliminate the action of "forming a party for personal gain" of Xuanqing Wei\'s arrest of Ye Lansheng\'s case, he also commanded the Yamen to read all the documents in the document library by himself with Pang Ban\'s warrant, and there was no need for the soldiers in the document room to change hands, which eliminated the possibility of being noticed that he read the contents of the materials.

Of course, under the pretext of investigating Ye Lansheng\'s case, Shen Hao stayed in the document room for most of the day, checking about the Wang family in Shangling.

But the result was not satisfactory.

Even in the document library of Xuanqing Wei\'s commander yamen, there are not many documents about the Wang family. Basically, it only added some details to the external overview of the Wang family, and did not involve the core content of the Wang family at all.

This also caused a lot of trouble to Shen Hao. After all, if "starting first is better", we should at least have a relatively good grasp of the situation of the target. Otherwise, what if we rush over and are directly held back? Back in the long run? If this is the case, Shen Hao estimates that he will not talk about his future career. He is lucky to keep his head. After all, it is too embarrassing.

But the good news is that there is an empty window of one to two months, so there is still time for Shen Hao to learn more.

It\'s definitely not enough to rely on black water and overt means just to find out the details of the Wang family. Not to mention that the unique "unity" of his family is much higher than that of Yamen and other places, that is, the strength of a xiuzu alone can not be understood by Heishui, an intelligence organization based on ordinary means.

Shen Hao has other plans in this regard. He sent a thousand mile note to Nie Yun in Guishan monastery, but there was no politeness. He directly opened his mouth and asked if Nie Yun could get detailed information about the Shangling Wang family. Nie Yun replied quickly and said he could get it, but he had to wait for a period of time, not long, up to one month.

Shen Hao had to wait a month, and even had extra time to make some pre operation arrangements according to Nie Yun\'s news.

In addition, Nie Yun also mentioned his marriage with Zhao Zhiyuan in his reply. They said that after they returned to Guishan monastery, they immediately reported the situation to his master, that is, Pingyang immortal Li Shuyang. After obtaining Li Shuyang\'s consent, Nie Yun presented the news to the patriarch. Finally, the patriarch unanimously agreed to his marriage with Zhao Zhiyuan. Because Zhao Zhiyuan had been reformed by LingXiao palace, Guishan monastery also took Zhao Zhiyuan as a registered disciple under Li Shuyang\'s old Shufeng, but did not worship a teacher. Therefore, Nie Yun and Nie Yun are considered the same school, but their seniority is very empty, There are no obstacles.

This is a great event. Shen Hao is sincerely happy for them. At the same time, he gladly accepted Nie Yun\'s invitation and will arrive at Guishan monastery on the third day of August to attend the grand wedding ceremony on the sixth day of August.