Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 729

Just entering June, as the temperature began to get dry and hot, a strange thing began to stir up in all parts of the Jingjiu Dynasty.

air conditioner? Why is the name so strange?

New gadget hey, the name must be strange, but it\'s really useful. Have you tried it in summer and late autumn?

Especially for the elderly at home, they can\'t blow the wind and have a headache. With this air conditioner, it\'s easy to sleep at night.

Those who like exquisite sculpture choose those precious wood, jade or gold. Like low-key and simple, choose vertical cabinet, hanging window and ceiling. There\'s always one for you anyway.

It\'s not without shortcomings. One is that the scope of temperature control is not large enough. Some large families have to put three or four in the main hall to achieve the best effect. Another disadvantage is that the waste is not small. What is consumed is the spirit stone, and once it is opened, it will be consumed continuously until it is closed. A standard size pan spirit stone can only be used for five days and will be consumed.

Ordinary people can\'t afford it. The lowest price of an air conditioner is more than 10000, and the most expensive one is said to be one in ten. Of course, in case of ten, it is gold, which is very valuable in itself. Coupled with the effect of air conditioning, it is naturally very expensive.

Expensive things often mean "good things". And good things are what "upper class" like to pursue most. Even now, the whole country is tight in terms of money and food, but no matter how tight it is, it will not be tight on the people with rich families. There are many such people in the old Dynasty.

The emergence of air conditioning also made a person who should have fallen into the mud jump out again.

Yu Wenhe, a once famous merchant, quickly came out of the desperate situation not long ago and had the meaning of making a comeback.

Just in the Imperial City, Yu Wenhe invited some children of high doors and red walls to participate in a so-called exhibition to recommend their air conditioners, and then sold 700000 silver dollars of goods within one day, of which medium and high-grade air conditioners accounted for 90%. Even gold air conditioners were sold out.

As for the pan spirit stone, who doesn\'t keep some of it? Although the number is not too much, there are still hundreds. Just use it and buy some on the black market. Who doesn\'t have a reliable way, does he?

But the money came in too fast and too fierce. In addition, yuwenhe\'s criminal record of being forced into the Jedi before, many people were thinking.

Those who are more direct will come to the door and ask for members, but they will not give them in vain. They will ask for half of the members. They will obviously kill you as a pig. Will you give it or not?

If you\'re a little circuitous, you\'ll buy some low-grade air conditioners and go back and dismantle them yourself. It doesn\'t make sense for you to do it. Can\'t others do it? How about you sell 10000 and I sell 9000?

The first idea was paid directly, which was directly rejected by yuwenhe. If he wanted to be strong, Yu Wenhe smiled and said, "this is the business of Lord Xuanqing Wei Shen."

Xuanqingwei? These three words quenched at least 40% of the other party\'s anger. Think again, Lord Shen? Which Lord Shen? Is it the evil star surnamed Shen in fengri city?!

Shen Hao\'s name is not a popular name in the upper class of the imperial city. Almost all the high doors and red walls have told their families not to provoke. Ordinary people at the level of a thousand households don\'t care. Small officials with big farts don\'t care. But Shen Hao is evil, and obviously has an unusual position in Xuanqing Wei. He is a good knife in Pang Ban\'s hand. It\'s easy to see blood when he gets close, so it\'s better to avoid it.

Look at the Qin family, the Wen family, and those unlucky bastards in Jingxi. Who can escape the life of Shen?

Moreover, it has long been said that the business held by this surnamed Shen may not be simple. Now the bustling Wuliangye is said to be the business of this surnamed Shen. The seventh Prince once wanted to intervene, but was blocked back. Later, Wuliangye seems to be surnamed Shen, but in fact, it is said that xuanqingwei is operating.

Whether it is true or not, many people prefer to believe it or not.

Is it the same this time? It seems that Shen is taking care of the air conditioning business, but behind it is actually xuanqingwei\'s business?

So everyone with some brains retreated. Want to take advantage of xuanqingwei? I\'m afraid I have to fill in my life. I\'m afraid, I\'m afraid.

The people who were going to disassemble the air conditioner to imitate it soon became silly. It\'s not difficult to know the array, but it\'s just a simple array of hot and cold conversion. All friars who have studied carving array can get a similar array. However, there is also a small core array in the Dharma array. The lines inside are complex and difficult to understand, and they will destroy themselves after being disassembled. Ordinary means can\'t be copied at all.

That\'s not over. After the hot and cold conversion array was made, I found that the comfortable hot and cold range could not be accurately controlled. Either roast the meat or pour water into ice... What a fart!

As the center of the vortex, yuwenhe is completely radiant in the second spring. Not long ago, I was ready to hang. Now I not only make a comeback, but also have a strong thigh to hold.

Yuwenhe didn\'t expect that he was just helped to pay off his debt by the black market brother Feilong, and then worked for him. As a result, he had such an opportunity. It\'s really unpredictable!

However, Yu Wenhe also knows his position. Especially last night, brother Feilong led him to a secret Chuang Tzu outside the city and met two people. One should be Wang from Xuanqing Wei, and the other is Liu Hengyi, the owner of the chariot and horse company who once met.

"You talk, I\'ll go out to get some air." as soon as I entered the house, Feilong hurried away after making a recommendation. It was obvious that he didn\'t want to hear what was behind, which made yuwenhe feel worried.

When he left after an hour, yuwenhe raised a huge wave in his heart, which could not be calmed down for a long time. He also understood why Feilong hid far away from the plague, because the later conversation was the top secret of Xuanqing Wei, and he yuwenhe was now forced to participate in this top secret.

The air conditioner is not sold. It needs to be installed and debugged. It even changes the scale of some arrays according to the different regions used. And subsequent maintenance. Some exquisite people will also customize special air conditioners, so they need to go in and measure the size, etc. These all need fixed people to operate.

Now these people need to choose some from xuanqingwei\'s spies, that is to say, the air conditioning trade fair is linked to xuanqingwei\'s dark things.

Not only that, Yu Wenhe also learned a strange place from Liu Hengyi\'s mouth: the dead city in vain.

And the place where these spies of xuanqingwei are mainly involved is this dead city. What yuwenhe wants to do when he goes back is to make the air conditioner into the dead city through the route of Hengshun car and horse, and take xuanqingwei\'s spies in with him.